Sentences with phrase «normal flora»

A small population of this mite is part of normal flora of the dermis (skin) and doesn't cause any harm or infestation threats to the host or of clinical importance.
We can reverse and reduce many chronic illnesses of the gut by using nutrient rich — high fiber food to eliminate toxins and reestablish normal flora and support liver function.
After completion of treatment and confirmation of normal flora by cytology, then apply OticArmor to help patient comfort, shield the epidermis and aid in lengthening the time between reoccurrence.
A 2004 study published in ACOG's Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that, «The antimicrobial property of vernix may also act to facilitate colonization of normal flora following birth and to block colonization of unwanted microbes or pathogens.
And here's what I learned about that: Group B strep is considered normal flora.
This action of lactoferrin is especially potent against many pathogens yet leaves normal flora of the gut, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli intact.
It is very likely that because of the recognized complexity of the aerobic and anaerobic normal flora, all the above factors are involved in the suppression of Candida spp. on mucosal surfaces.
This good bacteria or normal flora fights and suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria.
Probiotics have been shown to be helpful in maintaining health by restoring normal flora and supporting immune system function, especially when a person is taking antibiotics, which can wipe out intestinal bacteria indiscriminately, including the «good» bacteria.
Though mycobacteria belong to the normal flora in humans, most species of mycobacteria are harmful and can cause respiratory and urinary tract infections.
These new infections present when antibiotics have wiped out the normal flora that was otherwise competing with the super bug for nutrients.
«Resistant bugs are modifying our normal flora.
C. albicans, a common fungal pathogen, is part of the gastrointestinal tract's normal flora and well - regulated by the immune system.
The suspected pathogens that have been isolated from diseased animals have also been isolated from healthy individuals, suggesting they may be part of the normal flora.
«It may allow you to keep your normal flora while keeping bacteria out of the urinary tract.»
Following disruption of the normal flora balance, mice became less cautious, and changes in the animals» brain - derived neurotrophic factor — a protein associated with mood disorders — increased significantly.
People assume colds and viruses happen when they catch a bug when in fact many common infections are actually caused by bacteria that are part of the normal flora already present in their systems.
Vaginal delivery and nursing inoculate the baby with the normal flora.
Disruption of the normal flora of the intestinal tract and skin, results in a complex series of events that can produce the one symptom that is more easily recognizable to you.
The supplement aims to return the normal flora of your stomach allowing you to digest food better minus the stress.
«The normal flora in a dog naturally consists of canine canidida (Candida albicans), which is classified as a yeast and fungus.
Eight percent of adult cats carry the normal flora avirulent Feline Corona Virus.
If the population of normal flora is eliminated, it is impossible for rabbits or guinea pigs to digest fiber properly.
Thus the purpose of the study reported here was to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of most bacteria isolated from the normal flora of dogs that were presented for check up examination and vaccination to Veterinary Clinic of Shiraz University.
While turtles are most commonly incriminated in spreading Salmonella bacteria to their owners, any reptile, including snakes, can carry these bacteria as part of their normal flora.
Probiotics are the essential «good bacteria» that play a key role in establishing the normal flora of the gut so that proper digestion is achieved.
Beneficial bacteria called probiotics can be given to reestablish the normal flora of the colon.
The hay acts to return normal motility to the GI tract and normal flora to the cecum eliminating the soft stools entirely.
The most common fungal disease seen by the dermatology group is an overgrowth of Malassezia yeast, which are part of the normal flora of an animal's skin.
Rats can carry both bacteria as part of the normal flora of their respiratory tract.
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