Sentences with phrase «not as a thinker»

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«I discovered that spending some extra moments in bed, centering myself toward the day, wasn't so much a habit as an essential way of being, and it made me much more productive as a thinker and writer,» she relates.
Within the past year, on the virtual pages of Inc., many present - day entrepreneurs have sung his praises, not just as an author or thinker, but as an all - around kind and passionate person.
RIP oil age (I can't wait to hear the funny comments of petrolhead wishful thinkers, trying to fool themselves into thinking EVs will never go mainstream and that the oil industry as we know it is not doomed; yeah yeah petrochemicals will always be there I know, but what % of oil demand does that represent?
While business owners are known for their optimism, they're also known as creative thinkers who see opportunity where others don't.
Analysts say that Navarro's reputation as a fringe economic thinker and an overbearing personality could not only cause others to leave but will make it harder for him to hire replacements.
First - level thinkers tend to view past price weakness as worriesome, not as a sign that the asset has gotten cheaper» Howard Marks «Money always chases performance, so it tends to mostly show up after you've done really well for a long period of time, probably ten minutes before you're about to look really silly» Chuck Royce
Children can absolutely become indoctrinated and it is our job as parents to help them become thinkers and not just believers.
Adam, it doesn't matter where he got the arguments from, they're stupid as fvck, as any rational, critical thinker knows.
Indeed, even on this point Arendt's touchstone was not only the mission of the Congress for Cultural Freedom but also what she perceived as its bias against those thinkers of German liberal extraction, such as Paul Tillich and herself.
At the same time, a growing number of Jewish thinkers are arguing, not least of all in the pages of this journal, that the posture of groups such as the ACLU is misguided, dangerous, and just plain dumb.
Yes, Hindu thinkers such as the first Hindu missionary to America Swami Vivekananda have argued against caste, and the Indian Constitution outlawed caste - based discrimination, but the caste system, both ancient and religious, will not be swatted away so easily by either reformers or legislators.
One obvious way to make this dynamic explicit within a curriculum is for courses to «teach the conflicts, «3 not only those among the canonical thinkers as Strauss would have us do but also those between canonical and noncanonical authors.
If Christian thinkers had not done this, there would still have been acculturation of Christianity, but it would have been far more the assimilation of Christianity as one more Hellenistic cult.
I, on the other hand, presuppose that God can not be evil; that goodness and being belong inextricably together or else there is no ground for basic trust... Even Calvinist Paul Helm, a leading evangelical Calvinist thinker, agrees (as I show in my book) that «goodness» attributed to God can not be totally different from every understanding of goodness (and love) we know of.»
But attracted as I was to Peyre, both as a person and as a thinker, and convinced as I was that Sartre and Camus were asking all the right questions, still I couldn't help thinking that their answers lacked weight.
Those religious inventors and thinkers many like to point to as religious examples of ingenuity and progress made the progress in spote of their religions, not because of it.
I had no idea, on that rainy day in Cambridge, that as I opened Newman's Apologia I was to discover not an enemy but a lifelong friend, not a dusty Victorian but a vital thinker, and not a hectoring Catholic insisting I must convert but a guide toward a truer Protestantism.
While I acknowledge his importance as an inspiration to later thinkers, and am conscious of how eagerly he was absorbed, midway through the last century, into the genealogy of «Existentialism» (perhaps the most annoying philosophical movement to arrive on the continental scene before the advent of post-structuralism), I can not honestly profess immense admiration for his speculative gifts.
One can start answering these questions by observing that the church's role as a community of memory is being emphasized by thinkers like Maclntyre and Bellah and by many church leaders precisely at a time when an increasing percentage of Americans are not being born and raised in churches, or if they are, they are.
@jimtanker — you don't have to be insulting when you share your opinion... It's your choice to believe what you wish but don't insult everyone else in the process... Just remember that there's so much that your «thinking» brain can't explain and as a «thinker» you shouldn't dismiss anything just because you have no proof.
An affirmative answer to this question takes issue with moral thinkers such as Gewirth, who fully agree that universal moral principles can not be exhausted by the formative rights I have identified but also hold that the supreme substantive principle is nonteleological.
These thinkers believed that the reductions were not possible in a strict sense, and they began to reformulate them in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the Lebenswelt and our perceptions within it.
Much less can be claimed by way of consensus in this area, since not all contemporary theologians are convinced that it is necessary to reconceive the idea of God along process lines (i.e., as suggested by the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead as well as by thinkers such as Teilhard de Chardin).
Process thinkers should not at any rate be trapped into denying the reality of time from any actual point of view, for as that great process thinker Benjamin Franklin once pointed out, time is «the stuff life is made of.»
I also do not believe that having students argue controversial positions necessarily makes them better thinkers or more morally sensitive as you implied by your comment about how an assignment like this could have the effect of causing students to think about the horrors of the Holocaust.
A person who doesn't believe the same thing as you is not automatically uneducated or any less of a critical thinker then you are.
Yoder does not understand himself as a «Mennonite thinker
Perhaps a book such as this could not have been written before now, before a critical mass of articulate black thinkers began to express their spirited dissent from the racial orthodoxies of the last thirty years.
George Santayana (1869 - 1952) and A.N. Whitehead (1861 - 1947) were almost precisely contemporary philosophers each of whom elaborated a complete metaphysical or ontological system, the affinities and contrasts between which are of considerable interest (I am not distinguishing here between metaphysics and ontology as the terminologies of our two thinkers diverge on this in ways attention to which would only unnecessarily complicate comparison).
As a rule postliberal thinkers are not categorical in defining their relationship to liberal theology.
The school of Antioch, of which Theodore was the most outstanding and influential theologian, was not so much a recognized institution with regularly appointed teachers but as a succession of brilliant scholars and thinkers in and around Antioch.
To exalt him as a great thinker, as though he could take delight in being praised for having honed his mental tools very sharp, no matter what they cut; to speak admiringly of him as an excellent orator, as though adeptness in the use of images were an enviable thing, no matter what they imaged; to do him reverence as a great student who learned from Newton and Locke and the Platonists, from nature itself, no matter what he learned — to honor him thus is to do him no honor that he could accept — or which, accepting, he would not thereafter bitterly rue.
The strongest challenges to a biblical Christendom in America came not, as in Europe, from secular thinkers, but from fellow biblicists.
As he puts so well in his final paragraph, «We should not only readabout the great theologians, but the actual writings of these thinkers
Lowe wrote his major work on Bergson's influence on Whitehead at a time (1949, right after Whitehead's death) when Whitehead's originality as a thinker was not taken for granted, as it is today.
I do not see a single argument Lowe has made regarding Bergson's influence on Whitehead as beyond dispute, but I grant that Lowe's work on Whitehead has been a great service to thinkers everywhere.
We, who love them and are forgotten, may have by analogy some deeper apprehension of the life of the loving but unremembered God who, if religious thinkers such as Abraham Heschel or the «process» theologians are correct, calls out to each one of us, «Forget me not
The German - American thinker Paul Tillich, who died only a few years ago, believed that the Christian faith could only be rightly understood when it was recognized as providing the «answer» — not of course in words or propositions but in the reality which is behind such statements — to the «problems» which are posed by human existence as such.
George Santayana (1869 - 1952) and A.N. Whitehead (1861 - 1947) were almost precisely contemporary philosophers each of whom elaborated a complete metaphysical or ontological system, the affinities and contrasts between which are of considerable interest (I am not distinguishing here between metaphysics and ontology as the terminologies of our two thinkers diverge on this in ways attention to...
It is not up to the atheist movement to come up with solutions as we have different values and understandings on the way the universe works for example... There are humanists, secularists, skeptics, free thinkers, misogynists etc etc..
They are elected by the thinker and not imposed upon him as objective realities.
He came quickly to the conclusion that Thomas can not be read as an objective, cosmological thinker.
It should be easier to believe that at this point Whitehead was not thinking of events in nature as having subjectivity or experience, when we see how many thinkers today affirm the intrinsic value of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all things without taking this step.
Instead, I favored an unlikely combination of, on the one hand, medieval thinkers and their contemporary interpreters such as Maritain and Gilson, and, on the other, the Reformers and their neo-Orthodox successors (who were fashionable) and confessional Lutherans (who were not).
It is hard to imagine a greater contrast with Whitehead, who later came to regard the presumed exactness of logic as «a fake,» and who not only did not refuse the metaphysical task, but delved into it more deeply than any modern thinker since Hegel.
Aristotle was regarded as the greatest thinker of all time, and surely he would not be wrong.
Although there are great Christian thinkers on politics and powers such as Augustine and Reinhold Niebuhr, they have developed their political thinking in the context of the «pro-Christian» political situation where the political power was not hostile to the Christian church as such.
Since the degree to which God's aims are incarnated depends upon the quality of creaturely response, it is not surprising that some process thinkers such as Norman Pittenger, Peter Hamilton, and Ronald Williams have taken Jesus» total obedience to God as the clue to the specialness of the Christ - event.27 This criterion, however, is entirely too general to describe the specific characteristics which ought to pertain to the Christ.
Unfortunately for this purpose, the Hebrew thinkers, unlike the Greek, commonly left not so much a record of their processes of thought as of their conclusions.
Yet there were not lacking thinkers who pointed out the more profound meaning of their special relationship as a special responsibility.
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