Sentences with phrase «normal heart sounds»

During auscultation, your vet will listen to determine if your pet has normal heart sounds and a normal rhythm.
Normally, your pet's veterinarian hears two distinct normal heart sounds when they listen to the heart: lub - dub... lub - dub... lub - dub.

Not exact matches

Salk L (1960) The effects of the normal heart beat sound on the behaviour of the newborn infant: implications for mental health.
We have incorporated new technology to create 3D sound, as well as the normal heart beating for the second game.
In most cases of chronic bronchitis, the heart sounds normal and the lungs sound abnormal.
This sound is a result of the blood flowing faster than normal within the heart itself or in one of the two major arteries leaving the heart (the aorta and pulmonary artery).
In a normal, healthy heart, there are only two sounds heard — sort of a lub - dub — and they should be clearly audible, not muffled or difficult to pick up.
On auscultation I couldnt detect any murmurs or abnormal sounds, but the heart rate increases sometimes very sudden for several seconds and goes back to normal.
After the weight has been recorded; the heart and lungs are listened to for normal rate, rhythm and sounds; the ears and the eyes are examined, the teeth are checked and the abdomen is palpated while the veterinarian watches for signs of pain; the back is also examined and so is the skin.
She does all of the regular checks including listening to Fido's heart, which sounds normal.
TPR, checking of your temperature, heart and respiratory rate and sounds, ensuring that all is normal.
Normally, two distinct sounds are heard when listening to the heart of a normal dog or cat.
Note all blood tests are normal, he's asymptomatic, and heart and lungs sound normal.
When a gallop sound is present, the sound of the normal heart beat and the extra sound together is similar to the sound of a horse's hooves at gallop, hence the name.
A murmur is an additional «swishing» sound that accompanies the normal heart beat.
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