Sentences with phrase «none of these examples»

However, none of the examples demonstrate the development of new information.
None of these examples make any sense in the information economy.
But I've noticed that none of the example resumes I'm finding online involve colors and fancy fonts.
None of the examples given here are available on KU but they could be interesting to consider:
None of these examples consists in one human being's moving the other person's hand to make him act, moving his legs to make him walk, or holding him down so that he remains seated.
and NONE of the examples ever referred to his existance..
Notice, none of the examples say anything about the 50 % of the post-Rays Trop revenue?
But none of these examples relate even remotely to the kinds of scientific exploration archaeologists perform, or to what goes on in modern museums.
However, none of these examples builds literally a barrier out of ant carcasses.
Dr. Hansen talks about species extinction, yet with none of the examples he gives did the species become extinct because of global warming.
If our understanding of the climate is pretty much right than none of these examples of geological evidence will stand out in contradiction of the understanding we have fashioned.
None of the examples suggested involve a violation of a duty of loyalty (which would involve, for example, offering a business idea of the business to a competitor).
While none of these examples may manifest themselves in practice, diversification is the name of the game; we can also expect proliferation, indeed this is pretty much guaranteed due to the law of unexpected volumes (a corollary of the law of lowering thresholds, where a new technology or service is used to its absolute maximum).
As a matter of tort, none of the examples given would likely attract ordinary libel claims if the message writers were known.
Granted, none of these examples is an apples - to - apples comparison to the Solo situation (a record of bad behavior, an offense on an international stage).
NONE of these examples are analogous to the mind - boggling stupidity of what Smith claimed, and cooked up.
None of these examples are intended to be a model for you to follow.
(None of these examples, incidentally, take into account the fact that the ultimate cost of production must also necessarily include the ancillary costs to the manufacturer, the distributor, and the retailer.
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