Sentences with phrase «normal heart beat»

Sunspot activity is considered periodic or almost periodic, same as a normal heart beat.
Feel the speed and rhythm of your dog's normal heart beat.
A murmur is an additional «swishing» sound that accompanies the normal heart beat.
When a gallop sound is present, the sound of the normal heart beat and the extra sound together is similar to the sound of a horse's hooves at gallop, hence the name.
Electricity can disrupt the normal heart beat resulting in an arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) which may cause your dog to collapse, or may even cause cardiac arrest (when the heart stops beating).
Due to the body's inability to degrade catecholamines (e.g. epinephrine), a person suffering from mercury poisoning may experience profuse sweating, tachycardia (persistently faster - than - normal heart beat), increased salivation, and hypertension (high blood pressure).
The patients in WARCEF were in normal sinus rhythm (experiencing a normal heart beat) and were taking heart failure medications.
Salk L (1960) The effects of the normal heart beat sound on the behaviour of the newborn infant: implications for mental health.
We have incorporated new technology to create 3D sound, as well as the normal heart beating for the second game.
The specific arrhythmia with this disease is called ventricular premature complexes (VPC), these are early abnormal heart beats originating from the heart muscle instead of the specialized conduction tissue in the heart where normal heart beats originate.
A normal heart beats regularly.

Not exact matches

Between low blood pressure, reduced inflammation and normal cholesterol levels, chances are your heart is on a fast track to beating healthy.
If you only listen just before the contraction you will hear a heart rate in the normal range (110 - 160), and the human ear can not distinguish the reduced beat to beat variability of the baseline (a sign of fetal acidaemia).
Young people doing moderate - intensity activity will notice that their hearts are beating faster than normal and they are breathing harder than normal.
At this point, a normal fetal heart rate is about the same heart rate as the mother's: 80 to 85 beats per minute (bpm).
Things a woman's doctor will look for (abnormalities) are if her baby's heart rate is outside the normal range of less than 120 beats per minute or a heart rate of greater than 160 beats per minute.
The good news is that a heart rate that is even near the 100 beats per second range is classified as normal for many pregnant women.
A heart rate of greater than 160 beats per minute, «E,» is father than normal in a newborn.
Monitors indicated his blood pressure was 70/40 — half normal — and his heart rate was 120 beats per minute — twice normal.
During normal dives, narwhals reduce their heart rate to about 10 to 20 beats per minute to conserve oxygen while spending prolonged time underwater.
(A person's heart generally beats 80 million times a year and five to six billion times over the course of a normal lifetime, according to Irvine, Calif. — based valve producer Edwards Lifesciences.)
While normal adults have resting heart rates between 60 - 100 beats per minute, hearts of endurance athletes can beat only 30 times per minute or even lower at night time when there can be long pauses between heart beats.
The scientists noticed several abnormalities in the heart cells created from the patients: the cells beat weaker than normal, and numerous genes in the cells were abnormally activated or silenced.
The research, published online on April 18 in the journal Lab on a Chip, describes the successful recording of both electrical signals and cellular beating from normal human heart cells grown on a multi-electrode array developed at the Lab.
CHECK: Cardiorespiratory endurance TEST: Resting heart rate test BENCHMARK: The closer to the normal rate of 70 to 72 beats per minute, the better.
According to the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a cardiac arrhythmia is essentially an electrical disruption to the normal workings of the heart, in which the heart muscle beats excessively fast, too slow or irregulHeart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a cardiac arrhythmia is essentially an electrical disruption to the normal workings of the heart, in which the heart muscle beats excessively fast, too slow or irregulheart, in which the heart muscle beats excessively fast, too slow or irregulheart muscle beats excessively fast, too slow or irregularly.
When we are exposed to stress (any kind of stress), sympathetic nervous system is activated to increase the body's awareness by increasing heart beat and adrenaline.When we calm down, parasympathetic nervous system takes over to enable normal breathing, digestion etc..
Your fitness is directly related to how long it takes your heart beat to get back to normal.
At 28 weeks, I felt the sensation of my heart beating at twice its normal speed.
To meet this recommendation, you need only break a sweat and feel your heart beating a little faster than normal.
Some of the symptoms that I facing are when I fell hungry I can fell my adrenaline grand start to produce hormone, I start sweating a lot and my body start shacking, feeling nauseous and dizzy too, sometimes I can feel me heart beating very strong for a while and it back to normal after that.
SNS activation in normal people causes the normal heart rate to increase transiently by 10 - 15 beats per minute along with a very slight increase in blood pressure on standing.
I'd suggest you talk to you doctor in detail about these symptoms so they can figure out if you're simply aware of your heart beating in a normal way, or if you're having an abnormal rhythm.
POTASSIUM Normal blood levels of potassium help keep your heart beating steadily.
The body burns up to 2000 calories a day from normal functions like your heart beating, breathing, and thinking this is why eating anything under what is recommended is dangerous.
I have had an elevated heart rate for the past 2 weeks (10 + beats above normal resting heart rate).
A heart rate elevated by 5 beats over your normal for more than a few days is in indication you need to back off training and have a big recovery week.
I am feeling my heart is pumping too strongly, it also seems but not sure its beating too fast but i am sure its pumping more strongly because i feel it a lot even during normal day activities, so before sleep and in breaks i notice it really a lot.
The normal heart rate for a person is between 60 and 80 beats per minute.
Because an anemic cat is not transporting oxygen normally, the heart beats more rapidly than normal, and he or she will have less energy than normal.
The heart rate depends a lot on the activity level of the ferret, but a rate of 200 to 300 beats per minute is considered normal.
Cat heart rates are faster and normal ranges are between 160 - 190 beats per minute.
The normal resting dog heart beats between 80 and 150 times / minute.
He will listen to your Miniature Schnauzer's heartbeat (normal heart rate for Miniature Schnauzer's range from 90 to 150 beats per minute) and he will check your dog's breathing rate (the normal respiratory rate is 10 to 30 breaths per minute) and take your Miniature Schnauzer's temperature (normal body temperature readings for dogs range from 100.5 - 102.5 Fahrenheit).
During Joe's recent checkup, tests shows the pacemaker was keeping his heart beating normal.
This action reduces strain on the heart and helps it maintain a normal, steady, and strong beat.
Puppies typically have higher heart rates, up to 180 beats per minute is normal up to one year of age.
In this condition localized scarring of the heart muscle prevents the normal beating of the heart.
His vital signs were recorded as within normal limits: heart rate of 180 beats / min, respiration of 32 breaths / min, temperature of 101.8 °F, pink gums, and capillary refill time (CRT) of 1 second.
This is due to a normal heart producing a bit of turbulence because it is beating with good strength and the body wall is thin, so we hear the swooshing noises more easily than in the more mature cat.
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