Sentences with phrase «normalized by standard deviations»

The proxy series and PCs were formed into anomalies relative to the same 1902 — 80 reference period mean, and the proxy series were also normalized by their standard deviations during that period.
All time series were normalized by their standard deviation.

Not exact matches

They normalize an interval return by subtracting the average return for all such intervals in the sample period and then dividing by their standard deviation.
If you look at that chart, the normalizing by dividing by standard deviation and then taking the difference, is not like super advanced math.
a Regressions of winter SLP and SAT trends upon the normalized leading PC of winter SLP trends in the CESM1 Large Ensemble, multiplied by two to correspond to a two standard deviation anomaly of the PC; b CESM1 ensemble - mean winter SLP and SAT trends; c b − a; d b + a. SAT in color shading (°C per 30 years) and SLP in contours (interval = 1 hPa per 30 years with negative values dashed).
So to compare the «oscillations» you may have to resort to a bit of data torture by «normalizing» to standard deviation if you want to «see» some of the lagged relationships.
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