Sentences with phrase «normal conduct»

Most pet parents have at least a vague idea of what constitutes normal conduct for their companion animal.
Even if it may be shown that some homosexuals have an orientation that they have not chosen, it is fair to state that homosexual behavior is in fact «a choice,» and one that most people do not view as normal conduct either for themselves or their sons and daughters in or out of the military.
Hopefully this puts the Mitchell debate to bed and we can get back to the normal behaviour in litigation that was normal conduct prior to the Mitchell decision.
There is thus full coincidence between the normal conduct of the usurper and the decision of God.
It is through this normal conduct that the prophecy is fulfilled.
Even though, as we have seen, it is not always a very high ethic, it often rises above our normal conduct.
Watson says that he thought it was normal conduct and wanted to conceal the crime.
Scratching is a normal conduct for feline species.
As a takeaway, I would say that, in order for a request for extension of time to be considered as relating to an «exceptional case ``, any reason related to the normal conduct of business should be avoided.
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