Sentences with phrase «normal finding»

Similarly, demonstrating normal findings on x-rays of the lungs when they were previously abnormal may indicate reduced risk of serious complications, and may ease concerns of a transfer partner.
Drives me nuts, and of course the dealer comes back, «it is normal we find nothing wrong» I compained 3 times.
(note to self: check Hugh's website first thing in the morning every morning) One thing I think isn't being said — at least not as clearly — is how terrified the Publishers are now becoming of this New Normal they find themselves in.
Healthy aging cats should have normal findings during their veterinary exams, which should include listening for heart murmurs and blood pressure measurements.
An overview of normal findings is presented below; credentialed veterinary dental technicians should be familiar with common abnormalities and able to describe them to clients.
Regardless of the techniques used, the alveolar macrophage is an absolutely normal finding and should not be interpreted as a sign of bronchopulmonary inflammation or pathology.
Dogs with idiopathic head tremors do not exhibit any other neurological abnormalities, and will have normal findings from both the MRI and CSF analysis.
Skilled in checking vital stats of patients prior to operation and post surgery to understand responses and compare with normal findings
Once in a while a story to illustrate one of the many normal and below normal findings as well as suggestions on how to become normal if your couple is in the below normal range.
Hyperthyroid cats may have normal findings on the CBC and urinalysis, but the chemistry panel often shows elevation of several liver enzymes.
This is a normal finding which usually resolves by age 5 and is most common in children of African or Asian descent.
Though they are a common cause of parental concern, and most commonly are a normal finding, urate crystals are not spoken of to the degree of many other findings in a newborn baby.
Normal findings.
The authors of these post-mortem studies state that these occult papillary carcinomas (OPCs), which arise from normal follicular cells, should be «regarded as a normal finding which should not be treated when incidentally found» (6, p. 531).
This is a normal finding in young Shar - Pei and not associated with allergic reactions, etc..
He told me that cancer was the most common cause of non-accidental death, which is a normal finding in dogs.
Sinus arrhythmia is a normal finding in healthy dogs when relaxed however it is rather uncommon to find this in healthy individuals of other species.
A visible prostate is a normal finding in an un-neutered dog.
On normal I found myself levelling up surprisingly quick between battles, and I was effortlessly stocking up on HP and MP potions.
In fact, even on Normal we found it relatively easy going when facing off against the computer and, while we have fond memories of playing Street Fighter II in the arcades, here at T3 we are hardly versus fighter masters.
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