Sentences with phrase «normal human experience»

Trauma is defined as an «event outside normal human experience».
«We're going to start seeing physical changes outside the bounds of normal human experience in a region that has already experienced quite a lot of variance in weather.
By moving in this way from normal human experience to the ministry of Jesus and then to his Church, Farmer implicitly endorses an ecclesiology that rightly sees the Church as continuing the healing mission of Christ in a context that is not divorced from real lived experience.
In describing occurrences which, ex hypothesi, lay on the extreme edge of normal human experience, or beyond it, the writers are hardly to be pinned down to matter - of - fact precision in detail; and indeed the accounts they give, taken literally, are problematic if not contradictory.
In normal human experience, it would seem bizarre if you could see the very thin veins of a leaf but couldn't grasp a complete view of the leaf — but such things happen in VLBI, since some portions of data are inevitably missing.
The truth that gays exist, and it is a normal human experience?
Now meditation as an exercise in prayer is no different from this sort of natural and normal human experience, except that it is thought about God, about God's character and his activity in the world.
A normal human experience also includes putting your hand on a hot stove so 3 cheers for all your quoted experts!
If the resurrection is the true dénouement of the whole story and not a «happy ending» tacked on to a tragedy, then there is an element in the story itself which brings us to the frontiers of normal human experience, where experience runs out into mystery.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating anxiety disorder associated with exposure to a traumatic event outside the range of normal human experience.
Persuading, and being persuaded; joining and identification with groups are normal human experiences.
When we accept feelings and limit behaviors, we teach children that their emotions are a normal human experience and they are responsible for how their actions surrounding those emotions.
The words Don offers to his son in describing the emotions Garnett is feeling makes these feelings easier to handle, and makes the boy see that this episode is just a part of the normal human experience.
Many of us try to control these uncontrollable, normal human experiences.
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