Sentences with phrase «normal labour»

Fear has a physiological effect, making contractions less effective and derailing normal labour.
It was a... [Read more...] about Normal Labour and Birth Conference, Sydney 2016: Science, Love and Dancing!
And while they are happy that hospital birth services exist for pregnancies with complications or if there are difficulties in labour, they believe that the hospital environment is not always the best place for a woman in normal labour to have a normal, natural birth, even if only because bright lights, clock - watching and multiple examinations are most definitely not conducive to relaxing and, you know, letting your body do its thing.
(Although since then Scottish Labour has again left the field with Kezia Dugdale quitting the leadership for love triggering a leadership battle between Richard Leonard and Anas Sarwar that's increasingly unseemly even though left wing Leonard has already all but won thanks to the now normal Labour practise of signing up lots of union members on the cheap.)
Unemployment that results from normal labour turnover, from people entering and leaving the workforce and from the ongoing creation and destruction of jobs.
In 2010, she chaired the 5th International Normal Labour and Birth Research conference in Vancouver.
Women who planned to give birth in a birth centre or at home were significantly more likely to have a normal labour and birth compared with women in the labour ward group.
Normal labour is divided into three stages.
At the end of October, Dr. Cadwell and several of her colleagues spoke at the Normal Labour and Birth Conference at Hangzhou Normal University in Hangzhou, China.
Women expressed delight when they have achieved a «normal labour» but: «with the help of the epidural».
The International Normal Labour and Birth Conference, downunder for the first time this October (2016), was, as one participant described, «A perfect blend of science, love, and dancing.»
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