Sentences with phrase «not dangers to their person»

Adult Dating Sites - Dangers To MenThe biggest threats to men on these sites, are not dangers to their person, rather dangers to their wallet.

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He said during the run - up to the 2016 presidential election that «good people don't smoke marijuana» and called it a «real danger
So, when I hear people (who never met Chris) call him a mass - murderer or a coward or a hate - filled killer, I can't help but think about those incidents in Fallujah, in which he willingly put himself in grave danger trying to save lives.
This is not to say that there weren't people warning about the dangers of balancing data privacy and personalization — but how many people knew that it would happen on such a large scale as this?
The danger there is that you have these policy reactions to a couple of companies that have not handled things very well that could end up having unintended consequences people aren't thinking of now.
«But I'm only confident to the level that just ordinary people don't recognize that their free communications are going to be in danger
The governor urged more people to flee, but Houston officials recommended no widespread evacuations, citing greater danger in having people on roads that could flood and the fact that the hurricane was not taking direct aim at the city.
If you wanted to be a contrarian — and you ran a TV network that didn't have sports — you could argue that ESPN was in more danger than it looked, because most people didn't really want to pay for it — they just had to pay for it.
The details of the Chinese and Canadian markets may differ, but the dangers are the same: if officials are unable to pour cold water on smoldering housing costs, they will become a political flashpoint for the struggling poor and young people frustrated about not being able to own a home.
It must be said to the people of Oberammergau that this danger has become a reality, and that the play as it is now performed is not merely worthless but positively harmful to the curious and the faithful who journey to see it.
For them, the words convey danger and an excuse to sin, and they think of people who claim to be Christians but who certainly don't act like it.
The danger is that we take it to mean that God saves people from all bad situations, when the evidence suggests that sometimes he does not.
One doesn't have to doubt the truth of Butterfield's story to see the danger in projecting it onto all gay people.
as though the courageous person looks the danger in the eye, even though the danger is not what the eye wants to see?
Yes, there is a danger of becoming obsessive, pursuing an agenda beyond the point at which God has gently urged you to lay it down, but let's be honest here: this is not the most acute danger facing the people of God across the UK.
Yet while the Afro - Asian peoples are still in a sense unachieved — still not formidable as autonomous and well - constituted powers — there is always a danger that if the Western nations withdraw their interest from them, a vacuum will be formed, a vacuum which Soviet Russia will infallibly try to fill.
Most persons do not consciously think about this danger all the time; and this is good, for we should be utterly terrified and unable to live with any degree of efficiency if we did.
In a global conversation about danger, fear and Syrian refugees, we're seeing a resurgence of the countercultural practice of loving people we don't think are like us — and in extending Gospel - saturated love to them, we realize we are far more similar in our human needs.
People with such views are usually not the intolerant fundamentalists that lack basic logic and as such are a danger to society.
For example, in one speech Hitler said, «In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that, as in the past, so in the years to come He would give His blessing to our work and our action, to our judgement and our resolution, that He will safeguard us from all false pride and from all cowardly servility, that He may grant us to find the straight path which His Providence has ordained for the German people, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right, never to falter, never to yield before any violence, before any danger... I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty... If Providence had not guided us I could often never have found these dizzy paths... Thus it is that we National Socialists, too, have in the depths of our hearts our faith.
Tacitus could not know, nor Pliny, that the group of people whom the one thought a danger to society and the other a set of pig - headed cranks were the vanguard of a body which would take charge of the whole new movement, give it directions, and carry it into ages far ahead.
There is, however, always a danger of dialogue glossing over social abuse, although paradoxically, interfaith activity often does not help to unite religions, but rather it creates an alliance amongst people of different faiths who are committed to social justice and change.
It is important that religion does not allow its otherworldly concerns to anaesthetize people to the reality of the global dangers.
They are used to scoffs, sneers, revilings, danger; our people are not.
Whereas Fackre has enough sense of history to make clear that it is never just a matter of the sum of our individual stories constituting «our story» — but the story of a people in time as God works his purpose out historically — there is the danger that others will not be as historical - minded.
And what are these dangers the author keeps mentioning but not enumerating and how do they compared to the dangers posed by organized religion and other organized philosophies like fascism and communism, «manifest destiny» and other philosophies that those oh so nobly «organized» people have «blessed» us with over the centuries?
The point is not that we should rule the offensive illegal, which is why the courts are correct to strike down efforts to regulate speech that some people do not like, and even most speech that hurts; the advantages of yielding to the government so much power over what we say have never been shown to outweigh the dangers.
This isn't the first time the United States denied asylum to people fleeing danger in their home country.
Centuries ago we used to have the catholics not allowing the bible to be translated into the native tongue because of the «dangers of knowledge», now we have people using a fear tactic that if they know God too well, or know too much about God it will make them unloving.
Bibles were scarce in the days before the printing press, so there wasn't much need to «ban'them from the common folk, and considering how loosely people are interpreting the Bible nowadays is it any wonder that the Church saw the danger in doing this?
It's a danger to young people not to know what they believe and why they believe it, because they are much more sensitive to the accusation of hypocrisy that «you are in a Church, and you don't understand what it believes».
The fact of a person's being gay, does not make him or her a sociopath who is a danger to society.
Neuhaus, I think, implicitly concedes that the danger of recidivism, and not the doctrine of redemption, is the real issue when he acknowledges the need to argue that «there is not a scintilla of evidence that a person who did a stupidly wicked thing many years ago and is repentant and has rendered decades of faithful service without a hint of suspicion poses any threat whatever to children.»
For instance, organizations trying to assist Haitian and Salvadoran refugees to avoid repatriation, or organizations urging boycott of banks doing business with South Africa, or organizations counseling young people not to register for the draft, or organizations protesting increased military expenditures, or organizations demonstrating against nuclear power or against mineral exploration in wilderness areas, are all in danger of losing their tax exemptions for violating «public policy.»
«Of course, people don't want to hear about sin or devil or other dangers and threats, but this is part of the package.
People are developing lung cancer today because they were exposed to asbestos particles in and around shipyards during World War II.26 Technology creates environmental dangers, and knowing about these dangers confronts us with problems; we must make choices that did not exist before.
A home owner in Texas shot and killed his neighbor's gardener who was cleaning a flower bed under a window... The neighbor said he thought the gardener was trying to rob the house... Under the laws in Texas it is legal to kill someone if you think you, or someone else is in danger... this covers property to... The Governor even spoke up in support of the shooter... He was not charged with shooting another man in the back... and killing him... where is common sense... How many innocent people are killed by guns...
«On the one hand, we have somebody who - if he isn't redeemed - faces death or danger or captivity, versus a theoretical possibility that someone could be harmed if these people go back to terror,» he said.
When a Crusade Evangelist gets all the glamor, glitz, and glory of presenting the «Gospel» to millions of people, and the people hear a message about being born again, and then those who respond attend a church without all the glamor, glitz, and glory, and they hear a message about discipleship, following Jesus, danger, famine, persecution, and suffering, they rightfully feel that somebody is not being honest.
It's easy to post rants about the danger of illegal immigration when we haven't spoken to people who have know how difficult the bureaucratic process is.
Hence if you stop blogging are you in danger of not challenging people to move to the next stage?
This is important for all of us to remember: people who are quadraplegic or paraplegic, when otherwise healthy, are not in danger of momentarily going into a medical crisis.
It's not as if people have to exert themselves strenuously or face some danger before they can sit down at the table.
If these «Christians» actually read the bible itself, they would realize that the last thing that Christ himself (who was not some kind of a testosterone hoped up person) would have done was to have placed young people (who he actually called the essence of heaven itself) in more danger than was absolutely necessary.
Jabotinsky interpreted this to mean, «Do not exaggerate; do not see danger where none exists; do not regard a man who does his duty as a hero» for history is long, the Jewish people everlasting, and truth is sacred, but everything else, trouble and care and pain and death, ein davar.»
The dangers of naïveté outside his field of competence should not, however, discourage a person from trying to act responsibly on public issues.
The danger that you run is when people don't pick up those things and read with comprehension, you have people who are very susceptible to demagoguery and I think that's what you see right now: If someone doesn't agree with you, you demonize them and your basic attitude is «You should be in jail.»
With the advent of the professional youthworker, there also came the danger that the church as a whole and parents of teens in particular would feel that they couldn't do the discipling job, that we needed people who watched the same films, wore the same clothes, could bear to listen to the same music, and could actually get as far as Level 2 on a computer game.
«On the one hand, we have somebody who — if he isn't redeemed — faces death or danger or captivity, versus a theoretical possibility that someone could be harmed if these people go back to terror».
But this premise plays differently to people for whom the light of day does not automatically bring safety and the darkness of night does not automatically signal danger.
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