Sentences with phrase «normal behaviour»

This may be the most normal behaviour in the list, but occasionally your cat may rub its face against your leg, or any random object.
It's not normal behaviour for someone to ask you for money when you've only just started dating.
How can a puppy in a pet shop be free from fear and distress and able to express normal behaviour when it should still be with its mother?
Such an important issue and it's scary how few parents - to - be don't realise that this is completely normal behaviour.
Most dog owners will notice any sudden or odd changes in their dogs normal behaviour but it is useful to know the specific symptoms to watch out for.
Over a few weeks (occasionally longer), periods of depression grow shorter and less frequent and normal behaviour returns.
Not really normal behaviour if he is not saying where he is going or why.
The programme addressed normal behaviour development and offered strategies to increase desired and reduce unwanted behaviour.
The truth is this, puppy biting whether social or exploratory is normal behaviour in puppies 5 months and younger.
Normal behaviour for dwarf hamsters is similar to other hamsters.
From a biological perspective, it is not logical to have what is normal behaviour of a breastfed child to then cause obesity, rapid weight gain and / or growth.
Also, it's not an indication that they want to wean, it's just a completely normal behaviour that most every baby goes through.
Rabbits should be able to exhibit normal behaviour which includes foraging, digging, climbing and chewing.
If on the other hand, your cat's normal behaviour changes and they suddenly begin to urinate inside the house, or are no longer using their litter tray, then you need to understand why.
Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal's own kind.
This results in abnormal or repetitive behaviour (pacing, over-grooming, self - mutilation, tail - chasing, pica) and the abnormal behaviour may take over from normal behaviours.
Watch out for night waking, chewing fists and wanting extra feeds as these are normal behaviours which won't go away just because you wean.
We were shocked to learn of workarounds of the tax system that were considered normal behaviour by big corporations but which appalled the individual taxpayer.
By familiarizing yourself with normal behaviour and patterns of a breastfed baby you will reduce your worry.
Today, dogs who react this way may be at risk for rehoming or worse... no matter how normal the behaviour.
E and I ought by rights to be feeling very pleased with ourselves for being responsible enough to start making babies nice and young, i.e. at the time at which nature intended women to have them, but this is no longer regarded asresponsible or even normal behaviour by society.
Those who stop can feel demoralised and unsure as to why such a desired, encouraged and biologically normal behaviour can appear so challenging in reality.
So a baby's normal behaviour ends up causing that one person (the mother, usually) to be horribly overstressed from lack of sleep and constant concern for the baby.
(a) its need for a suitable environment, (b) its need for a suitable diet, (c) its need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns, (d) any need it has to be housed with, or apart from, other animals, and (e) its need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
In some cats, stress inhibits normal behaviour; for example, reducing exploratory behaviour or affiliative behaviours such as social grooming (allogrooming).
This ground - breaking work depended on O'Keefe and Dostrovsky being able to record the firing of a single neuron in the hippocampus during normal behaviour.
The condition entails that a person repeats certain normal behaviours often, to the degree that it creates difficulties in everyday life.
Sleepaway Camp's weirdly harrowing final image (oh, it's a doozy) also exploits the audience's discomfort with deviations from ostensibly normal behaviour, especially gender roles, which, yes, can be construed as offensive on its face.
Kaluuya is a great avatar as Chris for the audience, his polite stoicism and tolerance of the seemingly innocuous racist undertones and enquiries of the white community as normal behaviour contrasting with the suspicions and terror in other scenes.
Adele Cox stated, «Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country now fear that suicide amongst our mob is seen as and is becoming normal behaviour.
This isn't normal behaviour but may be medical (nutritional deficiency) or behavioural (just wants to eat everything); you should be punishing Norman when he is eating things he shouldn't and you should ensure that things are not left around in easy reach for him to chew and consume.
Dogs and puppies are unable to express normal behaviours in such confinement (they have no space to exercise, play or explore) and this can lead to the development of repetitive behaviours, also called «stereotypies», and other psychological problems.
The snake was seen in the same tree two days later — normal behaviour for boas, which often wait in one spot for as long as a month.
But rather than give pigs more space to express normal behaviour, factory farm operators subject piglets to painful surgical procedures instead.
After replacing only the spark plugs there was no difference at all, but immediately after replacing the AFM the engine exhibited normal behaviour and normal acceleration.
I do think Christians would benefit from learning a bit of psychology, and Christian parent would benefit from learning a bit of child psychology, then maybe they could educate themselves better about what is normal behaviour, instead of seeing their child's behaviour as sinful or wicked.
Being confined indoors restricts hens» ability to perform the normal behaviours that provide quality of life.
None of that can come close to the feeling of sheer wrongness that comes every time a defender slowly rolls the ball back to the keeper, who reaches down and picks the thing up and everybody just carries on as if this is normal behaviour.
This is normal behaviour for any fans.
This can be normal behaviour or related to illness.
«Breastfeeding should be normal behaviour.
These are normal behaviours and not necessarily a sign of hunger, or a sign of being ready to start solid food.
During the weaning process I kept in mind that emotional upsets were normal behaviour, and that she almost always moved on quickly and bore no lasting damage.
But these are all normal behaviours for babies and not necessarily a sign that they are hungry or ready to start solid food.
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