Sentences with phrase «normal cat behaviour»

Scratching is a normal cat behaviour.
It is essential for cat owners to understand that scratching is part of normal cat behaviour.

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In some cats, stress inhibits normal behaviour; for example, reducing exploratory behaviour or affiliative behaviours such as social grooming (allogrooming).
Cats love to bask in the sunshine and the normal cycle of night and day helps govern natural behaviour by influencing their hormone levels.
Cats may develop behaviour problems if they are stressed by the lack of opportunity to express their normal behavioural repertoire.
Some cats may indulge in those normal behaviours that are deemed safe, such as grooming, sleeping and eating, but to an excessive level as a means to self - sooth in stressful circumstances.
It often helps to consider the cat's normal behaviour, needs and motivations.
EXCESSIVE VOCALIZATION Meowing is a completely normal feline behaviour, but some owners are disturbed when their cats» vocalizations become loud or prolonged, and especially when they disturb the owner from sleep!
These playful (or predatory) behaviours are normal and one of your cat's most ingrained instincts to help her develop her hunting skills.
It then becomes important to establish the cat's motivation for this behaviour and whether, in the context, it is normal or abnormal.
Aggressive responses seen in pet cats are closely related to the natural behaviour of the species and are a normal part of predation, play and social conflict.
If on the other hand, your cat's normal behaviour changes and they suddenly begin to urinate inside the house, or are no longer using their litter tray, then you need to understand why.
When cats watch us they appear to be very adept at reading non-verbal cues, particularly if they represent a change in our normal behaviour or in any way signal danger.
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