Sentences with phrase «normal growth»

Most kids under age 2 should drink whole milk for the dietary fats needed for normal growth and brain development.
Not only does this apply to normal growth of the body throughout life, but in other muscle development special cases.
This is a small (twelve or less) group designed to stimulate the rate of normal growth in reasonably healthy people.
It also promotes normal growth during childhood and helps your body fight infections.
Milk production decreases as puppies begin eating solid food, but milk alone can support normal growth in puppies up to four weeks of age.
They also play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development.
Once that is resolved for her, she will be able to move ahead and experience a more normal growth pattern.
The other trial is designed to test the effects on children who are very short for their age but have normal levels of growth hormone and normal growth hormone receptors.
And this bond must happen from the very beginning to ensure normal growth and development of the newborn child daddy - baby bonding is very important.
Our goal is to help your child maintain normal growth, keep blood sugars in check and help him or her live a happy, healthy life.
It helps convert carbohydrates into energy, build muscle, sustain normal growth and regulate blood pressure.
An inadequate supply can have serious consequences for children and young people, as they are still growing and a deficiency can disrupt normal growth.
It was also suggested that neutering at an early age would stunt normal growth.
If the infant seems constantly hungry despite short, frequent feedings, talk to your provider about normal growth and feeding times.
All too often, some other environmental factor is driving the improvement; sometimes, in fact, the gains are just normal growth associated with getting older.
We should take guys that have a high skill level and expect normal growth for a 17 year old.
Vitamin C is a water - soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development.
It also promotes normal growth and development and aids in the release of energy from foods.
Parents read a lot about the specifics and details of normal growth in this age group.
Because most babies need the fat in whole milk to support normal growth and brain development during the busy early toddler period.
They may also be important for brain / eye / nervous system health and development, as well as normal growth.
After that time it moves to the control of the autocrine system, leading some to think that milk supply can not be significantly increased after that time other than in situations like normal growth spurts.
We now have a 6 month old boy 26» at the shoulder and weighs 41.5 kg (90 lb), he is on normal growth rate apparently but this is at odds with the 10 lb a month suggested in earlier posts.
Twins usually follow normal growth curves (based on singletons) until 28 - 32 weeks, then they often demonstrate more sluggish growth.
(5 - azacytidine, Vidaza) A demethylating agent, this medicine interacts with DNA to restore normal growth of blood cells in the bone marrow.
Zinc is a mineral that strengthens the immune system, assists with DNA protection, and facilitates normal growth.
As normal growth occurs the cartilage on the end of long bones (humerus, femur) must ossify / calcify or turn into bone.
«Still, if global policymakers could focus on structural as opposed to cyclical financial solutions, New Normal growth as opposed to recession might be possible.»
The head of the Bank of Canada gently urged businesses to ease open the purse strings and start spending Wednesday as he said the economy was nearing a tipping point toward normal growth following the global recession.
First Born Program ® of Los Alamos (FBPLA) is a nonprofit organization that provides parents and primary caregivers with education and support to encourage normal growth and development of happy, healthy babies in positive, nurturing families.
In the less common, wet form of the disease, rogue blood vessels escape normal growth control and leak fluid into the macula, the area at the center of the retina that enables a person to see fine detail.
«Thus, every effort should be undertaken to achieve normal growth of lung function including non-smoking during teenage years, treatment of asthma in childhood and reducing exposure to agents such as passive smoking,» Professor Peter Lange concludes.
Researchers in this field are demonstrating that childhood behavior problems are disruptions in the process of normal growth rather than immutable defects in the child (Cicchetti & Cohen, 1995; Sameroff, Lewis, & Miller, 2000).
This parasite is not harmful to humans; however, it can harm the butterflies by inhibiting normal growth and lowering butterfly survival in the wild.
Under normal growth conditions, both variants are excluded from the vacuole and emit red and green fluorescence.
Although sleep regressions are certainly triggered by normal growth patterns your baby will experience, they aren't the same thing as a growth spurt.
These findings suggest that cancer cells subvert key genetic programs that guide immature cells to build organs during normal growth.
One of the fundamental reasons why chew toys are recommended for pups is that they somehow provide the necessary stimulation for the more normal growth of the dentition.
Baby's weight history also showed normal growth until his last weight check.
Yet many pediatricians fear such guidelines are unnecessarily restrictive and may impede normal growth and development, as well - meaning, but ill - informed, parents conclude the less fat their kids eat the better.
Iodine contributes to normal cognitive development... Vitamin D contributes to normal development of bones and teeth... Zinc contributes to normal function of the immune system... Selenium contributes to the protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage... Zinc contributes to normal growth [in infants and young children].
Nasal congestion may sound like a simple issue, but it can in fact prove to be extremely dangerous for a newborn infant, because it would not only cause fatigue and irritability, thereby hampering normal growth, but also cause sleep apnea, which causes temporary moments of not breathing when the newborn is asleep.
Although the children's weight - for - age, length / height - for - age, and weight - for - length / height Z scores clustered below zero, they fell within two standard deviations of the median, suggesting normal growth.
«Our findings suggest that heart development is exquisitely sensitive to the available amount of Rad21 and cohesin — it can be compromised even when there is sufficient cohesin present to support relatively normal growth.
Instead, we found that palovarotene appears to balance the effects of the FOP mutation, effectively restoring near normal growth.
And thanks to an unprecedented study now being launched, scientists will be able to examine those changes in depth, using MRI to define what normal growth looks like — and helping clarify what can go awry in teenage brains.
Some biologists refer to this as multicellular behaviour rather than true multicellularity, because normal growth occurs when the cells are separate.
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