Sentences with phrase «normal sample variation»

The difference between the national picture and the marginal picture will normally be so subtle that it could easily be lost under or mistaken for normal sample variation, or the methodological differences in doing marginal polls (or vice-versa, normal volatility or methodological impacts could be mistaken for a different pattern in the marginals when there is none).

Not exact matches

As you can see, there as as many polls showing Labour's lead falling post Autumn Statement as rising, and overall I expect what we're seeing is a simple case of normal random sample variation.
Indeed, the team identified high variation in adjacent «normal» tissue samples, which are typically used as control samples for comparison in analyses based on mean gene expression.
In tumor samples, where we frequently encounter variants with a very small allele frequency due to contamination with normal tissue, copy number variation, and tumor heterogeneity, high coverage is essential for accurate detection of these variants with high power.
Dayna L. Dreger, PhD, a researcher with the National Institutes for Health NHGRI Dog Genome Project is asking for our help in collecting samples for researching the genetic variants for coat type and color in Chow Chows as well as leg conformation (genes that contribute to the normal leg structural variation across and within breeds).
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