Sentences with phrase «northern ecosystems»

Net carbon dioxide losses of northern ecosystems in response to autumn warming.
My research concerns carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, particularly (but not exclusively) high - latitude northern ecosystems.
If be realized, these changes will have profound effects of northern ecosystems and surface - atmosphere feedbacks.
It's not yet understood, she says, why the increase in seasonal amplitude of carbon dioxide concentration is so large, but it's a clear signal of widespread changes in northern ecosystems.
Our work was the most comprehensive investigation to date of how mercury is deposited to the Arctic tundra, a vast northern ecosystem surrounding the Arctic Ocean.
The bottom line, according to Graven, Ralph Keeling and colleagues, is that Northern ecosystems appear to be behaving differently than they did 50 years ago.
Loss of sea ice and warming temperatures are shifting already fragile Northern ecosystems.
Research results from scientists onboard the Amundsen and innovative Networks like ArcticNet show the impacts of climate change in Canada's Arctic and Arctic Ocean affect not only northern ecosystems and communities, but also the environments and people living in the south of Canada — as so dramatically seen off the coast of Newfoundland.
The study, in the journal Environmental Research Letters, spans 1,000 years and bolsters the idea that far northern ecosystems may play a future role in the balance of planet - warming carbon dioxide that remains in the air.
Global warming is changing the movement of carbon within northern ecosystems to the point where the Arctic could become a net source, rather than sink, of greenhouse gas emissions.
Forkel M., Carvalhais N, Rödenbeck C, Keeling R, Heimann M, Thonicke K, Zaehle S, Reichstein M. Enhanced seasonal CO2 exchange caused by amplified plant productivity in northern ecosystems.
«Understanding the current distribution of permafrost and estimating where it is likely to disappear are key factors in predicting the future responses of northern ecosystems to climate change.»
For more than a decade, I've been probing changes in Arctic climate and sea ice and their implications for the species that make up northern ecosystems and for human communities there.
There are already signs that the treeline is pushing north, and if this continues, northern ecosystems will change.
The trend in vegetation greenness has been linked to increasing growing season length at high latitudes and enhancemed terrestrial CO2 uptake in northern ecosystems.
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