Sentences with phrase «normal ice states»

That is 5.61 million square miles of ice, with only Labrador (Eastern Canada) and the Davis Strait maintaining normal ice states.

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Personally I think the earth's normal state of no polar ice caps is the best configuration for living things.
Since the level of Arctic sea ice set a new record low in 2007, significantly above - normal winter snow cover has been seen in large parts of the northern United States, northwestern and central Europe, and northern and central China.
Al Rodger: Well, yes, according to the PIOMAS the total change in Arctic ice volume during prior normal period was from about 28000 cubic km in winter to about 12000 at the minimum, or a change of about 16000 as you stated.
Another way of stating the question is whether below normal multi-year ice fractions account for a persistence in ice extent anomalies on interannual time scales, or whether the ice pack is now back in a mode with no interannual correlation between extent anomalies (Bitz, personal communication).
He added that in the tropical Andes, according to Polissar et al. (2006), the normal state of all but the very highest peaks had been ice - free; therefore, it could not be said for certain that our influence on climate was causing any change that might not have occurred naturally anyway.
Here we show that a new low ice cover state has appeared from 2007 onwards, which is distinct from the normal state of seasonal sea ice variation, suggesting a bifurcation has occurred from one attractor to two.
This suggests the new low ice cover state may be a transient feature and further abrupt changes in summer - autumn Arctic sea - ice cover could lie ahead; either reversion to the normal state or a yet larger ice loss.
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