Sentences with phrase «not committed them to memory»

These rules are even too complex for many financial industry professionals, who also do not understand them and have not committed them to memory.

Not exact matches

Learning the price of a shirt is not something we necessarily want or need to commit to long - term memory.
Even though entrepreneurs aren't committing complex codes to memory, improving one's memory skills can be beneficial.
Commit this phrase to memory: I Am Not The Target.
«Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, when he was about to offer himself once on the altar of the Cross to God the Father, making intercession by means of his death, so that he might gain there an eternal redemption, since his priesthood was not to be extinguished by death, at the last Supper, «on the night that he was handed over», left to his beloved Spouse the Church a visible sacrifice, such as the nature of man requires, by which the bloody sacrifice achieved once upon the Cross might be represented and its memory endure until the end of the age, and its saving power be applied to the remission of those sins which are daily committed by us.»
The challenge is to have the student commit to memory theorems or grammar rules or history facts or piano scales using his or her interest, not eradicating it.
The officially approved textbooks are such that if pupils committed every page to memory they would not know even the most basic Catholic truths.
No I have not committed any of your comments to memory.
«An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know.
I'm trying to make sure I commit all of this to memory I don't ever want to forget!
Since his eyesight doesn't permit him to sit on a dais and refresh off 3 - by - 5 cards before being introduced, the man commits everything to memory the night before.
Though I committed quite a few poems to heart using memory techniques, I still haven't tackled a work of literature longer than «The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.»
If you don't water your houseplants, they may not get angry, but they might commit your misdeed to memory.
They don't want younger males to be seriously committed towards them and simply wish to spend some memorable moments and build lifetime of memories with them.
Well, another Oscars is behind us: we've all come to the realization that we've committed the spellings of «Saoirse» and «Chalamet» to memory forever; we've collectively Googled «inclusion rider» and «Jennifer Lawrence height»; and we've frowned as we realized we should have just picked The Shape of Water in our Oscar pool and not recklessly predicted an upset.
Whether or not Anna deserves to be committed must be left for the film itself to reveal; what is clear is the commitment of the cast and crew to a labyrinthine plot which is worth exploring, even if the ending leaves you wishing you could call a «memory detective» to explain it to you.
You may have devoted countless hours to content development and eLearning course design, but all will be for naught if your learners will not be able to commit what they've learned to long term memory.
After all, problems can arise at any moment, and these problems can quickly become full - fledged performance gaps, especially when they aren't addressed right away and employees commit the wrong information to memory.
Not only does it help to assess an online learner's progress or proficiency, but it helps them review the information and commit it to memory.
It's the form of task not fully requiring that much detailed concentration and in all probability commits little to long - term memory.
The shifter is... not ideal, with a separate P button for Park, but it's easier to understand and commit to memory than similar offerings from Audi and BMW.
Time to commit the name to long - term memory, if not actually learn how to properly pronounce it.
Knowing you can't get through the week without a quick romp through the pleasures of the Department of Justice anti-trust case against the Big Five and Apple, Laura Hazard Owen at paidContent graciously gives you a cocktail - party - length bit of background — commit it to memory for the next time they ask, won't you?
So whether you want to go through this article once, twice, three times, bookmark this page, or even print it out and hang it on your bathroom mirror, we recommend not only committing a lot of this information to memory but
So whether you want to go through this article once, twice, three times, bookmark this page, or even print it out and hang it on your bathroom mirror, we recommend not only committing a lot of this information to memory but actually acting on it.
With the idea of allowing morons like me who don't have the time nor the initiative to commit complicated combos to memory, «Infinite» has an «auto combo» system using the light and heavy attack buttons.
With Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory you'll follow Keisuke Amazawa, the main protagonist accused of a crime he didn't commit, who will have to dive into the Digital World and investigate to prove his innocence, even if that means joining a group of hackers and help them to solve the troubles threatening this mysterious universe.
We've got nothing else to do while we wait for Switch / Breath of the Wild to launch, so why not take this time to commit the game's controls to memory!
It's a quick and easy way for players to know where the best roads are without having committed to memory every single twist and turn, and it allows players to jump right into any mission without having to worry about memorizing all the best routes.The second key element is the possession mode itself, which slows down time so that players can actually take in not only which car they would like to take, but what model car it is and what direction their objective may be going.
Unfortunately, the hardest part about this game is simply learning how best to use your time and committing your options to memory — the gameplay itself is not very difficult at all.
#Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory MC (def name Amasawa Keisuke) was marked for a crime he did nt commit so he go to Hacker's World 8KcY
A vague idea of a budget committed to memory isn't as effective as a real budget documented in a spreadsheet, or on one of several budgeting / savings apps for your smartphone.
If you don't know your annual mileage or your VIN, you should look this up before beginning the quote process, but most of the information providers need will be committed to your memory — your birthday, your address, your vehicle make and model.
Taking driver's education courses online is a great way for your teen to not only learn the rules of the road, but to commit the rules to memory.
Tabs that I had open for ages, so it's not as if I had most of them committed to memory in order to look them up manually.
For example, when a lot of physical memory is installed, a page file might not be required to back the system commit charge during peak usage.
The key is to have it committed to memory, not word for word, but embedded in your mind so you can use it, and any piece of it, at any time.
And you're right about not needing to achieve some sort of «perfect» standard (well put; and I'm committing that one to memory).
Young children won't be able to commit their entire schedule to memory, and even though they may worry about their schedule, they may not immediately think to consult the calendar to calm their fears.
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