Sentences with phrase «none of these folks»

None of the folks who have used this dietary therapy have had any further involvement with cancer.
It sounds like a lot of comments are coming from the right place, trying to protect you, but it also sounds like none of these folks professionally manage STR's as part of their portfolio.
None of these folks seems at first blush likely to enter the putrid Albany scene, but that's partly why Paterson took the lead with preemptive budget cuts and staff freezes — and as recent history shows, when a gigantic operation needs a bailout, a few potentates come together to set it in motion.
The strong support PM enjoys among experienced scientists is a vote in favor of its use, but one suspects that none of these folks applies PM techniques wholesale.
Or maybe it's just that I've taken my first postdoc job in a different part of the country, and so none of these folk remember me as an incompetent, first - year PhD.
Leaving aside the fact that none of these folks look like they belong in the same gene pool (and The Wire has a funny article about how only one of the actors in the film is actually Jewish), the premise has promise, since forcing the members of a dysfunctional family (and there is much «dys» here) to spend time in a small space could lead to some funny results.
So many people here are fired up about AF attempting to create a great school but none of the folks commenting here get fired up about for profit prisons making money off the failures of public education....
Perhaps the greatest loss here is that none of the folks in the econobox promo shots looked like they were going to get as lucky tonight as the Charger dude with that Bruce Jenner hair (and earrings?).
But if none of these folks is a professional editor or proofreader, you still need a professional, one who is objective about your work and able to read it without the filter of affection they have for you.
If I was to give any guru $ 1k or more then I would like to run a background check, want SSN & DL # because you don't know none of these folks only what they tell you.
Just go look at the early videos or blog posts from people who seem to have it all together today, people like Amy Porterfield, Gary Vaynerchuk, or Tony Robbins — none of these folks was as polished as they are today.
This raises another question I've posed many times but none of you folks has ever tried to address.
None of these folks were taught in seminary how to handle church bullies.
None of these folks, by the way, are vegan (though two are vegetarian)!
None of these folks has driven a Tesla, most haven't heard of a Model X, and this modified example has them stunned.
None of these folks were bad -LSB-...]
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