Sentences with phrase «normal areas of»

These feelings will not just apply to the event, but to many other previously normal areas of life as well.
Risk transference — by undertaking a reinsurance deal an insurance company can trade off aspects of the risks involved, possibly in cases where some of the risk does not fall directly into the normal areas of operating expertise or where the risk is too great for the insurance company to comfortably meet its obligations under a policy should a claim be made against it.
This is not just in the normal areas of concern such as Mathematics and Physics, but in subjects such as English there is a real dearth of candidates in London and the South East.»
Normal areas of short - term energy storage, like the liver, are at capacity.
Focal laser ablation is the latest in a series of efforts to target just the cancer cells and preserve normal areas of prostate.
The eastward shift in the Walker Circulation means the normal area of rising air and rainy weather is shifted eastward as well, leaving the Indonesian area high and dry during much of the year.
Depending on the genre of your book, I'd suggest caution with an agent who is out of his normal area of specialty.
It happens often when an attorney tries to give advice outside of his or her normal area of practice.
Alternatively, agents should seek a mentor to assist in real estate activities that are beyond his normal area of experience.

Not exact matches

The sea is likely to rise steadily up to a level well above the normal tide, with damaging waves and flooding of some low - lying but g areas, which could also extend some way inland,» the Bureau of Meteorology said.
It's a simple and elegant solution: By removing some of the surface area of the guard bar, more of the blade's edge is exposed so that it can cut deep enough to tackle stubborn stubble that normal safety razors can't seem to get.
The rate of return is below the normal market value, but it comes with the added knowledge that the investments will have a lasting social impact on the area.
When considering all of these issues, if we are unable to reach into the soul of the entrepreneur to motivate them, give them confidence and empower them to take on the numerous challenges, overcome the many regional barriers and fight the normal storms of entrepreneurship, specifically through mentoring, the investment made in all other areas of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, particularly financial capital, will not produce a favorable and / or optimized return.
This area of primary prevention is one where the church must take the lead, for mental health services can not provide this type of normal everyday nurturance which everyone needs and without which people will run into emotional distress.
Giving reasons for one's beliefs is a normal and routine activity in many areas of our lives: Why do you believe that the economy is improving?
I can not at this point enter into the discussion of types of Diaspora Judaism affected by contact with paganism; I wish only to record my conviction (1) that Paul's Judaism was not of the orthodox Palestinian type, which later became normal, and normative; and (2) that early Gentile Christianity, both before Paul and also outside the area of his influence, was far more substantial than the Book of Acts and the surviving Pauline letters have led many to assume.
As a result the chi] d grows up emotionally handicapped in the areas of sex and normal aggression.
Even a cursory check of the news will impress upon a reasonable person that some areas of the world are just too dangerous to be as a normal, unarmed civilian.
Could you list the areas of practice of these medical professionals and explain what you mean by «normal» (is it «common», «psychologically healthy»...)?
After a weekend of a lot of different claims, Monday came with a little more insight: The D.C. area isn't experiencing any more missing children than normal, they simply are starting to utilize social media to share missing children's pictures.
A review of the research suggests that the most effective uses of television in relation to those outside the normal reach of the Christian faith lie within the areas of imparting information about religious issues or organizations, the suggestion of religious questions for consideration by the viewer as applicable to his or her life, and the maintenance of a positive image in relation to general or specific religious issues or organizations.
Several stretches of above normal temperatures have stimulated some areas and slowed others.
Talks from Louise Fresco and Andrew Campbell describing their journey in science, food security, and R4D reassured me that the current uncertainty I am feeling is perfect normal and that I should strive to become the master of an area I have a great passion for.
In fact, moving the computer between normal and cold areas is extraordinarily hard on just about every part of the device, even if it's ruggedized.
Some farmers who prefer to pursue an organic management practice often rely on the use of normal, non-dyed corrugated cardboard for use on seed - beds and vegetable areas.
It's a bad enough thing to happen on a normal circuit with plenty of run - off area, but on a street track...?
Does a lot of quiet unnoticed stuff — ever noticed that his crosses are proper passes not the normal hit and hope in to the right areas.
Having edged ahead on aggregate through Stefano Padovan's 56th minute penalty, Marco Baroni's side were forced to play an additional 30 minutes after Soma Novothny rose highest in the area to bring the scores level in the dying stages of normal time.
«Influencers» might be celebrities, but increasingly they are normal, everyday people who have made a name for themselves by posting about their interests and areas of expertise online.
For some nursing dyads, this is the appropriate path and they go on and do well with breastfeeding and other areas of normal child development.
Wouldn't it be fabulous if they agreed to eliminate the toy area of bottles and model «normal feeding?!»
Whilst this can be a good method of hair removal for legs, it is best avoided for areas like eyebrows, where normal tweezers would be a better choice.
Star Kids Products is not responsible for normal wear and tear, abuse, mistreatment or damages due to washing and shredded or worn fabrics in areas of usage.
I love the combination of walker and high chair with the easily removable tray (that's dishwasher safe) and the fact that the tray has a large enough surface area for him to play with all kinds of toys that I can interchange as opposed to a normal walker that comes with everything built in.
Watching you and baby closely for anything that goes beyond the wide area of normal continuity of care, and two decades of being with women in birth have taught me when to transport before an emergency arises.
Yes we can deliver to your vacation home, some vacation homes maybe outside of our normal delivery area so always call us if you are unsure.
There is a wide range of normal at this age, but there are some common milestones children usually reach around age two in the areas of:
Ectopic pregnancies may cause cramping on one or both sides of the lower abdominal area, along with normal pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness, missed period, etc..
Our Flexi - School parents mostly come from well outside our normal catchment area, distances of 20 to 40 miles are not uncommon and from this it is clear the level dedication these parents have to child or children's educational development in this way.
Although some amount of discomfort is normal with breastfeeding, if you are having any other symptoms, such as fever, pain throughout your breasts, a rash or reddened area on your breast, you will need to be evaluated by a healthcare professional as you may be experiencing mastitis.
My ped fully trusts my judgement and leaves treatments up to me a lot of the time... this is an area where I watch every move the babies make and think «is that normal».
It's no accident that we are born near the anus, an area that has lots of bacteria, most of which are good and necessary for normal gut health and development of the immune system.
Treat normal umbilical cord bleeding by cleaning the area around the umbilical cord and applying a small amount of pressure to the umbilical stump to slow and stop the bleeding.
Brainstem abnormalities that involve the medullary serotonergic (5 - hydroxytryptamine [5 - HT]-RRB- system in up to 70 % of infants who die from SIDS are the most robust and specific neuropathologic findings associated with SIDS and have been confirmed in several independent data sets and laboratories.37, — , 40 This area of the brainstem plays a key role in coordinating many respiratory, arousal, and autonomic functions and, when dysfunctional, might prevent normal protective responses to stressors that commonly occur during sleep.
In animal models, exposure to cigarette smoke or nicotine during fetal development alters the expression of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in areas of the brainstem important for autonomic function, 28 alters the neuronal excitability of neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (a brainstem region important for sensory integration), 29 and alters fetal autonomic activity and medullary neurotransmitter receptors.30 In human infants, there are strong associations between nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and serotonin receptors in the brainstem during development.31 Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke attenuates recovery from hypoxia in preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDS.
By the special grace of God I used to be a politician, I'm one of the people that people in the National Assembly will not accept and because there is an urgent need for us to take Nigeria out of recession and Post can contribute huge amounts of money to the National coffers that will be distribute among the tasks of government and most importantly, Post can render what we call financial inclusion service, that's getting the people in rural areas, farmers, artisans who don't have access to normal bank services because Post offices are scattered all over the rural places.
The officials want Bloomberg to take steps to curb the protestors» drumming, stop them from relieving themselves in the streets and also remove some of the barricades, which dramatically restrict the normal flow of pedestrian traffic in the area around the park.
«There are a number of examples of where the EU has set aside the normal regulations and codes set out in EU law in order to recognise the circumstances of certain border areas,» it says.
Because Labour could, potentially, win if the previously Labour but now non-voters can be persuaded to start turning out and voting Labour again, but only if the non-voting support base is fairly large, and without that sort of analysis over larger areas it's hard to judge — it's definitely partially true in my ward, Labour had disappeared electorally years ago, but won the seat in 2012, despite most other parties getting similar votes to normal (and our support mostly going to an Independent we were tacitly backing).
But their bout for freedom ended this weekend and residents of the area are looking forward to getting back to normal.
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