Sentences with phrase «not anathema to»

Pie - making, or staying home were not anathema to Willow, at least as long as the path was actually chosen.
Orthodoxy is not anathema to reason, and it should not be treated as such.
It isn't anathema to talk about yourself as long as you do so humbly.

Not exact matches

The idea that these grand concepts can not be scaled up cheaply or quickly due to physics or other severe limitations of Nature is anathema to a faith in the unconquerable power of human ingenuity and open markets.
A guaranteed job doesn't create an equal opportunity (which entrepreneurship already provides), but rather an equal outcome, which is anathema to an entrepreneurial society.
It was invented, or «revealed» according to mormons, 150 years ago to a New Yorker, and the religious beliefs of mormons are completely anathema to Christianity AND mormons do not conside any of the actual Christian denomonations to be «Christians» because they don't beleive that Joe Smith was guided by Moron - i to translate magic tablets using a magic breastplate and hat in New York, thus revealing the truth that Indians are Jews and Jesus was in North America.
The Council of Trent makes this clear: «If anyone shall say that a marriage contracted, but not consummated, is not dissolved by the solemn religious profession of either one of the parties to the marriage, let him be anathema» (Sess XXIV Can vi).
When Paul writes about being anathema from Christ, he is not stating a desire to be eternally cut off or separated from Jesus, but is instead stating his desire, if it were possible, to give up his life and his ministry within the Kingdom of God if such a sacrifice would help Israel come to the knowledge that Jesus is the Messiah.
Such sentiments would today be condemned, and not without justice, as racist, chauvinist, imperialist, and a half dozen other anathemas that come readily to mind.
Personally, the official stance of any religious organization that you will not reach heaven if you do nt believe in a specific God is an anathema to spirituality.
That's how the Church works in Ireland — they can do no wrong, when they do wrong it wasn't their fault, and anything else is anathema to confess to.
If Barth lovers can feel the need to put this colossus at a distance, it is easy to understand how Barth's theology could be anathema to those who could not even begin where he began — i.e., in a trinitarian adherence to the authority of the Scriptures.
But even still, being anathema is not about being cursed to hell.
And when the war was over, not only was their fealty to the Democratic party now graven in stone, anything that smacked of the old order or of the forces of America First was simply unthinkable — out of the question — anathemato them.
Also, polygamous and polyandrous relationships were the norm for thousands of years, and are still practiced in many parts of the world, so, if they become legal (which to you would be truly anathema, I know) it won't change things very much.
Of course culturally speaking, declaring someone's mere comments anathema and casting them from one's church is totally Christian, Pauline in fact, as if there aren't enough electrons for both of us on the internet, as well as the Christian practice of burning books, and Christian emperors declaring non-Trinitarians demented and insane and subject to the emperor's wrath right in the opening pages of Justinian's Laws, and executing people for keeping copies of Prophyry and Arius.
Half «measures and compromises, Mosse notes, were anathema to all Fascists; these were typical of the craven bourgeoisie, Fascists held, not of the virile Fascist «new man.»
It's stated explicity in Mark 7:19, Romans 14:20, Colossians 2, and Acts 15:28 (with the proviso that they obstain from idolatry and thus anathema (food sacrificed to idols) and the meat of strangled and / or unbled animals — but compare that with Rom 14), and not only clearly implied but absolutely necessitated by the entire text of Galatians, Romans, and the Pastorals, and implicitly throughout the rest of Acts, the Pauline Corpus, and Hebrews.
The Son of Man does not hurl anathemas and excommunications to those who do not hold a given theological position.
I've been in a church organisation where I was made anathema for protecting others I would not allow to be demonised.
It's not just suboptimal, but anathema to use lift, clean, and place for a major.
Winnie is not permitted to wear fingernail polish, dyed hair is a Palmer anathema, and when he built his house three years ago it was too small because he insisted on paying for it with cash.
It's not only hypocritical, but applying one set of rules to a «her» and a different set of rules to a «him» is as much an anathema to everything our country stands for as Jim Crow law was.
His appointment, however temporary, at Chelsea was always mindless to a degree, not on the grounds of competence but because he was known to be an anathema to the Chelsea fans after those torrid challenges against Liverpool when he managed them.
Mutualism has a rich history in the Labour movement and its principles are in many ways anathema to Conservatives, not least the notion of co-operative ownership of the means of production which represent a threat to universal property rights.
If all else fails, Paladino is planning to petition his way onto the ballot as an independent candidate, although he will not be naming his self - created line the «Tea Party,» because that would be seen as «an anathema» to activsits, Caputo said.
I asked him, If you will not draw lines against an organization such as REBNY, whose position is anathema to that of the Progressive Caucus, then what does it mean for there to be a Progressive Caucus?
It is not only that Christians had a different religion than other Romans, but that they have a set of values and acceptable ideas and behaviors, that were completely anathema to the pagans, and conversely.
On camera, she was funny and game, a posture that wouldn't have been entirely predictable given her inclination toward earnestness, a characteristic often essential to the practice of policy but almost always anathema to the practice of political presentation.
It is to be hoped that after the 6 months review we will see an end not just to this unnecessarily authoritarian law, but also to control orders and their regime of house arrest, internal exile, and secret courts, all of which are an anathema of British standards of justice.»
Today's u-turn makes clear that fully segregated school intakes are anathema to an open, diverse society, but the Government should now recognise this throughout the education system and not create new segregation.»
My interest in the account of the thoughts of cosmologist Max Tegmark was tempered by something more than surprise — I learned that the rejection of the early cosmic inflation or of the Copernican principle, that Earth does not occupy a special place in the universe, «are anathema to cosmology», (24 September, p 8).
This is anathema to relativity, which says that an observer falling into a black hole shouldn't notice anything happening.
Still, theorists don't automatically assume, as Geoffrey asserted in a recent paper, that «to learn something new about physics from astronomy» is «anathema
This poses a problem for the Paleo dieter who relies on unprocessed whole foods for nutrition and avoids the very foods most commercial protein powders are typically derived from such as soy, peas, whey and rice (not to mention that protein powders are highly processed — an anathema to the Paleo set.)
This Lincoln does not prophesy an incontrovertible march towards the fulfillment of our preordained destiny; he sees a country, instead, torn by war and divided over slavery, a country that through any means necessary — even means that may seem anathema to the American project — must persist in moving closer to the ideal realization of itself.
Reichardt's cinema — with her precise eye for quietness and the signs of everyday sorrow — is not for every viewer, and her penchant for mapping the ordinary at its most melancholic will be anathema to moviegoers who prefer a gratifying, conclusive emotional payoff.
We can not have it both ways: quality of thinking and speed are anathema to each other.
This may be anathema to the hardcore crowd, but you can't argue with its advantages and ease of use.
Shortcuts are anathema to Thanksgiving, which is a holiday that celebrates not just our bounty but also our slow, careful preparation of it.
And here, then, is how the Times» editorial board comes to the conclusion — anathema to some entrepreneurial authors — that what's needed is more, not fewer, traditional - publishing outlets for authors:
Someone who rotates styles, sectors, domestic versus international, or who simply raises cash when opportunities don't seem so good are anathema to the fund management consultants, no matter how good their performance is.
And while both of those modes have enjoyed a considerable resurgence since the rise of the indie game, they were considered niche at best, and commercial anathema at worst, which is part of why the first installments of the series didn't make it to other territories until 2005, nearly four years after their original release.
For some, the changes to Double Dragon might be enough to consider it anathema, but the updated gameplay, graphics and unlockable features adds a depth not available in the original while still remaining faithful to its roots.
Then, too, science thrives on a spirit of free inquiry, and it would be anathema to say that there are some things that just shouldn't be thought about (though there are certainly some things that, once thought about, shouldn't be built).
But that does nt stop him being an anathema to the denialosphere and right wing blogs.
In North America, the most promising attribute of cap and trade is that it is not a tax, and thus not instantly anathema to most of us from the outset.
But, as Ruby says, «If you're queer, you can't apply to the extra 60 seats... We find that just to be anathema
Viewed from the perspective of an English court the notion that a prosecutor might seek to induce a plea of guilty on the basis that substantial benefits would be withdrawn if one was not forthcoming was anathema.
«Of course, the law often flies in the face of common sense and convention — the idea that you can't give a big friendly «mwah» to colleagues will be anathema in many sectors such as fashion, Public Relations and much of the media.
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