Sentences with phrase «not celibate»

The new Pope seems to treat everyone with respect and dignity, including gays and even atheists, though he has not changed a word of Roman Catholic dogma that the latter are damned to eternal hell and the former, if they are not celibate, are likewise doomed.
I'm not celibate but i haven't...
No, priests are not celibate because Jeebus was celibate.
Yet Eastern Rite priests are not celibate.
Part of the distinctively human expression of pervasive sexuality is the bringing of children into the world, at least for those who are not celibate (where such contact does not occur) or homosexual (where procreation is not possible).
The bishops weren't celibate, and NOW you're telling us they didn't have to be.
are programs that made efforts to incorporate «ordinary lay people» (not celibates and not clerics) into the educational model and even developed some ideas about «peer to peer ministry» and «witness.»

Not exact matches

His wife, Peggy, believes as I do, that committed, monogamous gay relationships are not sinful and Tony believes that homosexual sex is sinful but that homosexual orientation is not (i.e. gay folks should be celibate).
The FACT is that Christianity would not have spread nearly as far had not missionary celibate priests not gone in to the jungles.
If he couldn't get laid with those credentials then there is a reason the Catholic clergy is «supposedly» celibate.
The bible does not teach enforced celibacy, nor were all of Jesus» followers celibate.
If I say, «I'm gay and celibate» in a writing aimed at engaging gay people with the claims of the Gospel, I'm not elevating my sexual orientation to the most fundamental aspect of my personality.
i think if people have a non abortion option to not getting pregnent, then they shouldnt worry about so - called celibate men is dresses telling them its wrong....
One of the most persistent mistakes made by critics of the crop of celibate gay Christian writers that came together around the blog Spiritual Friendship is the assumption that when we use any language that they don't like (most commonly, though not limited to, the word «gay») to describe our experiences, we are using that language to make ontological claims.
Paul also said that Christians should remain celibate, but to get married if you can't control your loins.
LIke the military's «don't ask, don't tell» policy, the Church accepted what were to be CELIBATE homosexual men into the priesthood.
-LSB-... this] ought not be surprising — except to those who carry a burden of false assumptions about love, celibacy, and their relationship... As a mature man, he took the decision to express his [proven] capacity for love as a celibate in the priesthood... He was choosing to express his love and his paternal instinct spiritually, through the gift of his life in service to others.
By contrast, the class of people who are most responsible for abuse of children is, tragically, peers and family of the children themselves, who are usually not in the celibate state.
The question is not really about a celibate priest loving God more than a married one; that is disingenuous and rather unhelpful.
Of course I do not know if you are married or single, celibate of sexually active so let me put it in terms more relevant.
Certainly we can all, celibate or not, experience sexual attraction as the former urgent drive - this needs to be acknowledged as a temptation to selfishness.
After the Episcopal Church ordained its second openly gay bishop in 2010, Matthews began reading more and eventually embraced a theology that suggests gay Christians do not need to be celibate.
Married men, not embracing continence, can be committed, active and sacrificial in loving their flock, though they can not be as freely moveable or available as a celibate priest.
It seems oddly ironic that someone who has chosen to be celibate (and therefore not have children) suggests that choosing not tphave children (or all the children you could possibly have) «denies the feminine identity» etc..
The great literary critic Frank Kermode wrote of «The Figure in the Carpet» that «Vereker's secret — «the thing for the critic to find» — is not, we infer, the sort of thing the celibate and impotent may look for when they speculate about sex.
The group, which is not explicitly religious, wants GLBT students to feel affirmed in their sexuality, acting as a support network for students struggling with their sexual identity, whether they choose to be openly gay or whether they choose to remain celibate.
He disagreed with me for implying he could not love God as much as a celibate priest because he was married.
But Paul does not use Jesus's celibate life as an example to follow.
But leaders of the group say that gay Christians do not need to be celibate to retain their religious identify.
But to affirm as Mr O'Donnell does that the celibate «is more available and can give himself more to the service of the Lord and his people» (and that this is St Paul's understanding of the «higher vocation of the celibate») is simply to recognise that the celibate priest is freed to love the Lord and his people in a way that is closest to Christ's own loving who «gave himself to the point of laying down his life and came «to serve and not to be served».
It seems that proponents for change aren't interested in the deeper reasons for the Church's unique vision of celibate love, dismissing it as merely a pragmatic discipline.
And not just homosexuals, but single persons of whatever orientation must also remain totally celibate, says Gagnon, till they marry or die.
It's no surprise then, that when the John Jay report (cited in the following answer) examined the causes of sexual abuse, it reported that «it is not clear why the commitment to or state of celibate chastity should be seen as a cause for the steady rise in incidence of sexual abuse between 1950 and 1980».
Furthermore, God has not given celibates the grace to bear a lifetime of solitude.
If a single adult simply can not live the celibate life and is not willing to be married or is simply not emotionally ready for or capable of marriage what are the alternatives that could still be called moral?
In any event, in the text under consideration Aquinas is arguing for the licitness of celibate spousal love, not for the thesis that marriage constitutes a great obstacle to virtue.
Paul was celibate, but he did not appeal to a direct command from the Lord to support his position.
And of course there are tons of women and a lot of men who quietly just go about being celibate, or just decide against sex for a period of time for a wide range of reasons... health, a loss of a partner, not found someone they want to engage with yet, religious preferences.
To some degree, I suppose, it would be akin to choosing to remain a virgin, for those without a strong sex drive, this may not be that difficult, for others it may be a great hardship, but for whatever personal reasons, they choose to stay celibate.
However, such an approach does not adequately take into account human wisdom: although one may argue that an individual of superior wisdom may engender respect and thus attain reproductive success, says Deane - Drummond, the fact that many of those who were thought to have wisdom were celibate makes this explanation unlikely.
It does nt matter than it applies to g - ay celibate catholics.
Every time they point their crooked old «celibate» fingers at you, redouble your efforts to publicize http://JesusWouldBeFurious.Org/ a site that does a fantastic job of exposing not just a few, but a great many, of the flaws of the so - called «True, Holy, Catholic church»!
That male priests should not be celibate — that forces them to go against nature and lie to themselves everyday.
The group I know are single and living celibate lives and in a support group for discipleship and mutual encouragement which they do not find in the church, partly because of the church's mistaken expectation that they could «change if they really wanted to».
Contrary to much current discussion, the problem is not the rule that priests must be celibate.
Celibate gay / lesbian relationships are not condemned.
Some will feel that it undermines his, and others», commitment to living celibate lives to suggest that the Bible says they don't have to.
gay does not = eunuch but you can look up in dictionary... and it actually gives rise that if someone did have the inclination they should be celibate.
Besides so called can be celibate so why not gays?
Another influential sixth - century monastic, Caesarea of Arles, wrote, «The souls not only of nuns, but of all men and women, if they will guard chastity of the body and virginity of the heart... should not doubt that they are spouses of Christ,» and he put forward the spiritual marriage to Jesus in Heaven as reason for remaining celibate while on earth.
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