Sentences with phrase «none of the problems of»

Grade - span accountability solves none of the problems of our current system while making other problems worse.

Not exact matches

«But here's the problem: none of these issues is actually resolved.»
The problems facing us, many of them are global, like rogue nuclear states, like climate change, and other forms of environmental threats, like terrorists, like maximizing global wealth and prosperity, and none of these are going to be solved if we think of the international arena as one of each nation striving for its individual greatness.
At the same time, Peanut Butter is solving a problem that none of those prospective customers would or probably could solve for themselves and their employees.
Yet when the program evaluator flew in from Rome, Good was shocked to find that none of her colleagues was willing to admit the scope of the problem.
Certain problems haven't been solved because none of the few people smart enough to do so have made it happen.
The problem with all of these examples, Ara's original vision aside, is that none of them are truly «modular.»
None of us are without setbacks, and we've all faced our share of problems.
You invest a ton of resources into creating products that will solve your customers» problems like none other.
None of the panelists suggested a fix for the problem other than that journalists must continue doing their jobs as if they were not under siege.
You can not effectively produce products, services, and experiences that solve your customers» problems like none other without having a deep degree of intimacy with them.
You could argue that McInerney inherited several problems at the company, but none of those issues has shown much sign of improvement since he took the reins.
«This tax hike will solve none of our problems and in fact, long run, it'll just make our problems worse.»
None of this would be a major problem for General MIlls if its sales were soaring.
By Doug Stephens Today's retailers face a tsunami of problems but none, in my opinion is more deadly than the pandemic of sheer consumer boredom that shoppers are being subjected to.
That's been the problem with all the thousands of gods man has come up with, none of them are real and have never been proven to be real.
Yet none of this excuses (though it may help to explain) the fact that our national government has failed to engage this problem with the seriousness and energy that it requires.
The only problem is none of it is true.
No problem with Canadians, but with pushy butt in canadians commenting on issues like our politics or beliefs that is none of their f»n business.
I have no problem with three or more people wanting to be in a relationship, provided none of them are participating because of social pressure or childhood indoctrination.
In retirement, he will have none of those global problems to sort out anymore.
Problem is, none of them are expressly prohibited by anything in the Bible, unless you do tricky things with the language or remove things from context.
In other words, between two of the most prominent ex-gay books of the 1990s, you got about a couple of blog posts worth of discussion of celibacy, almost none of it directed to practical problems celibates face.
Imagine these sentences: Sabio, it seems your problem is more with Muslims, than with Allah... more with Greeks than with Zeus... more with Hindus than with Kali... more with Mormons than with Moroni... more with Shintoists than Amaterasu Since I don't believe in any of those imaginary entities, so none of these sentence make sense.
Problems of pollution paid a very minor role in their work and resource exhaustion none at all.
The law of a country and a nation can vary and though the laws on a certain subject, say speed limits, may vary, none endorse speeding and different regulations to mitigate the problem can be considered... The sayings around sex vary but they provide a kind of speed limit.
Compounding these problems, add the fact that none of these negatives can be deduced from watching the previews that have been released.
With proper teaching by actual Catholic teachers, or teachers instructed on Catholic doctrine, none of this presents a problem.
The problem with the idea of each of them writing what they saw is that none of them were written until more than 20 years after Jesus» ascension.
His doctrine has tended to make the whites, North and South, shift the burden of the Negro problem to the Negro's shoulders and stand aside as critical and rather pessimistic spectators; when in fact the burden belongs to the nation, and the hands of none of us are clean if we bend not our energies to righting these great wrongs.
We can even see problem solving intelligence in slime mold, and our own brains work very much like the hive intelligence found in bees and ants... no sign of any «divine» influence but fascinating none the less.
None of the numerous theories of the chemical origin of life are without problems; all involve a lot of chance.
He goes on to mention three possible path, none of which seem very satisfactory, and concludes with, «Whichever of these paths one takes — and there are surely others — we are struggling with the same basic problem, trying to find some solution that will bring the God of the Old Testament into line with our modern God.»
None of these people of faith saw the lack of respect for another religion's Sabbath to be a problem?
If you had not been born then none of those things would be a problem for you.
I am a member of one and it has none of the problems that you're mentioning.
But remember it wasnt the white people today who did this (I am one and am ashamed of my ancestors behavior), in fact none of us were alive when these atrocities occured I know you still suffer huge problems with racism - there are a lot whites who want to fight along side you to eliminate this.
The only problem with this letter, which was passed on to thousands of conservative Christians in church meetings, newsletters, and through private mailings, is that none of it was true.
After fifty years of development that has been highly successful in increasing global wealth, none of the problems that validly called for development have been solved.
I am becoming more and more convinced that if we look around at our friends and acquaintances, and none of them have any serious problems (more serious than what is shared in the typical church prayer meeting), we probably have not followed Jesus very far down the path of discipleship.
None of the villagers (or God) had any problem with a two - female relationship (Ruth and Naomi) and their raising a son.
He gives only slight attention to textual problems, so that the commentary has none of the marks of the older, forbidding commentaries that have the feel of a phone book.
If you have such a problem with Atheists, turn off your computer, stop driving your car, disconnect your hydro - without Atheists you have none of it!!!
No matter how «good» we think we are, none of our good works can cover up our sin problem, and that is the «soul» purpose of God's plan for mankind throughout the scriptures.
The problem is that none of them have any evidence that they have the truth any more than the next one.
Tommy God has already forgiven you for your sin the moment you asked Jesus into your life and confessed him as Lord.From that point he paid for your sin in full past present future.It is not sin that stops us from being with the Lord so you are saved.The problem you are experiencing is the battle for your life in the here and now satan is out to destroy you and he knows our weaknesses.If you are honest there were already issues in your life that you struggled with and never got the victory over.So where do you go from here as i found myself in the same situation i was a christian but walking according to the flesh.God does nt change his mind he always loves us but because of our choices we distance ourselves from God.The issue is that we like sin thats our wicked hearts and to be fair we cant change our nature only Christ can do that our old nature must be crucified with Christ.The stumbling block is our pride we have to admit that we cant do it For me that was terribly difficult i was so independent thinking i could do anything but the truth was a made a real mess of things.I sense you are at a crossroads and are feeling desperate and confused.So as a brother in the Lord you need to confess your sin to God and tell him that you are weak -LCB- we all are -RCB- and that you cant do it in your strength -LCB- None of us can -RCB- but ask him to send the holy spirit to help you deal with the temptations and the sin that you struggle with and he will help you to change your life he will empower you as he did me.Rather than look at who you are look to Christ and walk in him and he will make you a new man and sin will not have dominion over you.Jesus came to set us free from bondage.Having once been a slave to sin i know what it is like to have been set free by the power of God and that is what Christ is offering you today.All it takes is a desire to change or repent and admit we cant do it and trust him to give you the strength to walk in him regards brentnz
All of these problems (go ahead and say none of these are problems) stem from a conception of sexuality in which having children is a choice as opposed to an expected effect of the sexual act.
But in the post-Reformation world, Royce was convinced that none of the denominations could correct the major problem of belief and action, especially that of sinfulness.
Huge new projects like the Aswan Dam in Egypt have upset water balances in the soils and created new problems of salinity where none existed before.
Unfortunately, none of the remedies proposed so far by American politicians or analysts addresses the root causes of the problem.
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