Sentences with phrase «normal number»

They can cause iron deficiency and a condition called anemia which is a lower than normal number of red blood cells.
I quit taking the medication the day I have birth and my lab results showed normal numbers at my next blood draw.
There are a still larger than normal number of transactions that are failing to close.
In normal numbers it causes no problems; however, if the secretions in its environment favor its growth it will proliferate.
Our usual pairing of battery tests, the S8 + pulled very normal numbers for draining and recharging.
In previous work that established a role for LTα1β2 in maintaining normal numbers of CD4 + DCs within the spleen, a slight reduction in the rate of Ltbr − / − DC turnover was observed (Kabashima et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2005).
I just read all of the questionnaires from the past month of people completing the Detox, and one included a participant's blood pressure dropping into beautiful normal numbers and his cardiologist taking him off meds, after only a week on the Detox.
Worksheet covers converting normal numbers to standard form and vice versa.
The yeasts in small normal numbers are harmless but when the yeasts are present in large numbers, disease results.
It is completely unnecessary to attempt to eradicate these yeast organisms because they will return to normal numbers when the ISS is treated with diet change.
In other words, do you brace the person ahead of time that your number is likely lower than they expect, or do you just throw it out as if it's a completely normal number?
Further experimental manipulations of Lin28 may provide a deeper understanding of nephron formation, potentially enabling the restoration of normal numbers of nephrons or their regeneration in damaged adult kidneys.
Your child may have a growth spurt or developmental push between the ages of 1 and 2 that may catch him up to normal numbers for his actual birth age.
«That probably picks up 2 to 3 percent, so we'll end up in the 7 percent range assuming we see the normal number of surprises,» Butters said.
But both teams have suffered some glitches that, in a normal year with a normal number of elite teams, would have them ranked somewhere in the No. 4 - 8 range.
Then in the second half, Kessler came out in his normal number 6.
, Henry is now saying that Alexis should be moved behind to allow Giroud to return to his normal Number Nine role.
Theoretically, only transfer back the embryos that have a normal number of chromosomes.
This technique requires that we freeze the embryos while we wait for testing results (this may take up to 2 weeks) we can use to determine which embryo has a normal number of chromosomes.
The embryos with a normal number of chromosomes are selected from the group for transfer.
An embryo that contains a normal number of chromosomes is a «euploid» embryo.
The normal number of guests determined by the level of membership applies.
Normal numbers?
There's no such thing as a normal number of bowel movements per day.
Red flags that your baby is getting dehydrated are a drop - off in the normal number of wet diapers and a shortage of saliva.
Early on Thursday and continuing through Friday, this site started getting a big burst of traffic, more than double our normal number of visits, and I can't figure out what's causing it.
Mark Dunlea with the Hunger Action Network says we've only seen about half the normal number of jobs come back into the economy:
In overall terms this means that around 200 seats matter this time — twice the normal number.
Police will also be targeting drunk drivers the night before Thanksgiving, which is another time officers see a larger than normal number of drunk drivers.
Special election results aren't always predictive of future elections, and Democrats have outperformed their normal numbers in a number of other House races throughout the spring.
Asexual whiptails have a special trick for making spermless reproduction work: The egg cells in other animals first double their choromosomes once and then divide twice, leaving them as haploid cells, with half the normal number of genetic material.
But the whiptails» egg cells first double their chromosomes twice and then divide twice, leaving them with the normal number of chromosomes and rendering a sperm cell unnecessary.
Uhl and crew then produced mice that had half the normal number of opiate receptors and as a result, experienced greater discomfort when exposed to a standard mildly painful stimulus.
In this case, methylation associated with miserable mothering prevented the normal number of glucocorticoid receptors from being transcribed in the baby's hippocampus.
As a result, conditions were fantastic for frog eggs: About three times the normal number of eggs hatched and released tadpoles that grew into frogs.
A new study has determined that mice that spent time running on wheels not only developed twice the normal number of new neurons, but also showed an increased ability to distinguish new objects from familiar objects.
And there is no evidence of a higher than normal number of thyroid cancers in this group of patients.
By a few weeks of age, before falling sick, these animals had about half the normal number of so - called memory T cells.
The team was surprised to find that B12 - deficient mice had only one - third of the normal number of bone - creating osteoblast cells, but had no change in bone - degrading osteoclast cells.
Because the timing of flu outbreaks varies from year to year, the normal number of deaths in any month can be compared with the number of deaths in the same month when there was a flu outbreak, says Lone Simonsen of George Washington University in Washington DC.
Kirschbaum said the Pacific Northwest has experienced a higher than normal number of landslides due to increased precipitation.
Researchers from Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia (IGC; Portugal), led by Monica Bettencourt - Dias, have now discovered that the master protein regulator in centriole formation, Polo - like kinase 4 (PLK4), needs to self - destruct in a regulated manner to ensure the presence of a normal number of centrioles in cells.
Some 16 percent of the animals subjected to such concentrations, the investigators determined, either had more than the normal number of sexual organs or had both male and female organs.
Prabhu and colleagues propose that early damage in failing hearts causes the release of proteins, possibly belonging to a class called alarmins, which are engulfed by and activate a larger than normal number of macrophages and dendritic cells that reside in the heart.
Patients with Alagille syndrome have fewer than the normal number of liver ducts, causing jaundice, liver disease and liver failure.
When the treated mice matured, the females gave birth to normal numbers of pups, another sign that the skeleton — specifically, the pelvis — had reached full adult size.
The third control group had a normal number of receptors.

Phrases with «normal number»

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