Sentences with phrase «normal human standards»

Thomas is listed at 5 ′ 9, which is a touch small even by normal human standards.

Not exact matches

And for most of the last three - hundred - and - fifty years this effort to ground all human knowledge has focused upon the physical sciences; indeed, «since the period of Descartes and Hobbes, the assumption that scientific discourse was normal discourse and that all other discourse needed to be modeled upon it has been the standard motive for philosophizing.»
In doing so, they were forced also to trade the robust natural law tradition for the recently constructed standard of «psychiatric normality,» with «heterosexuality» serving as the new normal for human sexuality.
Humans may be «regular» and «normal,» but it's clear that, by animal and autistic standards, we're also very strange.
When our bodies become «toxic,» it means that our natural means of ushering out metabolic waste from normal human metabolism, environmental pollution, and what has become known as the Standard American Diet (or SAD diet — funny, right!)
Unlike humans there are no exact standards for normal levels of blood pressure across breeds.
You face off against seemingly normal human beings that can somehow absorb dozens of headshots, loot standard AK - 47s that are magically better than the last one, all while dressing up in a bog standard ski jacket.
This may seem pretty normal by today's standards however back in those days it was deemed unacceptable enough for human pedestrians to be changed to zombies with green blood and robots with oil spills to satisfy the review ratings board in some territories.
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