Sentences with phrase «not be an easy option»

-LSB-...] Decorating your Christmas tree with family photo ornaments is definitely an original idea, and while it may not be your easiest option, it's not too hard either.
But that might not be an easy option for someone like me.
If you had to buy a smart thermostat today, the Nest is the easiest option due to its good looks, its ease of use, and a strong and growing network of other devices it can interact with — aka Nest Labs» Works with Nest, a program that connects Nest products with devices from both established (Mercedes, Whirlpool) and lesser - known third parties — as well as through IFTTT and with Nest Labs» own Nest Cam and Nest Protect within the Nest app.

Not exact matches

There are so many free and low cost options, that are very easy to use, there really is no reason why you should not -LSB-...]
«It won't be easy, but doing nothing isn't an option when lives are at stake,» Richards and Karp write.
There are so many free and low cost options, that are very easy to use, there really is no reason why you should not be sending out email marketing campaigns.
With a coworking space on seemingly every corner, it's not always easy to know which is the best option for your company.
MS: Part of my job is looking at how we get to the next level, and you're always looking at options, whether it's raising money or going public — both of which are not exactly easy things in the current market.
It's not easy to break out of the rut, but sales occupations are a good option for workers with people skills.
It's key that you follow up, as many lenders don't make it easy to access this information or don't advertise cosigner release as an option at all.
Some even consider that binary option trading is an easier form of gambling as it does not involve complexities such as unforeseen events, etc..
Be certain when looking at particular carriers that you find options that are easy to wear and will not be too difficult to utilize as you are aiming to transport your kids to and from different places of interesBe certain when looking at particular carriers that you find options that are easy to wear and will not be too difficult to utilize as you are aiming to transport your kids to and from different places of interesbe too difficult to utilize as you are aiming to transport your kids to and from different places of interest.
Bankruptcy is not an easy way out of student loan debt, but it is an option for those who can prove undue financial hardship made worse by student loans.
It is much easier if you don't have a broker, as you can simply choose one from the pre-approved list of your binary options robot of choice.
Binary options trading is not an easy fix for making money but a careful and well - though strategy in action.
These patterns, although not the easiest to use, can be extremely important to the decisions you make regarding your binary options trading.
Digital options are by far one of the least complicated, if not the easiest, investment -LSB-...]
This is not to say that it is easy to make money trading binary options. withdrawal process is not that difficult; depositing of funds into binary options trading is an easy process since the broker can not refuse your funds.
If making a complete commitment to buy is not in the cards for you, then one option strategy - selling puts - provides an alternative method of doing so that may actually be easier for the individual investor to stomach.
But by having distilled out the best of the best so that you don't need to wade through the mess that is the internet, your quest to become a profitable binary options trader is going to be a lot easier now.
Starting your business from scratch or buying a franchise might be not an easy decision for many entrepreneurs, especially as each option has its pros and cons.
Another reason you won't find many high - interest checking options is that most people find it much easier to earn better interest with savings accounts, which tend to see few withdrawals.
There hasn't been an easy way for applications to integrate payment options from cryptocurrencies into their existing infrastructure, that is until now.
With CiTrades binary options broker, trading in binary options is not only easy and profitable, but also flexible and user friendly.
While these options certainly make it easier to pay off your debt, it should be noted that they are not quick fix options.
Just because binary options trading is pretty simplistic in nature, this does not mean that it is easy to master the subtleties of this type of trading.
For big banks, it's easy to go into the market and raise capital, but that's not always an option for small banks, Thomas said.
Even if very short - term binary options trading seems easier, it is not.
Though not as easy to maintain, carpeting is still the best option for your flooring.
It's easy for software to lose sight of user experience by adding too many features or options, and then what happens is the people you want using it (your employees) don't know what the heck to do with it.
Not only is it easy for trades to carry out various transactions and trade in binary options on this trading platform, but the broker offers a safe and secure trading platform for traders from various parts of the world.
By increasing transit options in North America's busiest bus corridor, we are making it easier for businesses in the area to attract not just new customers, but also a new pool of potential employees.
Anytime we see a site that has generous bonuses, an easy to use trading platform, various account levels, many trading options and excellent customer support, it is hard not to recommend to our readers to use it and that is the case with RBOptions.
From what our experts observed, the withdrawal process from the BKtrading binary options traders» accounts is not only safe and secure; it is also very easy and comparatively fast.
«Of course, that's easier said than done because most Americans who haven't saved enough for retirement probably feel like they don't have any other good option
It does not happen that often than you are able to find such a platform with so many options, that is so streamlined and that is so easy to use.
If you are new to crypto, we assume that you don't want to buy a lot of BTC for the first time and that you need fairly easy options to purchase it.
The rate isn't the highest you can get, but it's a solid option for easy rewards earning and redemption.
Others choose that option because it's easier than identifying and totaling the expenses they could itemize or because they do not realize that itemizing would reduce their tax liability.
The idea that others are happy but living differently makes them confront their own lives and worry that maybe they are not happy or that they did not choose right, and it is easier to remove other people's options then it is to be introspective or secure in their own lives.
Yet although there are other options, this doesn't mean it is easy to understand what is going on behind these bloody events in the Bible.
But let's not imagine it's somehow an easier, more manageable option, especially if we are to be faithful to Catholic teaching.
While condemning errors is no doubt easier (mea culpa) than proclaiming defined rectifying truths, it also graciously allows all other options save those being condemned; definitive positive statements do not.
At the end of the day, the hard option is not to wait; if you truly want the easy option, you'll find it in waiting.»
This is not easily done, and throughout history several societies have taken the rather easier option of relegating difficult matters to experts, and imposing the resulting decision on society as a whole.
And it probably is, but easy doesn't always mean right and, in this case, the wiser option is the harder one.
Can anyone say retaliation??? Doesn't anyone see a problem with this time line??? Before anyone passes judgement on the Bishop which is very easy to do, try and think honestly and clearly about any options he could have taken.
Sure, it's not easy to make sense of these, let alone explain them to children, but it's total nonsense and intellectual / hermeneutical laziness to simplistically assume that these are all aright in the sight of God, and therefore legit moral options for us today.
God addresses a message of life to every human being without exception, while at the same time God shows preference for the poor and the oppressed... It is not easy to preserve both universality and preference, but that is the challenge we must meet if we would be faithful to the God of the kingdom that Jesus proclaims — namely, to be able to love every human being while retaining a preferential option for the poor and the oppressed.28
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