Sentences with phrase «nonexistent until»

And in turn, authors have created opportunities for startups by generating a market wholly nonexistent until the early 2010s: independent publishing services.
Though nonexistent until the 1996 — 97 school year, more than $ 18 billion in tax benefits were claimed in 2015 — 16.
My makeup was basically nonexistent until my college roommate Nikki and I started to explore sophomore year.
A brief glance through Huntington's Guide to Gettysburg Battlefield Monuments reveals that the majority of Union monuments rose between 1885, the twentieth anniversary of the war's end, and 1893, the thirtieth anniversary of the battle, though Confederate representation at Gettysburg was virtually nonexistent until Virginia raised the first Confederate state monument, featuring Robert E. Lee, in 1917.
«Your understanding is that [this immaterial part of us which does not exist] is dead or nonexistent until the resurrection.
Public education was practically nonexistent until the final decades of the nineteenth century, schools being largely church operated and attended by the well - to - do.

Not exact matches

That is, until I accidentally OD'd on so much on almond flour that my body revolted by giving me a previously nonexistent food sensitivity to anything almonds.
Holiday cookies were pretty much nonexistent in my home, and it wasn't until I moved out that I discovered that holiday cookies were a thing.
Although age does factor in in the sense that Browne isn't and can't really ever actually be a boxer because he didn't start boxing for real until he was like 30 and thus is fundamentally nonexistent.
While we wait for response, we promise, we won't write about this damn nonexistent Times report again until it actually gets published.
Although the Greenland Inuit are the world's heaviest cigarette smokers and although their consumption of fruits and vegetables has been virtually zero until recently and although they add lots of salt when they eat their fish, seal meat / blubber, and whale meat / blubber, the Greenland Inuit have only half the age - adjusted total cancer death rate of Americans and cardiovascular disease is virtually nonexistent among the Greenland Inuit:
In last year's «Frances Ha,» Noah Baumbach's mumblecore - like ode to the French New Wave, twenty - seven - year - old Frances blindly pursues an evidently unrealistic dream of being a dancer until her housing, financial and career prospects are all virtually nonexistent, and she just can't postpone the reality of adulthood any longer.
For many district schools, these types of offerings are either nonexistent, or aren't introduced until much further down the line.
Until the Mercedes - Benz GLE550e, plug - in hybrid SUVs have been virtually nonexistent.
While this seems relatively meager, remember that inflation was nonexistent for most of this period, making a 3.7 % average annual return fairly attractive until the 1960s.
If the conditions are poor and the records sloppy or nonexistent, the inspector recommends suspension until the conditions and records are improved.
Scholarship, until now nonexistent will likely increase.
With all due respect, you the RC team are speaking above about the whole IPCC / AR4 report, and the problem to date has been that complaints have been regarded as nonexistent unless / until a certain critical mass of the media mentions them.
Until, that is, one day, when we can skooch the dining table into the sunroom and move the kitchen in to a (currently nonexistent) space just off the (current) back door... and move the piano over by the staircase... which will become an open staircase, of course.
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