Sentences with phrase «normal mice daily»

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To test a nonpermanent approach, the team gave normal female mice the MIS protein as a twice - daily shot.
For 8 weeks, they fed normal mice a high - fat diet and gave them daily injections of either TNP, a well - known IP6K1 inhibitor, or a placebo.
Four days later, the livers of the non-supressed mice had readjusted to a normal daily rhythm, as revealed by the daily rise and fall of liver - gene expression.
Some fell into a pattern of two to three separate cycles of sleep and activity per day, in contrast to the single daily cycle found in normal mice, while others» rhythms were completely disorganized, Blackshaw says.
The older mice fed a diet containing extra amounts of vitamin E, the equivalent to about 200 IU / day consumed by humans — about 10 times the Recommended Daily Allowance but well below the upper limit — were far more resistant to the bacteria than the older mice that had a normal amount of vitamin E in their diet.
«Not only do these mice have trouble learning and remembering, they can't perform some other normal daily behaviors such as building a nest,» adds C. Ronald Kahn, M.D., senior author on the paper, Joslin's chief academic officer and the Mary K. Iacocca Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
A study out of University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine found that mice who were given daily 150 mg dosages of Panax Ginseng Berry Extract had significantly improved glucose tolerance and normal blood sugar levels after just 12 days!
In addition, the normal diurnal feeding rhythms present in mice were significantly blunted in the mutant mice: on a standard laboratory 12 - h light: 12 - h dark (12:12 LD) cycle, nocturnal mice typically consume ~ 75 — 80 % of their total daily calories during the dark phase; in contrast, Clock mutant mice consume ~ 50 % (2).
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