Sentences with phrase «normal fruit»

A gene drive turned normal fruit flies (A) into yellow flies (B).
If you can't get organic, then get the next best thing — just normal fruit and veggies (wash them well)-- etc. etc..
«Working with GM tomatoes that are different to normal fruit only by the addition of a specific compound, allows us to pinpoint exactly how to breed in valuable traits,» said Professor Cathie Martin from the John Innes Centre.
These were then placed with normal fruit flies.
You never know what normal fruits contain.
The reason, reported in today's Science, is that fruit flies with a mutated methuselah gene live up to 35 % longer than normal fruit flies.
Love begets, and, in the case of romantic love, the normal fruit is children.
The process of freeze drying has a minimal effect on the loss of nutrients, so you still get the benefits of the antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals you would get from the normal fruit.
They also treated their mates with unusual courtesy — normal fruit - fly courtship looks like sexual harassment.
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