Sentences with phrase «not decay»

Then if we stopped emitting, the ratio would continue to increase simply by having the atmospheric perturbation not decay back to zero infinitely fast.
If you really wanted to sequester carbon, one of the most effective methods is to plant fast - growing trees (i.e. Pulp trees) and sequester the resulting wood products where they would not decay and release CO2 back into the environment (like under the clay cap of a landfill).
Imagine you have some radioactive material that may or may not decay.
In short, your calculation is based on the exchange rate, not the decay rate and the 14C spike is of no help in this case, because that shows a mixture of slow decay rate and fast exchange rate, where the fastest is dominant.
Sorry, but that is not the decay rate for an extra amount of CO2 above equilibrium.
I do see the problem: the 100 GtC / yr (actually 90 GtC / yr is only for the oceans, some 60 or 120 GtC is for the biosphere), is the exchange rate, not the decay rate.
OK, so both C12 and C13 are stable and they are looking for a «plant» signature in burned fuel, not a decay signature.
If you make charcoal out of it, that would still release some CO2, of course — but the carbon that ends up as char coal is held back: Char coal does not decay that quickly (> 1000y) so if you put it into soil instead of burning it, you got THE ONLY CARBON SEQUESTRATION METHOD CURRENTLY KNOWN DOABLE.
The function does not decay to zero, but to 21.7 ppm - so calculating a mean is meaningless - although it is clear from my reading that slower processes which operate over thousands of years have been ignored in the equation.
It has a radioactive isotope (krypton - 81) that decays very slowly, and a stable isotope (krypton - 83) that does not decay.
«The Leveson Report made clear that any press self - regulator would need to be subject to regular inspection over the years to ensure that its standards did not decline and it did not decay into another Press Complaints Commission.
Thou didst not decay.
Mine eye shall not decay.
He had to come back to the grave enter his dead body (a body which can not decay as the body was sinless) and rise from the Dead as He was the Son of God.
Also, his body didn't decay when he was buried, that's why he could come back alive.
The author comes to this conclusion after pointing out that a hamburger she purchased at the Golden Arches 12 years ago and has since kept at her home has not decayed one bit and looks exactly like one someone ordered 5 minutes ago.
Now Yann Mambrini of the University of Paris - Sud in Orsay, France, and colleagues point out that the new Higgs results suggest that the particle isn't decaying into dark matter (
The organic material won't decay and release its carbon as long as it stays frozen.
You don't decay any added money spending at the clubs.
It's supposed to be realistic, but at the same time if you build an attribute up to 30, 50, or 70, it won't decay below that — which is understandable but not realistic at all.
Used ebooks are a hot topic right now, with Apple and Amazon each pursuing a patent over reselling digital content and as a result sparking a debate on the legality, ethics, and morality of a second - hand marketplace for products that don't decay.
If the neutrino is massless then the proton doesn't decay (there's no mass particle that it can decay to that isn't more energetic than it).
Could it be perhaps that CO2 doesn't decay in 20,000 years because it isn't radioactive?
There's weird crap happening far out in the solar system on Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft not being at the position and velocity where theory says they should be and radiothermal power supplies not decaying at rates predicted upon what are axiomatically constant radioactive decay rate of the isotopes like it isn't really a constant at all.
+ Your tiny baker's sweet tooth won't decay with a felt cupcake and muffin set from Sweetie Pie Bakery.
Because plastic doesn't react chemically with most other substances, it doesn't decay.
Managerium has a half - life of three years, at which time it doesn't decay but institutes a series of reviews leading to reorganization.
The fact is, people pay their rent, homes don't decay abruptly, and interest rates can be locked in.
If it wasn't decayed (my luck, LOL), I had planned to finish up an old wooden door that was left in the shed when we bought our house.

Not exact matches

This is not news; the city's decay — the slow letting of its industrial heart's blood, the fleeing of more than half its citizens, the blight that has shuttered tens of thousands of homes and businesses — has been covered extensively by the media.
Decay is the one factor users can't necessarily control, as a posts» age will automatically weaken its EdgeRank.
The Internet Isn't Forever (Longreads and the Columbia Journalism Review) In the 21st century, more and more information is «born digital» and will stay that way, prone to decay or disappearance as servers, software, Web technologies, and computer languages break down.
The company, based in Newport Beach, California, was having problems with some distribution abroad: Its makeup was sold by three British retailers, with 70 percent of sales at Boots, but Urban Decay CEO Tim Warner wasn't happy with how the drugstore was displaying the products.
It is possible, particularly if you and your heirs are very, very independently wealthy and can afford to buy lawyers, judges and congress members by the dozen to beat the tax collector out his many pounds of dead decaying flesh, but it ain't easy.
But this does not mean that guest blogging will be decayed at all.
While it's certain that short - term volatility exchange traded products (ETPs) like VXX, TVIX, and UVXY are doomed to march towards zero, their decay rates are not consistent.
The difficulty is that the Fed can't act on these concerns because the economic situation has started to decay as well.
The implied volatility in options is fairly low here, but to the extent that actual market volatility comes in even lower, we would lose some portion of that 2 % through time decay that we could not recover through active management of the position.
@lunchbreaker: The discovery of dinasour soft tissue does not change the laws of radioactive decay.
He stands on the shoulders of giants to invent (not discover, big diff) what is essentially a doo dad that depends on radioactive decay rates, particle physics etc...
And if at that point I could think or reason which, of course, atheists probably believe I would not be able to do because I would be nothing but decaying matter... I believe that I would be disappointed to not see God as I expected to.
If we do not stop this idiot clamor about private healthcare as being the best in the world and put in place a government supervised universal health care system, the US will crumble and decay within the next 50 years.
You do not know how or when the carbon molecule was created, nor do you know whether the rate of decay was constant (you assume it instead) because you can not measure the conditions in the past.
Quantum mechanics can only in abstract account for decay it does not affect the rate of decay.
But it is not, the same principles that make semiconductors work as predicted make isotopes decay at a predictable rate.
Wells describes the book as the continuation of an enterprise begun in 1989, which aimed to «explore the reasons for the decay of evangelical thinking, and not least in theology.»
Earlier this year the Fox network, showing either the effects of the writers» strike or the signs of social decay, offered a gem of televised exploitation — the kind that repulses you but you can't help watching.
«Our treasury rifled; our credit shaken; the poor laborer asking vainly for his honest wages day after day; the rich official reveling in disreputable gains; an enormous debt heaped upon us we know not how; our schools decaying, our teachers cowering before their Catholic masters; our press, when it ventures to complain, threatened with violence or insulted by offered bribes; the interests of the city neglected, its honorable reputation gone.»
For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol; nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.
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