Sentences with phrase «none of the principal»

Interest only mortgages promise low initial payments because the borrower only pays the interest and none of the principal for the first several years.
With structured bonds, typically you get all of your principal paid, or none of your principal paid (excluding early amortization).
If none of the principal were paid during the term of the investment, we would receive $ 6,000 per year until repayment of the principal of $ 100,000 at maturity.
Bonds issued by a company work a bit differently since none of the principal is paid off until a bond matures.
The relevant point is that the website that was used as the substantive focus of the above article is not run by a science organization and none of the principals of DDP have any expertise in climate science whatsoever.
None of the principals appeared much concerned with the cognitive dissonance between Marston's champion - of - truth faà § ade and his secret harem of smart, accomplished women.
Provocatively, none of the principals seems excessively narcissistic: one of the men (with an elaborate beard) admits he looks like a «psycho» when he smiles when flexing.
Whatever your payment arrangements during the life of the plan - whether you pay some, a little, or none of the principal amount of the loan - when the plan ends you may have to pay the entire balance owed, all at once.
Interest only loans take the interest vs principal scheduling scheme of the banks to a heightened level, creating a situation where a home owner is paying back virtually none of the principal for the majority of the time that he or she is paying off the loan.
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