Sentences with phrase «nonpurging bulimic»

While at the time The Daily Times reported that Diana seemed unfazed by the attention, Vanity Fair reported that the lady was severely bulimic prior to the wedding, linking the eating disorder to the intense pressure.
Donne is bulimic, someone who gorges himself to a point beyond satiety, and then sticks his finger down his throat and throws up.»
There's Debtors Anonymous, Emotions Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Codependents Anonymous, National Association for Children of Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Incest Survivors Anonymous, Adult Children Anonymous, Bulimics Anonymous, Anorexic Anonymous, Child Abusers Anonymous, Sexaholic Anonymous, Fundamentalist Anonymous, Parents Anonymous, Pill Anonymous, Shoplifters Anonymous, Smokers Anonymous, Spenders Anonymous, and Workaholics Anonymous, just to name a few.
Celibacy, he suggested, was a form of affective anorexia which creates an equally disordered bulimic type reaction that has directly contributed to cases of child abuse.
i'm a recovering bulimic (among other things), and every day presents new challenges.
NEW YORK CITY — Calling herself a «failed bulimic» because she never lost much weight, an impassioned Christine Quinn spoke of her battles with an eating disorder and alcoholism before an audience of women at Barnard College on Tuesday afternoon.
Women who are not anorexic or bulimic had brain activity similar to that of women with eating disorders when they viewed images of overweight women.
Its regular use by bulimics has led to potential heart problems and even death.
«While it is clear that college women who drink more are more likely than men to engage in bulimic - type behaviors, and with greater frequency, and to experience more alcohol - related problems as a result of these behaviors, there were no gender differences for engaging in drunkorexia to increase the effects of alcohol or engaging in bulimic - type behaviors to compensate for alcohol - related calories.
In some cases, men were more likely to engage in bulimic - type and diet / exercising / calorie - restricted eating behaviors to reduce alcohol - related calories.
He associates the behavior of procrastination with both «Savoring Workaholics» (those with low work initiation / low work completion) and «Attention - Deficit Workaholics» (those with high work initiation and low work completion), in contrast to «Bulimic» and «Relentless» workaholics — both of whom have high work completion.
«College students appear to engage in these behaviors to increase alcohol effects or reduce alcohol - related calories by engaging in bulimic - type or diet / exercising / calorie / restricted eating behaviors.»
When anorexic and bulimic women see images of overweight women, an area of the brain, the medial prefrontal cortex, lights up in a functional MRI.
In addition, «a person could be bulimic and not look like they have an eating disorder, because they traditionally have a healthier BMI,» Mosesso says, but that doesn't mean they aren't in trouble.
The diagnostic criteria for anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder are very strict — for example, people are classified as bulimic if they binge and purge at least twice a week for three months, and not any less.
I can't have the pills because I'm bulimic and I'm scared of the implant and the coil.
Researchers in this study conclude, therefore, that «of all the conditions, the restricted / palatable group showed the most bulimic - like eating behavior.
People are calling me bulimic or anorexic These are real issues and diseases — that I don't have.
Since I am also bulimic, I don't eat food without purging.
You would have diagnosed me as an Exercise Bulimic, which means that uhm — I'm six feet four.
«The bulimic mindset is that purging is getting rid of the bad stuff in your body, but exercise does it for you.
Glenn was exercise bulimic when he was younger, as he got older and couldn't exercise as often his eating habits began to catch up to him.
I later found out that she had been anorexic and bulimic for many years.
I have been anorexic and bulimic, and after all the work of losing the pounds I needed to lose — they are back.
I'm just confused because if leptin resistance is defined with lots of leptin circulating in the blood, why would those in the study with bulimics show low / normal levels?
An international breakthrough for Leigh, Life Is Sweet is an intimate portrait of a working - class family with twin daughters who couldn't be more different: the bookish plumber Natalie (Claire Skinner) and the bulimic, ill - tempered Nicola (Jane Horrocks).
If Roxanne, with her perpetual expression of pinched distaste, registers at times like a too - easy replay of the bulimic daughter in Life Is Sweet, at least Leigh is thoughtful enough to provide her with a boyfriend and an uncle who persuade her to grow beyond her mother's fatalistic projections and self - image.
Adapted from Laura Hillenbrand's book, «Seabiscuit» stars Jeff Bridges as the charming car salesman - turned - horse owner Charles Howard, Chris Cooper as reclusive trainer Tom Smith, and Tobey Maguire as bulimic over-sized jockey Red Pollard (he's also ginger, hence the moniker).
The movie partakes of the same bulimic logic as certain issues of Marvel titles, which contrived to jam as many characters as possible onto one cover — leaping, punching, making warlike signs in the air — so that the page basically became one dense wall of superheroes.
Then there was the «bulimic education,» with disjointed facts going in one ear and out the end of a pencil bubbling in test answer sheets and then into the ether.
After losing his basketball scholarship in a drunk - driving accident, Ted receives a lucrative offer to spy on a bulimic Manhattan princess.
«I'm a recovering alcoholic and bulimic but I still find myself missing binging and booze,» she wrote.
As Neal Brown writes, her figures are, «fingered and improperly squeezed into something that is compulsively - chaotic - masturbatory - fat - ugly - disfigured - repressed - incontinent - excretory - bestial - bulimic...» The issue also features Erwin Wurm, Andro Wekua and Vito Acconci, with texts by Yuko Hasegawa, Paulo Herkenhoff, Charles Esche, Vincent Pécoil, Catherine Lampert, Marjorie Perloff and Kate Fowle, among others.
Here, we might ask what the difference is between a bulimic and an environmentalist — other than the limit each places on what constitutes their surroundings?
Bulimic symptoms, including the frequency and severity of purging or vomiting.
Bulimics feel out of control, realize that their eating patterns are abnormal, and experience intense feelings of guilt and shame over their binging.
Since this was not possible for the bulimic women then the next best thing is group therapy with likeminded people.
For example, the other day I was watching a television show about a lady that was bulimic for thirty years.
The results can not therefore be generalised to the substantial minority of bulimic patients with comorbid «multi-impulsive» personality characteristics, 1 to patients with substance misuse, or to adolescents.
Discuss the role of objective and subjective bulimic episodes in influencing treatment outcome in underweight eating disorder patients.
Gerke, C.K., Mazzeo, S.E. and Kliewer, W. (2006) The role of depression and dissociation in the relationship between childhood trauma and bulimic symptoms among ethnically diverse female undergraduates.
You've selected to take the exam for course Guided self - help as the first step for bulimic symptoms: Implementation of a stepped - care model within specialized psychiatry: Volume 45, Issue 1.
This course is recommended for psychologists who seek knowledge about treatment of bulimic symptoms.
Identify the specific link between early eating attitudes and changes in vomiting in CBT for bulimic disorders.
Notably, the study also found a strong direct relationship between negative affect and bulimic symptoms, indicating that negative affect may be particularly important in the development of disordered eating.
This study examined whether the serotonin transporter gene (5 - HTTLPR) moderates the relation between depressive and bulimic symptoms over time.
Low self - esteem also seems predictive of the poor outcome of treatment in such disorders, as has been found in a recent 4 - year prospective follow - up study among adolescent in - patients with bulimic characteristics (van der Ham et al., 1998).
1) Girls who receive the intervention compared with a control group of girls who do not, will show significantly lower levels of depressive symptoms, body dissatisfaction, unhealthy dietary restraint, bulimic symptoms, internalisation of the thin ideal, body comparison, appearance conversations, expectancies of thinness, and higher media literacy and self - esteem;
Explain the global pattern of linkage between early eating attitudes and changes in binge - eating in CBT for bulimic disorders
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