Sentences with phrase «nonfunctional human»

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people who carry two nonfunctional copies of one of the roughly 20,000 human genes.
Iceland's genomes also yielded a bounty of so - called human knockouts — people who carry two nonfunctional copies of one of the roughly 20,000 human genes.
A human - specific gene expressed only in glial cells of the brain apparently arose from conversion of the ancestral gene by a nonfunctional pseudogene in a common human chimp ancestor.
We identified human X-linked genes whose gametologs have been pseudogenized or completely lost from the Y chromosome and inferred which evolutionary forces may be acting to retain genes on the Y. Although gene loss appears to be largely correlated with the suppression of recombination, we observe that X-linked genes with functional Y homologs evolve under stronger purifying selection and are expressed at higher levels than X-linked genes with nonfunctional Y homologs.
Because humans have a limited capacity for heart tissue regeneration, damaged heart muscle is normally replaced with a nonfunctional scar.
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