Sentences with word «nonmarital»

The word "nonmarital" refers to things or actions that are not related to marriage. Full definition
Random samples of both married and unmarried births were selected until preset quotas were reached based on the percentage of nonmarital births in the city that occurred at that hospital in 1996 or 1997.
Between 1980 and 2012, the proportion of nonmarital births in the United States doubled.
Normally, the marital component of nonmarital property is measured from the date of marriage or date of acquisition (whichever is later) to the date of separation or date of trial (whichever results in the smaller value).
Blacks perceived the greatest likelihood of nonmarital childbearing for themselves, the longest normative interval between first sex and first birth, but they desired the shortest interval between first marriage and first birth.
Younger teens in the 15 to 17 age group accounted for the steepest decline in nonmarital birth rates in 2013, falling 13 percent from 2012 and continuing a steady decline over the past several decades.
Predicting the Onset of Emotional Recovery Following Nonmarital Relationship Dissolution: Survival Analyses of Sadness and Anger: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Vol 32 (3) Mar 2006, 298 - 312.
Income instability and complexity after nonmarital birth: Outcomes for children in fragile families.
Courts will now consider nonmarital assets that either spouse relied upon during a marriage in determining alimony.
And marriages preceded by nonmarital fertility have disproportionately high divorce rates.
As one of the five federal performance measures for state child support agencies, the rate of paternity establishment for nonmarital births has been a subject of perennial interest to state policymakers.
The structure and process of emotional experience following nonmarital relationship dissolution: Dynamic factor analyses of love, anger, and sadness.
A debt may only be determined to be nonmarital by agreement of the parties or determination of the judge.
For the state agencies and hospital staff whose policies intersect with nonmarital childbearing, these cases present a significant policy challenge.
This study proposes that the family structures associated with risk — single - mother, step - parent, and cohabiting — influence early sexual debut due to family instability, including shifts in family structure and maternal dating, which can undermine parental control and transmit messages about the acceptability of nonmarital sex.
European perspectives on nonmarital childbearing.
Predicting nonmarital romantic relationship dissolution: A meta - analytic synthesis.
Caveat Spectator: Much stylized action violence and some battlefield violence; polytheistic religious themes; sexually themed dialogue and humor, brief non-explicit male nudity and an off - screen nonmarital sexual encounter; limited profanity and some cursing.
Property acquired prior to marriage and property acquired by gift or inheritance during the marriage is designated as nonmarital property (also called separate property).
Predicting nonmarital romantic relationship dissolution: A meta ‐ analytic synthesis.
Our analyses do not tell us how many divorced or separated spouses experience violence from nonmarital partners.
Most property acquired during a marriage is included in a couple's marital property, but some assets, including those acquired by gift or inheritance, are considered nonmarital property.
Nonmarital First Births, Marriage, and Income Inequality.
Related disparities arose in births out of marriage and in children living with a single parent — not much change in Belmont, a great change in Fishtown: almost 30 percent of white births are now nonmarital, up from just a few percent in 1960.
While also calling for the recognition and support of nonmarital forms of family, they «honor those for whom marriage is the most meaningful personal ¯ for some, also a deeply spiritual ¯ choice.»
Also, a love relationship, usually nonmarital.
Losing, leaving, and letting go: Coping with nonmarital breakups.
Nonmarital Liability - generally, any debt that you or your spouse incurred before your marriage or since your separation.
The Fragile Families and Child Well - Being Study addresses nonmarital childbearing, child development, family formation, the impact of welfare reform, and the role of fathers in low - income families.
at 97 (quoting Mark Testa, Male Joblessness, Nonmarital Parenthood and Marriage (paper presented at the Chicago Urban Poverty and Family Life Conference (October 12, 1991)-RRB--RRB-.
This research brief is part of a series exploring the dynamics of nonmarital parenting.
How splitting marital and nonmarital assets works in divorce.
The list of factors allows a court to consider the value of property set aside to a husband or wife as nonmarital property; accordingly, a court may consider each spouse's inherited money when considering the amount of marital property to award to each party.
Predicting the onset of emotional recovery following nonmarital relationship dissolution: Survival analyses of sadness and anger.
A debt may only be determined to be nonmarital by either agreement of the parties or determination of the judge.
This list provides a primer on nonmarital births, highlighting some of the essential trends and legal considerations relevant to births that occur outside of marriage.
Committed to us: Predicting relationship closeness following nonmarital romantic relationship breakup.

Phrases with «nonmarital»

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