Sentences with phrase «normal blood flow»

When sudden cardiac arrest is detected, the device delivers a shock to the heart to stop the abnormal heart rhythm, reset the rhythm, and restore normal blood flow through the body.
This results in damage to the walls of the blood vessels which can compromise normal blood flow to the brain, heart, kidneys, and skin.
When you have heart disease, your heart arteries usually get blocked, thus disrupting normal blood flow.
A disease called peripheral artery disease, or PAD, causes blockages in your lower limbs preventing normal blood flow.
All these grown entwined heartworms cause the blockage of normal blood flow inside an animal's heart.
The four surgeries took place between Sept. 14 and Sept. 22, and three of the womb transplants were removed after tests determined the organs were not receiving normal blood flow.
Directions: To support normal blood flow, take 20g (200 mg flavanols) per day with hot or cold milk and sweeten to taste (mix into a paste with a little liquid before topping up).
By mimicking normal blood flow, the mechanical microenvironment, and how different tissues physically interface with one another in living organs, they offer a more systematic approach to testing drugs than other in vitro methods that ultimately could help to replace animal testing.
Cardiac tamponade is a life - threatening condition, and requires insertion of a needle through the chest wall and into the sac surrounding the heart (known as pericardiocentesis) in order to remove the fluid surrounding and restore normal blood flow to the body.
Without normal blood flow, the stomach can not produce a proper protective layer of mucous to protect its tissues from the harsh digestive acid it contains.
«The result is a leak from the aorta, the major blood vessel supplying blood to the body, through the open ductus into the pulmonary artery supplying blood to the lungs and then back again to the left ventricle, causing the left ventricle to work harder to maintain normal blood flow.
Like a micro erector set of scaffolding, the stent locks in place; after which the artery can expand allowing for more normal blood flow.
Many times, these clots can lodge in a large blood vessel called the aorta where they can prevent normal blood flow to the hind legs.
Fainting, also called syncope, is a loss of consciousness that is typically due to a lack of normal blood flow to the brain.
Flavanols are a plant - based antioxidant that help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, contributing to normal blood flow & supporting:
The company received the right to use the health claim that «cocoa flavanols help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, which contributes to normal blood flow
The patient is given an injection of a radioactive substance, which gets absorbed in those parts of the heart muscle that have normal blood flow.
When the sickle cells travel through small blood vessels, they can decrease the normal blood flow to all organs of the body, causing many complications including pain that require hospitalization for treatment, lung disease and a shortened life span.
Daily exercise can help contribute to normal blood flow and lead to a healthier heart.
Noted and most consistent health effects have been found for cardiovascular health, normal blood flow, lower risks of morbidity due to stroke and heart attack, reduction in blood pressure, improved inner blood vessel lining functioning, and others.
This prevents the normal blood flow back to the heart and can lead to a reduction in blood pressure and the eventual occurrence of hypovolemic shock.
In patients, because the liver has never received the normal blood flow to sustain it, it is usually smaller than normal.
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition in which the ductus arteriosus blood vessel fails to close normally, interrupting the normal blood flow between the aorta and pulmonary arteries that carry blood from the heart.
This tendency is a problem when abnormal blood clots form, break off, and lodge in places where they blocks off (occludes) normal blood flow.
Their lungs, where worms also reside, no longer have normal blood flow.
These clots can sometimes lodge in a large blood vessel — the aorta — where they can prevent normal blood flow to the hind legs.
The condition occurs when a malformed pulmonary valve causes a partial obstruction of normal blood flow.
The effects of the heartworm are to physically block the normal blood flow through your heart and to damage the lining of the heart muscle inside the right chamber.
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