Sentences with phrase «normal language»

Many parents of toddlers are confused about what constitutes normal language development.
We know of case studies of feral children who are raised in the wild and don't develop normal language.
Take the time to read through portions of the company website to learn about normal language used so you can incorporate that into your letter.
In normal language «a person» means a human being.
If your child can make gestures and follow directions, this is an indication that your child is capable of understanding and communicating and is on the right path to normal language development.
We know of case studies of feral children who are raised in the wild and don't develop normal language.
Although there is considerable variation in linguistic ability — from the absence of functional speech to near normal language skills — deficits in semantic processing, especially interpreting language in context, are common across the whole spectrum of autistic disorders, including Asperger syndrome.
It's dispiriting to watch a man who espouses genuine convictions using normal language treated as some sort of museum piece, but that's where we are.
«What she found was these hippocampal patients, these amnesic patients who had normal language abilities, were unable to imagine a future scenario.»
Conversely, a stroke in certain areas buried deep in the right hemisphere usually spares normal language but may leave the afflicted person unable to use meaningful swearwords.
Normal language acquisition and intellectual development in these deaf children permit them to appropriately internalize social cues and self - regulate during interactions (Marschark & Spencer, 1997).
Shakey could receive instructions in normal language, not requiring step - by - step orders or technical wording.
Although children with this disorder generally have normal language skills, there may occasionally be an associated Communication Disorder (e.g., Phonological Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive - Expressive Language Disorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articulation.
The range of normal language development is also as widely variable in gifted children as it is in the non-gifted population.
In our continually fluctuating experience no such absolute identity obtains from moment to moment, but in God's one unfettered envisagement of all possibilities, the absolute identity from moment to moment means that in our normal language it is a single unchanging and eternal act.
In normal language: people unable to rise from the bottom to the top, or even from the middle to the top, because of their background.
Those patients all had normal language...
As Harvard University psychologist Alfonso Caramazza will explain in a lecture, scientists often make inferences about how the normal language system works by examining people who have damage to the areas of the brain that process language.
Those patients all had normal language skills, even though as much as half of their brain had withered away, researchers reported February 17 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
In addition to the normal language we all use to describe objects and activities, we reserve a special language to express extreme emotion or displeasure and to warn others to pay attention.
It was mainly a test of how to distil a complex, wordy legal situation and put it in normal language
Let's take a look at how it works, under - the - hood and in normal language.
In 2018 you will be able to use normal language to tell your TV to turn itself off when the show you are watching is over, or change the channel to a specific network, but with the addition of Google Assistant, you could also order a pizza, call an Uber, view Google Photos, and check traffic through Google maps.
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