Sentences with phrase «normal children»

As frustrating as they are, tantrums are part of normal child development.
This is a healthy part of normal child development.
It is from 6 months of age in fact that the infants begin to develop the oral motor skills necessary for normal child development.
Lawyers can best serve such clients by helping them learn more about normal child behavior.
Some perfectly normal children don't walk until they're 16 or 17 months old.
Start by educating yourself about normal child development to ensure your expectations are realistic.
It will help you to understand normal child development so that you can make more realistic the expectations you have for your own child's growth and development.
As well as being able to jump off the bed (great fun... and a very normal child behaviour), children can roll out of bed while they are asleep.
To me, that's just normal child - like behavior, best handled with a sense of humor.
We discuss normal child development in the first year, when to expect certain milestones to happen, and how to help your child on the path of development.
High fever can cause seizures in 2 to 4 per cent of otherwise normal children 3 years and under, though no one is sure why.
But he thinks it has something to do with how his daughter treated her brother — as a totally normal child.
The exact age that each child will be ready to learn a specific thing, will vary a bit among normal children.
Home educated children may not suffer the peer pressure and other stresses of school, but they are basically normal children.
And it is widely acknowledged that these so - called normal children's needs frequently fall through the cracks.
Parental involvement and spousal satisfaction with division of early childcare in Turkish families with normal children and children with special needs.
When is behavior part of normal child development and when is it a problem?
In the following years, the rate of mental development slows to about one third of that for normal children.
As a result, they read body language differently than normal children do.
There is no compelling evidence that parenting methods can cause ADHD in otherwise normal children.
Normal child development tends to follow a certain pattern.
None - the-less, our data suggest that fluency in writing the letters of the alphabet is a reasonable goal for all normal children by the end of first - grade.
I too is a mother of 2 g6pd babies, 2 yr old @ 3mos old, it was horrible at first but reading blogs and doing my own research assured me that my boys can have a healthy life and just be as normal children.
Sequential acquisition of toilet - training skills: a descriptive study of gender and age differences in normal children.
I really do go back and forth with this pass issue because, no, I don't have a special needs child, but he is still an impatient, normal child who doesn't particularly like long lines, crowds or loud noises.
Actually healthy normal children do not require supplementationon routine basis.
This insight inspired Ainsworth to dive into normal child parent relationship in a normal setting: And in 1954 a golden research opportunity presented itself and Ainsworth was off to Africa.
Practitioners use a set of developmental milestones to measure normal child development.
Just how normal these children, and their children, will turn out to be — or whether the extra contribution might confer some advantage — nobody knows.
Developmentally normal children inhibited their blinking before emotional climaxes, as though they were following the narrative and predicting an outcome.
«The most amazing thing, which for a little girl is a miracle, is that this transplant has not only saved her life, but it will eventually enable her to eat, drink and swallow, even talk, just like any other normal child.
More of the same: the hilarious Mr. Trump (with fanfares and His Amazing Golden Apartment), his relatively normal children, the non-celebrity,
But even on that front, it's not clear that encouraging adoption and including adoptive children as regular, normal children on the same level as biological ones makes adoption normative in the way biological children might be.
Research provided by Cermak and Daunhauer (1997) have consistently shown «sensory defensiveness» in the infant and toddler who has not been exposed to normal child rearing strategies.
Furthermore, I'd argue that having a healthy and neurologically normal child is less stressful on a marriage than trying to survive the horror of a dead or permanently disabled child.
The results they obtained with normal children exceeded their optimistic expecatations.
Researchers have found that 20 percent of normal children snore occasionally and 7 percent to 10 percent of children snore every night.
We identified associated gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression in a group of previously normal children, which was generally associated in time with possible environmental triggers.»
But aren't the odds of a chromosomally normal child for an older mother still very good?
His ongoing photo series, simply entitled «Haru and Mina», show the two boys doing everything normal children would do from going to school and running around to playing instruments and climbing trees.
The two little girls did what many normal children would do on a hot sunny day: they stripped down to their underwear and raced into the water to splash and cool off.
Journal of Ab - normal Child Psychology, 24, 85 - 104.
It is plausible that children suffering from these disorders are treated in a different manner than normal children due to the responses that they evoke, and it is because of these environmental differences that they are more prone to criminal behavior.
(This is outside normal child care arrangements while parents work.)
The unfortunate reality is that discipline strategies that work with normal children simply don't work with kids with ODD.
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