Sentences with phrase «normal human being»

I judge you as a sane, rational, thinking, moderate, normal human being, who has to deal with shit on a daily basis that I would know very little of.
Providing definitive medical care and handling grooming, bathing and feeding duties with more love and compassion than a normal human being is Mona's specialty.
The driver safety course seemed like it was written by a normal human being, not just some DMV bureaucrat.»
An easy way to spice up a story (while also protecting yourself from the Kanye trap) is to overwhelm the listener with unexpected details that no normal human being would consider sharing publicly.
Well, assuming you walk like a normal human being, you weren't being negligent or dangerous, so you can't be at fault.
Expect that while you are preparing for the bar exam, you will not be quite a normal human being.
It just means that you should participate in the rich pageantry of social media like a normal human being, not simply as a client - gathering machine.
But as a «normal human being», you are a slave not only to your pre-programmed selfish desires, but also to the mind - controlling propaganda of big business:
Massacres, genocide, serial killers and random acts of violence that make no sense to any normal human being.
She is not a princess like Peach, she is a normal civilian and a normal human being.
There has been a slight attempt at creating some joy through the inclusion of Cliff, his camera and numerous items / areas of Banoi that need photographing, but this too has been implemented poorly and unless you have a sixth sense that goes well beyond anything any normal human being has, will struggle to realise when you should or shouldn't be on the lookout for the money shot.
I actually woke up around then in the middle night from some dream and promptly went back to bed like a normal human being.
First off, the story is engaging and at times, you'll feel like there is no way any normal human being could survive what half of any of these survivors went through.
Luke Smith makes me not want to ever spend money on this game and Bungie should consider teaching him how to interact like a normal human being before letting him interview again.
Ever since that moment, I tried to conduct Link as a normal human being (or Hylian, I guess) instead of the crazed pot - smasher I make him out to be in other Zelda games.
For some reason beyond my comprehension, the framerate hopped from 10 to 60 frames a second after that, and I could finally play Death Road to Canada like a normal human being.
The way he has presented himself throughout this process really demonstrates that he doesn't hold himself in overly high regard, but rather knows he's a normal human being like everyone else and isn't afraid to show emotion when his hard work pays off.
But for your help, I would not have been able to use my NT like a normal human being.
I don't know what drove Persig to submit his work to 121 publishers, but a normal human being would have been damaged by that process.
Take Smashwords for example, what normal human being browses that bookstore to buy and read books?
Amy, being a normal human being like the rest of us, slipped for about two seconds under the onslaught of constant criticism and suspicion from several people.
For the normal human being, when it comes to a car's interior, it doesn't get any better than the new Mercedes - Benz S - Class, especially if we're talking about the LWB version with the reclining rear seats package.
He's one of the most beloved characters in the series, and yet we've never seen him as a normal human being, aside from some artworks (not counting Portable Ops).
I love that Renee Zellweger put on some weight to play Bridget so that she actually looked like a normal human being and not a lollipop.
She has such a natural presence onscreen, speaking and reacting like a normal human being while acting as the voice of reason for her boss and good friend (played by Juliette Binoche).
The repulsive turn of events erased all my good memories of the first half, and makes the movie hard to recommend to a normal human being.
It's no wonder, then, that cinema returns to stories centered on Nazis time and time again; it's easy to root for good over evil when the evil is so extreme, so obvious, so utterly despicable as to be incomprehensible to any normal human being.
I think its that idea of aspiring to achieve your goals whether you can time travel or are just a normal human being that really shines through.
You're just a normal human being craving for connection and interaction with another human being.
Through these features, members get to know how others are fighting this condition and still living the life of a normal human being who has everything in life to be happy about.
i am sociable cool and collective normal human being nothing unusual i am respective to people and really genuine.
Im just a normal human being just like everyone else..
(You're just a normal human being on an average Tuesday morning.
And then, the next day I find myself barely able to function like a normal human being.
This maxi skirt had a very small slit at the back and I had to open it up so I could walk like a normal human being and not shuffle along like a penguin.
I remember before I started blogging, scrounging for last minute ideas on dozens of «holiday gift guides», «gifts for her», «luxury gift ideas» and more — only to be recommended some cheap office do - dads, some kind of zen sandbox - thing, and other equally bazaar gifts that any normal human being would never consider owning in real life.
Finally feeling like a normal human being again.
A normal human being usually has an adequate level of human growth hormone.
It is a normal human being condition and there is nothing to worry about.
Mind you, I am a normal human being and I do allow myself to cheat on the weekends and of course on holidays.
It means you are a normal human being like everyone else, but a person who is being affected by stress.
How much of each day do you spend just trying to get yourself to a point where you can be productive or just function like a normal human being?
As we get older too, we know our testosterone growth hormone are down, so I got away with not really doing strength training, but just by being a normal human being probably until about 10 years ago, and I knew that.
It actually lets you live like a normal human being and enjoy your life like I teach with the non-fitness lifestyle.
If this is true, congratulations, you're a pretty normal human being who's a bit obsessed about his greatest passion.
I felt like I wasn't capable of being a normal human being, and I had a lot of self - doubt.
Rudolf Virchow in 1872 argued that the bones from Neandertal were those of a normal human being, deformed by rickets; the idea was revived by Francis Ivanhoe in 1970.
So much of that is down to his talking like a normal human being.
He mentioned that, she was like any normal human being but very very beautiful and he even went out with her several times.
And it's really disappointing because she went through all that terrible stuff at the beginning where we all hated her, then she redeemed herself by working like a normal human being to save herself and her children and now this, and it's shoddy and grubby and really upsetting.»
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