Sentences with phrase «north pole of the planet»

This gravity map of Mars shows the north pole of the planet (center).

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Gee, let's see, «the north pole» is a definite and defined place on this planet that we can go to and see with our own eyes, and know that nothing is «north of the north pole».
And they unveil the roots of the planet's storms, what lies beneath the opaque atmosphere and a striking geometric layout of cyclones parked around the gas giant's north and south poles.
Which could account for our planet's weird history of magnetic field reversals, with north and south poles swapping places.
Unlike Earth, which has two magnetic poles (north and south), ice giants can have many local magnetic poles, which leading theories suggest may be due to superionic ice and ionic water in the mantle of these planets.
But when the sun ejects major blasts of particles in flares and solar storms, these belts overflow and send electrons streaming toward Earth along the looping lines of the magnetic field, which intersect the planet near the north and south poles.
NASA's Juno spacecraft has sent back the first - ever images of Jupiter's north pole, taken during the spacecraft's first flyby of the planet with its instruments switched on.
While other probes have extensively photographed much of the planet, Juno is the first to get an intimate look at the north and south poles.
But it turns out there are a host of «north (and south) poles» on our planet.
So the north magnetic pole is where the earth's magnetic field lines pull toward the planet, acting like the south pole of a bar magnet.
Dust devils occur virtually everywhere on the planet, except for the north and south poles, which lie under layers of wet and dry ice.
Its design is courtesy of the mission's navigators, who came up with a trajectory that approaches Jupiter over its north pole and quickly drops to an altitude below the planet's radiation belts as Juno races toward Jupiter's south pole.
Every model of Pluto says the planet should get brighter, he says, because as the planet moves through its orbit, our view from Earth is increasingly of its frosty north pole.
His results showed that around 1 billion years ago, Earth could have transitioned from a modern - looking field, having a «strong» magnetic field with two opposite poles in the north and south of the planet, to having a «weak» magnetic field that fluctuated wildly in terms of intensity and direction and originated from several poles.
An amazing new photo of Saturn's north pole puts the planet's odd hexagon - shaped jet stream and dazzling rings on display.
De Pater and her colleagues have been following Uranus for more than a decade, charting the weather on the planet, including bands of circulating clouds, massive swirling storms and convective features at its north pole.
The team was especially interested in regions near the north and south poles, because the polar ice caps are the planet's largest known reservoir of water.
The red spot at the north pole of Charon, the largest moon of Pluto, may have been produced by methane from the dwarf planet's atmosphere.
Saturn itself is the celestial tree - topper of this trio, with a wide - angle look at its north pole revealing the planet's hexagonal jet stream and its spinning polar vortex.
These will take the spacecraft above the planet's north and south poles, soaring just 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles) above the tops of the planet's stormy clouds.
A planet's axis is an imaginary line that runs through the center of the planet and connects the north and south poles.
After spending more than a month in orbit on the dark side of dwarf planet Ceres, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has captured several views of the sunlit north pole of this intriguing world.
The red spot at the north pole of Charon, the largest moon of Pluto, may have been produced by methane from the dwarf planet's atmosphere.
I chose a downwelling IR value of 300W / m ^ 2, a fairly modest value for planet Earth as shown by measurement (300W / m ^ 2 + has been measured during summer at the North pole).
Changes in temperatures, which are magnified near the poles of our planet, are particularly problematic: «Earlier spring green - ups now occur before migrating herds arrive north.
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