Sentences with phrase «not be toxic to dogs»

For example, while strawberry jelly may not be toxic to dogs, grape jelly could be.

Not exact matches

Some people may not realize some peanut butter contain zylitol which is toxic to dogs!
Too much salt can be toxic to many kinds of animals, like cats and dogs, so it would be wise to keep Himalayan salt lamps out of the reach of any household pets who may want to sneak behind your back and have a taste when you aren't looking.
If you didn't already know, garlic is incredibly toxic to dogs.
While cheese isn't toxic to your dog, it can cause some yucky digestive upset, including diarrhea and unpleasant gas when given in large portions.
Erythritol, maltitol, and sorbitol are not toxic to dogs, but keep them away from your pets to be safe.
One caution: xylitol is toxic to dogs and should not be allowed to consume it.
Plus, no OEM uses enamel much anymore... they are much more sophisticated urthethanes and other polymers, which can't be shot out of a rattle can nozzle easily, and also contain isocyanates and other super-nasty solvents too toxic to be deemed available to public retail — that might spray in their driveway next to the kids and dog without a respirator and a downdraft booth.
Not all types of candy is toxic to dogs but the high levels of sugar and fat in them are bad for Fido's constitution.
Chestnuts: Even though chestnuts are not toxic to dogs, they can pose a choking hazard to Fido and should be avoided.
Mayonnaise is not technically toxic to dogs — Fido will not fall over after licking a big blob of mayonnaise off the kitchen floor — but it is extremely unhealthy.
You really just don't need to feed your dog food that contains this ingredient, even if it's not toxic.
Most citrus is considered toxic to dogs, and lemons aren't exempt from this.
Don't Stock Up on Poinsettias Holiday plants like poinsettias, mistletoe and Christmas cacti are toxic to dogs.
Why are onions toxic to dogs and not humans?
Bear in mind that in large doses raw garlic can cause digestive upset or even be toxic to dogs, so don't overdo it!
Cheese and other dairy products are not toxic to dogs but they are hard for dogs to digest.
There aren't any clear guidelines to, or even an understanding of, what levels of any of these (and other poisons / chemicals) is considered to be too much, or toxic for dogs.
Table sugar is not at all toxic to your dog — it will not damage their liver or their kidneys — but it is an extremely unhealthy food that can increase their risk of disease in the long term.
You did not state the amount of active ingredients in the Tylenol ® pills that your dog ingested, but I believe that in your case, if your dog has not exhibited any unusual symptoms by now, that the dosage you gave was significantly under the threshold for toxic effect that you don't have anything to worry about.
For knuckleheads who might not realize it, alcohol is toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, coma, and even death, reminds Gainesville, Fla., radio station KTK, 98.5.
The products are being removed from shelves as they do not contain the recommended levels of vitamins and minerals and may contain elevated levels of vitamin D, which can prove toxic to dogs.
Many walnuts are toxic to horses and some people have assumed they must be toxic to dogs but this does not seem to be true.
Answer: Most ant spray isn't very toxic to dogs but it totally depends on the active ingredient.
Eggs do not contain any substances that are known to be toxic to dogs, so, as long as they are cooked thoroughly enough to kill bacteria, they are considered safe for our pets.
Basil does not contain any substances that are known to be toxic to dogs, so there is no reason you can't mix a little bit of fresh or dried basil into their food for a burst of flavor.
Garlic and dogs don't seem to mix well because of a toxic compound called thiosulphate which can damage your dog's red blood cells and cause symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting or an elevated heart rate if your dog eats large quantities... however the dangers of garlic for your dog may not be as critical if you consult with your vet and monitor how much garlic your dog eats.
Cranberries are not toxic to your dog like some foods, so giving them a handful of cranberries every so often will likely not hurt their health in any lasting way, but they are still not recommended for your dog's health.
While fresh pineapple is great for your dog, pineapple leaves are not - they're difficult for your dog's digestive system to properly process, and can be toxic to dogs.
But i do find it odd that they do nt know the readon why raisins are toxic to dogs and even more odd that no studies have been done to even confirm raisin toxicity in dogs.
It's not toxic in any way but some dogs (especially older ones already adapted to a commercial food diet) can develop gastrointestinal problems from eating cooked fats.
«While corn is not toxic to pets, the cob can easily become lodged in a dog's esophagus or intestines, often requiring surgical removal,» he added.
Tylenol can be quite toxic in dogs, and may interfere with the medication that he might be able to take long term for his pain, so it would be best not to give him any more of that.
The advantages to antiangiongenic treatment is that it is effective in treating a wide variety of cancers and is given in doses that are not as high as doses of chemotherapy therefore antiangiogenic drugs are less toxic to the dog.
Please Note: this is NOT a complete list • Alcoholic beverages • Avocado • Bones • Candy and other sugary foods and drinks • Chocolate (all forms) • Coffee, tea and all other forms of caffeine • Fatty foods • Fat trimmings • Garlic • Gum • Macadamia nuts • Milk and other dairy products • Moldy or spoiled foods • Onions, onion powder • Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums • Raisins and grapes • Raw Eggs, Meat and Fish • Salt • Turkey skin (choking hazard) • Yeast dough • Products sweetened with Xylitol Dog Treats to Avoid • Rawhide • Greenies Poisonous Plants These are some the most common plants • Amaryllis • Autumn Crocus — Colchicum autumnale • Azalea / Rhododendron - Rhododenron spp. • Castor Bean - Ricinus communis • Chrysanthemum - These popular blooms are part of the Compositae family • Cyclamen - Cylamen - the highest concentration of its toxic component is typically located in the root portion of the plant.
The first thing to do is to remove its seed which is very necessary, not because it is toxic, but to keep your dogs from choking.
There isn't anything particularly toxic about it, but when processed like with deli meats and turkey hot dogs, the chemicals used to keep them «edible» is often not digested well by dogs...
Do not let your dog eat plants other than grass unless you know for sure that the plant is not toxic to dogs.
Side effects are not common, and it is generally safe to give your dog salmon oil but as with any pet product they are not all the same and some cheaper products from abroad may contain high amounts of mercury or toxic chemicals.
Olives are good to eat, and they are not toxic which makes it safe for dogs.
Unlike some other foods, corn itself is not toxic to dogs as long as they do not have an allergy to it.
Like raisins and grapes, which are also toxic, the exact toxin and mechanism of action to cause signs of poisoning in some dogs are not known at this time.
However, many people do not realize the hurricane plant is toxic to their dog, which leads to accidental cases of toxicities from ingestion.
Before you plant anything, make sure that it is not on the list of plants that are toxic to dogs.
It is best not to provide dogs with human food because many different human foods are toxic to dogs, notes the Humane Society.
Not only can some grasses treated with chemicals be toxic, but some weeds and decorative plants growing in and around grass can also be harmful to your dog.
You do not want your guests to end up eating turkey and liver treats and your dogs eating chocolate delicacies which are potentially toxic to dogs!
While the list of reasons for humans not vaccinating their children is longer, with dogs there seem to be three reasons that people are leery — one is that, they claim, the vaccines contain toxic metals.
Ginger is one of the spices that does not appear to be at all toxic to cats or dogs, so you need not have a panic attack if your feline friend eats some ginger snap cookie crumbs off the kitchen floor.
While most things aren't harmful, what happens when your dog chooses to eat something that could be toxic?
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