Sentences with phrase «not as a philosopher»

His ideas swept away the prejudices of dogmatic philosophical tradition and demanded an accounting of the inner conscious life and the universe itself, as we find it, not as philosophers have believed it ought to be or must be.
The Christian philosopher can not as a philosopher speak of the unique act of God in Jesus Christ, just as he can say nothing of particular events in any area, but he can and should so structure his ideas as to allow for such unique acts and particular events.

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But as for investors, they should keep in mind philosopher George Santayana's maxim: «Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.»
My philosophy department dismissed me as a futurist and the economists dismissed me as a philosopher (A little vindication: I have since had a few individuals contact me and apologize for dismissing me and in review they have found my premises and argumentation sound even if they still do not necessarily agree with my conclusions).
Smith, one of the great philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment, wasn't the first to speculate about how economies work, but he's generally thought of as the guy who more or less got it right.
As philosopher Jason Brennan points out, even libertarians — and libertarians are, shall we say, fond of property rights — do not regard property rights as absolutAs philosopher Jason Brennan points out, even libertarians — and libertarians are, shall we say, fond of property rights — do not regard property rights as absolutas absolute.
Moreover, it is now doubtful whether the efficient market hypothesis makes any kind of sense. Indeed, a great many economists and bankers have discovered Minskyâ $ ™ s views on financial fragility and his financial instability hypothesis, according to which banks and financial markets can not be left to themselves: we need regulations even though regulating markets may not succeed in avoiding another crisis once the memory of the current crisis has faded away.As told to me by a law student recently hired by Blackrock, the largest asset manager in the world, with assets totalling more than 3,500 billion dollars â $ «thatâ $ ™ s one and a half times larger than UBS and twice as large as PIMCO â $ «many asset managers are now turning away from hiring neoclassical economists and actually prefer hiring engineers, sociologists and even philosophers.
And some of us are troubled by the shallow reasoning that has dominated the political discussions surrounding this move, as though the threadbare idea of equality were enough to settle every question concerning the long - term destiny of mankind and as though the writings of the anthropologists (not to mention the poets, the philosophers, the theologians, the novelists, the sociologists) counted for nothing beside the slogans of Stonewall.
We do not choose the members of our judiciary because of their eminence as philosophers or their insight as moralists.
As the great philosopher Tim «Lint» Armstrong once said: «All I know is that I don't know nothing.
As Albert the Great, medieval philosopher, scientist, and teacher of Thomas Aquinas, remarked: «In the natural sciences we do not investigate how God the Creator operates according to His will and uses miracles to show His power, but rather what may happen in natural things on the ground of the causes inherent in nature» (In I De caelo et mundo, tr.
As the philosopher Roger Scruton puts it, «A society based on agape [selfless love] alone is all very well, but it will not reproduce itself: nor will it produce the crucial relation — that between parent and child — which is the basis on which we can begin to understand our relation to God.
When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, can not be trusted in science.
More often than not the philosopher is maligned as the progenitor of European irrationalism and fideism (la Isaiah Berlin).
And, not coincidentally, most enlightened philosophers have ultimately come to similar conclusions, for the good of society and mankind, as well as the individual.
The importance of Hamann's thought, as David Bentley Hart has noted, «would be difficult to exaggerate not only [because of] the immensity of his influence upon all the great European intellectual and cultural movements of his age, but [also for] his continued significance for philosophers and theologians.»
«It has always been my practice,» says Schweitzer, «not to say anything when speaking as a philosopher that goes beyond the absolutely logical exercise of thought.
It is not claimed as the special privilege of certain human beings or of certain philosophers.
God's Kindness Has Overwhelmed Us: A Contemporary Doctrine of the Jews as the Chosen People by jerome (yehudah) gellman academic studies, 120 pages, $ 59 As German - Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzweig observed a hundred years ago, Jewish chosenness is not one of the thirteen principles the Chosen People by jerome (yehudah) gellman academic studies, 120 pages, $ 59 As German - Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzweig observed a hundred years ago, Jewish chosenness is not one of the thirteen principles of..As German - Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzweig observed a hundred years ago, Jewish chosenness is not one of the thirteen principles of....
Perhaps it is because the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers wanted to engage God only as a concept, and not as the God - man who lays a claim upon our lives.
Historians of the French Revolution have debated the point as to whether or not it was the ideas of the philosophers concerning human rights, equality, justice, democracy, freedom or the interests of the ordinary people pinched in belly and pocketbook that led to the uprising of 1789.
This sense of internality in mathematical functions is not particularly strange or unusual, and something like it is recognized by so different a mathematical philosopher as Wittgenstein: «The internal relation by which a series is ordered is equivalent to the operation that produces one term from another» (TLP 5.232).
The first hypothesis will be denied not only by positivists but also by philosophers who take seriously the religious implications of a doctrine of God as infinite, immutable, simple, and necessary.
Because of this, as Mormon philosopher David Paulsen observes, «God does not have absolute power.»
The task of the philosopher is not to prove this fact, but only to describe and explain it as far as possible.
But for believers and true philosophers it is clear that God does not think as humans do.
By contrast, those responsible for ruling, the «philosopher kings,» were to be «cultured» in a way that formed in them the «philosophical virtue» that was grounded in knowledge of the Good itself and not, as were the guardians» virtues, simply trained into them by custom and practice.
Charles Morris, not long before he died, told me that he regarded me as «the greatest living idealistic philosopher
Not all of these philosophers are traditional theists; some simply hold, with atomic theory, that reality consists of relationships (as protons with electrons) instead of «hard matter.»
However, this does not mean that atheist philosophers of science view the actual universe as random.
All which abuses if those acute Philosophers did not promote, yet they were never able to overcome; nay, not even so much as King Oberon and his invisible Army.
One of the creative process philosophers, Charles Hartshorne, states in the beginning of Man's Vision of God his conviction that «a magnificent intellectual content — far surpassing that of such systems as Thomism, Spinozism, German idealism, positivism (old or new) is implicit in the religious faith most briefly expressed in the three words, God is love».1 If this be true what is needed is not the discarding of metaphysics but the exploration of this new possibility in the doctrine of God's being.
Process thought developed in the evolutionary philosophies of the late nineteenth century, and has a kinship with the «emergent revolutionary» theorists.38 The process philosophers are interested not only in an evolutionary description of the cosmos, but in what happens to all the traditional metaphysical problems when time is seen as an ingredient of being itself.
So the Supreme Court, when it practices judicial activism, undercuts democratic participation not only by substituting its own assertoric judgment for democratic deliberation, or by ignoring the plain letter of the constitution in favor of its own political inclinations, but also by understanding itself as a council of philosopher kings (versus really good lawyers) prudentially adjusting the fundamental nature of American democracy to fit the ever changing historical horizon that provides the context for its expression.
As a general rule, to put it simply, if one wanders into one's library in search of mirth, good fellowship, or wit, one does well not to seek out the company of the philosophers.
3 I should point out that apparently not all philosophers who could be reasonably interpreted as «process philosophers» have held the infinitist hypothesis regarding the past.
The philosophers» God, in spite of its acceptability as the ground of all being, did not have any religious significance.
But whether I use the term «psychicalism,» favored by the process philosophers, or such terms as Russell's «neutral stuff» or Feigl's distinction between the physical as the «reference» and the psychical as the «sense,» I am merely positing a name, not arguing philosophically for a conceptual scheme designed to overcome the body / mind dualism.
Not only would a demonstration of the inconsistency of divine relativity make Hartshorne's thesis of divine relativity and all that depends on it incoherent and also make Whitehead's famous portrait of God as the fellow sufferer who understands inadmissible, but philosophers of religion would have to accept a different picture of the world.
Except for Prigogine, whose recent achievements have won him international awards and considerable publicity, these individuals are perhaps not as readily recognizable as Whitehead to philosophers and theologians.
Andrew this teaching of doctrine of man is not a christian doctrine but it came from Anchient greek philosophers such as socretis and Plato and Aristotal.
It apparently does not mean that theology must begin with a theory of the essence of God as a philosopher would.
They are not stated systematically or in a developing logical sequence, as a philosopher might state them, but over and over again they appear — in aphorism, parable, simile, striking hyperbole, in words of commendation or rebuke or in Jesus» own recorded deeds.
If concrescence is in fact temporal as some philosophers maintain, its temporality must involve both the A-series and the B - series characteristics; genetic time can not be A-series time without entailing events ordered or orderable in terms of B - series time.
Try it: a philosopher will ask you to defend your denial - to explain why you are not obligated to be rational - and as soon as you try to satisfy this request the philosopher will say, «See, you can't deny your rational nature without contradicting yourself, because you resort to reasoning even in resisting rationality.»
We must remember that Whitehead is not a metaphysician seeking to describe the ultimate facts of existence (so WM 17 - 20), but a realist philosopher of science remarking on uniquely human matters such as perception and freedom.
Dewey, who died in 1952 after reigning for more than fifty years as America's most influential public philosopher and educator, appreciated that the churches had not gone out of business, and that they could even be useful in promoting peace, fighting economic injustice, and, more generally, in «stimulating action» for what he called «a divine kingdom on earth.»
Brightman was as intellectually honest as any philosopher I know of, and the following expression of his uncertainty seems to suggest that he knows Hartshorne has raised issues his philosophy can not handle:
Chicago philosopher - comic Aaron Freeman made the same point in a recent National Public Radio commentary: «Gratitude ameliorates the worst aspect of American life, which is that the consumer culture makes us constantly aware of what we do not have, without counterbalancing rituals of gratitude for the mind - boggling bounty that is the U.S.A.... As you are grateful, to that precise extent you are happy.»
I would add, following the example of the best American Catholic «public philosophers» John Courtney Murray and Orestes Brownson, that we should, as loyal Americans [we Porchers and REM fans are all about standing for the place where we live], actually explain why our Fathers built better than they knew — which means criticizing their thinking and affirming [most of] their practice with a theory that at least wasn't completely their own.
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