Sentences with phrase «not about genes»

It's not about genes, although they may play some part in it.

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This Wolbachia approach is promising because it doesn't require genetically engineering or modifying the bugs — a strategy that has triggered opposition from people concerned about releasing modified genes into the wild.
@DOC in addition to what we know about immunology in animals and humans, what you described concerning bacteria is precisely the definition of adaptation and not evolution, the gene already exists!
«in addition to what we know about immunology in animals and humans, what you described concerning bacteria is precisely the definition of adaptation and not evolution, the gene already exists!
I have disagreed with him before about these matters, for example when he tried to claim that human exceptonalisim is somehow tied in with our genes being made in the likeness and image of God's, when God, as an incorporeal Being, would not have genes.
Last, had I known that alcoholism is a disease worse than cancer, and that it ran through the family genes thus any baby born had a strong chance of becoming one... well, that seals the deal but, I bet the parents who also fell for religiosity, not knowing it was an enclave for pedophiles... talk about regrets from hell.
Dean Hamer, the chief of gene structure and regulation at the National Cancer Institute's Laboratory of Biochemistry, wrote recently in Scientific American about his vision of a not - too - distant future in which an imaginary couple, Syd and Kayla, got to tweak the emotional makeup of their fetus.
By Lauren Kearney You may have first seen Gene Baur when he was featured talking about how not eating animal products changed his life in the inspirational pro-vegan film, Forks Over Knives.
If he stayed we would not be talking about Jerry Jones, Gene Klein or the Spanos family
Gene Autry, part owner of the Los Angeles Angels baseball club, when asked about the Angels» schedule in «Dodger Stadium»: «I don't know where that is.
Think he needs to go back and read the origin of species... Coz in the real world natural selection would have seen the wenger football gene disappear years ago... Sadly management at arsenal financial club doesn't care about football or fans
«If you get some lousy genes from your parents, you can't really fix that, and it's not easy to do something about your economic status.
We don't know much about phallus evolution (external genitalia generally don't mineralize, so the fossil record is of little help), but we can compare the expression of phallus genes from organism to organism.
But when Cherr and his colleagues finally got around recently to checking out the protein in humans, they got a big surprise: About a quarter of men don't make it properly because they have a mutant version of the relevant gene.
Why some women get breast cancer and others do not is a mystery — genes are to blame for only about 1 in 10 cases.
Steve: So you might have a gene for a particular brain receptor or, I think what you talk about in the article is not actually the structure of the receptor molecule, but the amount of receptors that you actually produce?
In the 1990s scientists such as himself, he explains, were too caught up in the promise of gene therapy to realize that they did not know enough about it to warrant human testing.
So we sequenced a gene involved in cell growth and found a correlation in about 85 percent of the patients: If you had a certain mutation in the EGFR gene, you responded to the drug; if you didn't have the mutation, you didn't.
These retroviral gene sequences make up about 8 per cent of the human genome, and are part of what is called non-coding DNA because they don't contain genetic instructions to make proteins.
What's not to like about shooting bacteria genes into your brain to have your thoughts magnetically manipulated?
«I'm not used to that kind of conference,» says Messer, who says he told the group about his lab's efforts to study the evolution of resistance to CRISPR gene drives in fruit flies.
Steve: And there's one of the researchers you quote in the article talks about, there may be genes that are not directly responsible for some aspect of brain function even at a biochemical cascade level; there might be a gene that is responsible for the width of the birth canal and that that could be associated with ultimately with intelligence.
Not surprisingly, children with the variant gene also had about 4 pounds more body fat.
But it wasn't just about finding the gene.
Genetic tests for mutations in the so - called breast cancer genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, may not reveal as much about cancer risk as earlier reports have estimated, according to two studies published in tomorrow's New England Journal of Medicine.
But when I discussed my aspirations with established PIs — who had spent their careers learning everything they could about a particular gene or protein — I probably seemed lazy or uninterested, because I couldn't specify a particular signaling pathway or molecule - ligand interaction that I wanted to study.
«Given everything we thought we knew about MYC and LIN41 at the time, we couldn't comprehend how these genes were so beneficial in somatic cell reprogramming, but absolutely useless in tumor reprogramming.
The new study «adds fuel to an active debate» about the role of accessory genes, says Alan McNally, a microbiologist at the University of Birmingham in England — whether or not the collections of genetic add - ons that bacteria maintain are shaped by natural selection, the process that fuels evolution.
It's not only about having the best genes to survive rough conditions, he says, but also how much the male bird can contribute.
These are not genes but must have an important role because evolution has left them virtually unchanged in both humans and mice since our evolutionary paths parted about 75 million years ago.
However, in the wake of fatalities from gene therapy and other technologies, as well as the potential for cancers associated with stem cell transplants, governments are understandably nervous about safety issues — not to mention the ethical maze of tinkering with fledgling life.
Surani says he is cautious about drawing any further conclusion as to whether or not these have any functional significance for the health of future generations until they have discovered more about how these genes manage to evade reprogramming and why.
Although these crops are not GM varieties — they were created by mutating existing canola genes, not by introducing new ones — their unique DNA should move about just like DNA from GM crops.
«This is an exciting study of a very rare bone disorder that not only identified the responsible mutation in half of the patients, but uncovered fundamental information about the role of a cancer - related gene in the metabolic pathways of normal bone,» said study co-senior author Joan Marini, Ph.D., M.D., of NICHD.
Not much is known about the genes and cellular pathways that trigger GNRH release.
Stephen Proulx, a zoologist at the University of Toronto, has developed an evolutionary model that makes this behavior easier to understand: It's not just about money, but it's not just about genes either.
But it's very difficult if we don't have information about the optimum sequences for controlling genes,» says Dr Jae - Seong Yang, co-author of the study.
«Not only will knowledge about this gene enable us to detect the early signs of pests evolving resistance to the current engineered plants,» co-author Fred Gould of North Carolina State University notes, «it may also allow us to modify the plants so they will be defended against the new pest strains.»
Anyone who seriously proposes that there is a force beyond gene expression, signaling molecules, differential adhesion, and those kinds of mechanisms, just doesn't know what they are talking about.
Concerns have been raised about the safety of gene therapy in the past, not least about links between the viruses used to transfer the genes and disease.
The collaboration is not merely about horizontal searches across patient records; it's also about integrating the next generation of gene and protein tests into the Mayo database.
Geneticists don't yet know what role the genes play in asthma, which afflicts about 16 million people in the United States.
«We know very little about how gene mutations in tumor cells can change how a tumor might respond or not to certain chemotherapy drugs.
According to Kosik, this work not only identifies a very critical gene for human brain development but also offers a clue about a component that likely contributed to brain expansion in humans.
He is also concerned about China, which prohibits gene - editing of embryos but does not strictly enforce similar rules, as shown by failed attempts to curb the use of ultrasound for sex selection and to stamp out unauthorized stem - cell clinics.
Although the consortium still doesn't have a firm grip on the number of genes in the genome, it estimates that there are about 30,000.
But the image, by Fernan Federici and Lionel Dupuy of the University of Cambridge, is not just a pretty picture — it contains information about gene expression in the stem of genetically modified thale cress, or Arabidopsis thaliana.
«We are learning more about the influence of genes not only underlying racing performance and disease but also about health - related traits such as risk of fracture,» she said.
When they compared S. typhimurium's 4300 genes to those of eight other gut - wrenching microbes, including ones that infect birds or reptiles and not humans, they found about 350 genes unique to the microbes that infect warm - blooded organisms.
Those tests will answer basic questions about changes in cells and genes; they are not the elaborate, years - long studies exposing lab animals or examining humans that can answer most important health questions.
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