Sentences with phrase «nonsignificant trend»

The term "nonsignificant trend" is an oxymoron, as a trend by definition refers to a general direction or pattern. Full definition
A nonsignificant trend was present for years of experience (p =.07).
This was paralleled by a nonsignificant trend toward less drinking and driving in the full intervention group.
A nonsignificant trend on self - reported post-traumatic stress symptoms favored EMDR over CBT.
No effects were detected for major depressive disorder episodes; a nonsignificant trend favoring CBT was detected on the CES - D.
Finally, for LOT dispositional pessimism, there was a main effect of age, F (1, 55) = 14.50, p <.001, partial η2 =.21, no effect of regulation category, and a nonsignificant trend for the interaction effect, F (1, 55) = 3.06, p =.09, partial η2 =.05.
For depressive symptoms, there was a significant main effect of age, F (1, 55) = 7.75, p <.01, partial η2 =.12, and a nonsignificant trend for regulation category, F (1, 55) = 2.84, p =.10, partial η2 =.05.
For trait anxiety, there was a nonsignificant trend toward a main effect of age, F (1, 51) = 3.29, p =.08, partial η2 =.06; however, there was not a significant main effect of regulation category nor a significant interaction effect between the two variables.
On the STAI, we found a nonsignificant trend for older adults to report lower levels of trait anxiety (M = 34.76, SD = 9.63) in comparison to younger adults (M = 39.27, SD = 10.49), t (57) = 1.71, p =.09.
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