Sentences with word «nonexistence»

His interest in the existence or nonexistence of God stems from his death obsession.
Both films are post-apocalyptic sci - fi thrillers where the the population of Earth is threatened into nonexistence in a short amount of time, while the survivors do what they can in order to keep from suffering the same fate at the hands of those who have gone rabidly insane — the zombies here aren't the slow, lumbering ones we generally associate with the genre either.
Any humanity in the script is diluted to the point of nonexistence by Schumacher's refusal to allow any of his characters to develop beyond the stereotype stage.
It went from nonexistence on charts to # 153 by 2017.
Actually, Corey, God's nonexistence does not impede the ability of the people of that church to love Lucas and each other and by so doing make everybody's lives better.
Only the second would mean (if it means anything) the divine nonexistence.
Studies of early - childhood and school - age interventions often find long - term impacts on such outcomes as educational attainment, earnings, and criminal activity despite nonexistence or «fade - out» of test - score gains.
Like other atheists has often said: People does not seem so troubled about the billions of years of nonexistence before their birth, but most are very anxious about death and the probable nonexistance after that event.
And if the atheists» concept of absolute nonexistence comes to play, you're dead, pal.
Neither did I say to myself, «I'm tired of dreading nonexistence — I shall will myself into faith!»
Perhaps I am just a scairdy cat but I would much prefer the atheist nonexistence delusion or the Christian / Isaiah highway to heaven delusion.
Augustine points out that Scripture does not use words «to frame either figures or speech or enigmatic sayings from things which do not exist at all,» although these would be appropriate were the Bible written for philosophers rather than for «babes,» since philosophers would understand that, since existence is not a proper attribute of God, words signifying nonexistence might be apropos.
James knew that the most challenging implication of Darwin's work is not its account of human origins but its claim that human existence and possible nonexistence is a matter of chance.
Does it get into such a fierce and gnarly twist that it rips, spilling stars, planets, and general - relativity theorists out of the universe and into the cold nonexistence of hyperspace?
When it comes to loving someone, the passion you feel for them can vacillate from sheer infatuation to near nonexistence in an instant.
«On the Origin of Species,» in this film, is reduced to an episode of cosmic payback, a way of rubbing God's nose in His own nonexistence.
I'm disappointed by Toadette has totally nonexistence there.
But even though the delusional person is wrong about the nature of his existence (which is analogous to Earth's flatness), the immunity principle holds because there is still an «I» making the claim, and that «I» can not refer to anyone else but the person experiencing nonexistence.
Like when you; re making pancakes, the pan is ready when a drop of cold water «skips» across the surface before sizzling into nonexistence.
Naturalism the belief that the universe self manifested from nonexistence and nothing exists beyond the material world is not a science but an age old philosophy.
For the believer «the heavens declare the glory of God,» but not even for the atheist can the heavens, or any observed realities, declare the divine nonexistence.
To those who lost loved ones, I would tell you that the existence or nonexistence of god is irrelevant to what has happened.
In business, however, synergy is rare to the point of nonexistence.
Unlike a make believe god you can't just will it into nonexistence.
God is invisible, undetectable, and irrelevant — as far as anyone can determine, which isn't much difference than nonexistence.
And you can't just will that into nonexistence.
My favorite quote from this article: «Obviously, this study doesn't prove the nonexistence of God.
Judas ended up in the same state as we all will eventually... nonexistence.
On the contrary: The Mind of God is rather a reappraisal of reductionism (its sweeping generalizations about the nonexistence of things like the mind and the soul) and a most refreshing if also sober assessment of the limits of mathematics and the physical theories it supports.
The reasoning behind Stephen Fry's argument for the nonexistence of God would commit him to procreation being immoral, to wishing that he and those he... More
On account of the nonexistence of the supernatural ent - ities that would be credited with causing them.
The reasoning behind Stephen Fry's argument for the nonexistence of God would commit him to procreation being immoral, to wishing that he and those he loves never...
Hence, only the first interpretation is meaningful, and it can not be used to deduce from the existence of (genuine) moral evil the nonexistence of benevolent omnipotence, since «whether the free men created by God would always do what is right would presumably be up to them» (GPE 271).
The Christ myth theory (also known as Jesus mythicism, the Jesus myth theory and the nonexistence hypothesis) is the idea that Jesus of Nazareth was not a historical person, but is a fictional or mythological character created by the early Christian community.
@Chad «no serious scholar buys into that nonsense: The Christ myth theory (also known as Jesus mythicism, the Jesus myth theory and the nonexistence hypothesis) is the idea that Jesus of Nazareth was not a historical person, but is a fictional or mythological character created by the early Christian community.

Phrases with «nonexistence»

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