Sentences with phrase «not cyberwar»

But again, subversion is not war, and cyber subversion is not cyberwar.

Not exact matches

Not all detrimental activity online need be called «cyberwar,» just as not all actions between states are defined as «war,» says Daniel DobrygowsNot all detrimental activity online need be called «cyberwar,» just as not all actions between states are defined as «war,» says Daniel Dobrygowsnot all actions between states are defined as «war,» says Daniel Dobrygowski.
So if we're talking about war — the real thing, not a metaphor, as in the «war on drugs» — then cyberwar has never happened in the past, is not taking place at present, and seems unlikely in the future.
«Cyberwar has not taken place in the past, is not taking place at present and is unlikely in the future»
«If a potential adversary is making the systems and software that you use,» P.W. Singer, author of Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know, told The Verge, «you don't just have dependency, but also potential vulnerability that can be exploited not just now, but years into the future.»
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