Sentences with phrase «not biblical»

If you're going to compare your sales techniques to the parables of Jesus, I think there should be some effort to bring the level of discussion up to, if not biblical, at least a standard of full disclosure.
I am not a Biblical Creationist.
It's going around the topic of sin but we can tell it's not biblical so we won't take it seriously.
I met a person who was in the last church that Harold Camping belonged to, which was in the Christian Reformed Church at that time, and he told me that Camping had been a Sunday School teacher for the adults at the church, and that the pastor eventually cut him off because what he was teaching was not Biblical.
Driving cars certainly is not biblical in that sense, and neither is using online dating agencies or matchmakers, let alone Christian dating services.
It was dictated by man, and is not the biblical commanded circumcision rite.
Quite simply, granting total allegiance to our country (or any country) and putting our own interests above those of everyone not born on American soil is not biblical.
Bishop John your teachings are not biblical, they are very, very twisted.
Now, you tell me that this is not good strategy and that these are not biblical principles (that one could highlight in a number of passages) and I will think that you are being severely disingenuous.
In conclusion, a marriage between a single man and a single woman is not traditional, is not biblical, is not anything but the result of constant societal evolution.
Sad, financially stressful times are not biblical.
Santa Clause is not biblical.
To gain a better perspective of what and why institutional church has not only let you down, but is not biblical, I suggest you read a book called Pagan Christianity, by Frank Viola and George Barna, and the follow - up books as well.
That and the fact that's it's mostly not biblical in structure with respect to paid pastors, state control, and very poor stewardship of peoples» hard earned money.
the truth is the real truth not the biblical type that was written by your ancestors.
One can justly wonder what hermeneutical principle Bonhoeffer employs to determine for himself that certain things are «biblical» and others are «not biblical
However, from a theological perspective, the idea of the separation of church and state is not biblical.
And it is the Scriptures that I am concerned with — not biblical texts as records of discrete historical times, but rather the Bible as a coherent unit, brought together under the auspices of the Holy Spirit and fitted in God's providence for leading Christians to the contemplation of the Triune God as revealed in the text, the Church, and the world.
However, that does not change the reality that his theology is patriarchal, not Biblical.
That is the point of my conjecture that Christians» first language, the language used to interpret daily events of many different orders of magnitude, is not biblical.
But it is not the biblical view, for what that is worth.
Some vague and ghostly continuation was granted, in at least some if not all biblical writers; but this continuation was an insignificant and senseless shadow of real life.
id say at least, but then again im not a biblical scholar haha
Did not the biblical story of the birth of Jesus report that a new star appeared in the sky to mark the event, and that this enabled the magi of the east to find their way to Bethlehem?
What exactly have you seen that the Church does that is not biblical?
It was not the biblical Sunday but rather it was John Calvin's creation that I experienced on the first day of each week as a child.
If you disagree with any of that or the president does, well then, his Christianity is NOT Biblical.
WITNESSES OF JESUS: Please provide any other reference that Jesus existed and was the son of God that is not a biblical text.
One takes historical stands (J is a woman; she is of the royal house and not a scribe of Rehoboam; she makes this or that wordplay) but then describes these as personal fictions and states with conviction, «I am not a biblical scholar.»
I'm aware of the fact that I'm not a biblical scholar or trained teacher, so I'll be relying on (and sharing) a variety of sources and will certainly welcome input and challenges.
The church is made up of humans, therefore faults are inevitable, and yes the fundamental church have taken some stands that are not biblical, infact if you read the bible and read the chapters, not just the verses they claim their beliefs come from, you will realise that alot of fundamentalists take the scripture out of context, telling the churcht hat the bible tells us one thing when infact it tells us another.
Its just not Biblical.
These are not biblical concepts.
Your faith is not biblical which makes you correct that the majority of people in the world share it with you.
Bryan was not a biblical literalist, but he nevertheless eschewed the middle ground as much as Darrow, Larson writes.
these are your word and not biblical notion.
«That assumes that human beings can't change, which is not a biblical value,» Cashin said.
Thus the religion of the counter culture was by and, large not biblical.
However, this is Tupac theology, not Biblical theology.
And I came to understand that the typical «Christian sexual ethic» was not biblical while I still believed in absolute scriptural authority.
Involuntary servitude is not Biblical.
Does not the biblical model of God as father offer analogies for God's fatherly nature as well as for our filial stance?
Even so, it is not the biblical Christ of the past that is the standard, but the living Christ who bids us look less back to Jesus than up to God.
But that is not the biblical understanding of spirituality.
He was not a Biblical literalist.
It's not Biblical honesty and integrity that is the problem.
Such mistreatment comes from personal insecurity and fear rooted in cultural prejudice, not Biblical teaching.
I am technically Seventh - Day adventist, but, all the restrictions that MAN (the church) places on God's creatures that are interpretations (not biblical) creates a guilt that will kill us.
The exploits of men in the Bible may be communicated in the Bible but are not Biblical truths.
Ashes are not biblical... it's a Catholic ritual.
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