Sentences with phrase «not based»

Everything he posts is lies not based on REAL facts.
All thought not based in love ultimately leads to evil deeds.
So, friend, your conception about God, His character and His nature is not correct, and is not based on anything He reveals about Himself.
Not based on the minority, but rather the commonalities all muslims have in the beliefs of their guidebook.
The biblical hope is not based on human ability to sort out the problems of the world and order its future, but it is based on God's future, a future which God is bringing about in Jesus Christ.
a conviction of the truth of certain doctrines of religion, esp when this is not based on reason
Based on evidence that is verifiable, your position is not based on as - sumption, and thus, is totally logical.
We may misinterpret his desire to bless us and try to crown him an earthly king, but his kingdom is not based on human needs or human approval.
(By way of analogy, I wouldn't ask you to relativise every statement not based on, say, non-empirical knowledge, so I don't see why I should.)
Unfortunately, since the Jewish calendar was not based on the solar year, we can not tell in what year the fourteenth or the fifteenth of Nisan began on a Thursday evening.
But to say it is somehow the norm in Christendom is a stretch and is not based upon evidence.
«Not based on my merits but based on Jesus's obedience alone» this is one of most contradictory statements out of the whole lashing out against religion!!!
and is that not based on YOUR perception?
But the judgment is not based on similarity to what is already revealed or to conformity to any norms implicit in it.
Its founder Sampson Raphael Hirsch's sectarian decision to break with the organized Jewish community was in line with his general philosophy — that Judaism was eternal, not based on history, social development, or people's mores and norms.
It's not based on any flat out reasoning, or at least not based on any flat out reason by itself.
Now of course this is something that can't be proven, and as to how I can be certain to choose to have that leap of faith and believe is not based on something that is shown to be set in stone.
intelligence is not based on much but a 2000 yr old book so they called it right i guess... moron!
I am pretty sure that if God exists he will judge you based on the decisions you made and not based on decisions made by others.
Hawkins is obviously expressing an opinion which is not based on any fact what so ever.Would he be considered a hate monger?
It's simple: You don't get to say what marriage is or is not based upon the bible or the so - called word of god (whatever that is... think about that for a minute... unless you speak 1st century aramaic you have no idea what the original writers of the ficto - mythic texts you now presume as the word of god even means!)
However, human dignity is not based simply on our feelings but is linked to our radical capacity rationally to direct our actions.
This entire article bases the «diversity» of a group that is not based on the whole of American Society which is much more moderate having both liberal and conservative tendencies.
The Caliphate or Imamate in Islam is not based on a heavenly sanction which gives the Caliph power from God to rule the nation; he has no divine authority which makes it the duty of the people to obey him at any cost.
our laws are not based on that anymore cause we NOW have means to prove murderous intent...
Islam, in its invitation to accept its beliefs and to submit to its rules, rejects any methods which are not based on liberality and freedom of choice.
The validity of truth is not based on its availability.
You live in a country where a prime minister has appointed half of his leaders to be female, not based on merit, so it's not surprising that this has influence on the rest of the culture in your country.
One that is not based on the church.
Our salvation is not based on anything but what Jesus has done and continues to do in us.
This is not based on some outdated caricature but on what Genesis reveals about the nature and inter-personality of the first human couple.
But this dismissal is not based on the denial that the intuition expressed in these paragraphs calls for some such development.
One should evaluate their beliefs honestly, based on EVIDENCE, not based on a THREAT!
You are supposed to live your life based on the Word of GOD and not based on what others are doing.
No my position is not based on mere statements, my position is based on logic and reason.
Our salvation is not based on us, it's based on Jesus.
belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
The statement by many that «no one is born gay» however is not based on any sort of evaluation of empirical evidence but rather on a personal bias.
Our faith and trust in God is not based on feeling.
Beliefs that are not based on logic and rational thought are not easily changed by arguments based on logic and rational thought.
In a Faith Based belief system, the belief is not based on logic or reason, but rather on the stories of the divine that you've been told.
Religion is not based on evidence.
Clergy is a manmade institution and not based on biblical principles.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Mr Biggs said these «more sensationalist» claims were «from all of our investigations, not based in fact».
For a long time it seemed that two other basic forces of nature, the weak force and the strong force, were not based on symmetries.
Craig that was exactly my understanding however if we believe that in that traditional sense a person could lose there eternal life by there actions by not walking in the Lord which i do nt think is right as eternal life is a free gift from God not based on works.Jeremys definition is that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ to eternal life.I believe the term salvation has the meaning to be saved not necesarily to eternal life but saved from ourselves Christ gives us the power to be transformed into his likeness or to be Christ like.In the eternal picture our actions determine how we are rewarded from God although its not the motivation of the reward but because we love the Lord.regards brent
You are throwing around accusations when you do not know us, accusations not based on fact.
They want you to believe that this is literally a magic book; however, its contents are not based on reason, logic, or factual evidence.
This is not based on any evidence, logic, or past experience whatsoever.
The Lord has created man His equal and desires a RELATIONSHIP WITH MAN not based on a religion or its rules or customs and fears, but in the freedom on a Loving Father and His Son.
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