Sentences with phrase «not doctrinal»

«Fascism is not a doctrinal creed; it is a way of behaving towards your fellow man.
Celibacy is disciplinary, not doctrinal, and there are many married priests within the Catholic Church.
Membership in a philosophical school entailed not doctrinal allegiance but, as Hadot puts it, «the choice of a certain way of life and existential option which demands from the individual a total change of lifestyle, a conversion of one's entire being, and ultimately a certain desire to be and to live in a certain way.»
So in the end it is — or should be — clear that the unity of process philosophy is not doctrinal but thematic; it is not a consensus or a thesis but rather a mere diffuse matter of type and approach.
They are narrative summaries; not doctrinal summaries.
And while this statement from the church leaders is not a summary of the life of Jesus, it is not a doctrinal statement either.
His message was mostly ignored; the Allies thought he was too pro-German, «Papa Boche», and British Catholic leaders continued to support the war effort and emphasise that the pope's stance was not doctrinal but political.
In Matthew 25, the final judgement, where we're all before God, according to Jesus the questions we will be asked are not doctrinal questions.
Ms. Kelly presumes to speak for God to the church, not only is that not doctrinal, but it is not her place.
That's because we're not a doctrinal church.
It's not a doctrinal issue — we do not, for instance, vote every few years on moral standards or doctrines.
But since not all doctrinal statements agree, this means that not all doctrinal statements accurately represent the teachings of Scripture.
Making decisions based on nothing, no facts, no background checks, not doctrinal checks of any sort.
The key to unity, says Paul, is not doctrinal precision or even ethical perfection, but love.
It is not a doctrinal statement, but it is a history of what God has done and what those who have gone before us have believed and practiced.
Please note, this isn't a doctrinal debate, merely a factual one.

Not exact matches

In the current climate, Christians need to be very careful to make sure that the perceived political needs of the hour do not translate into words and actions that can easily be shown by our critics to be highly selective and very inconsistent with respect to our larger doctrinal commitments and convictions.
Perhaps a modern paraphrase for us today would be: «If I have my doctrinal statement nailed down flawlessly and am able to prove myself right by quoting verses to support my theology, but do not have love, I am dead wrong.»
Sorry, but I can't recall ever commenting on your doctrinal beliefs.
Doctrinal pluralism, despite its intellectual incoherence, will work so long as something akin to Liberal Protestantism is held by the leadership of the church and so long as those who are not Liberal Protestants acquiesce.
His opposition to God is doctrinal: he denies «the Father and the Son»; he refuses to «confess Jesus»; he will «not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.»
There remain both «federal conservatives» and «federal liberals» (as the English Evangelical Graham Kings has put it), both groups of which, for all their doctrinal differences, share the belief that Anglicanism as a communion does not matter all that much.
The Lord is in the process of gathering living stones to form the new covenant temple to be located in, not separated by doctrinal - opinion - church - buildings, but the territorial locality whose believers will be one Heart, Mind, and one in judgment, so the leaven of sin may not, can not, drag others down.
Wells begins by positing two kinds of spirituality present within evangelicalism, distinguished in his view not so much by different doctrinal starting - points as differing priorities assigned to moral reasoning.
Mormons are not supposed to be Christian because we have some doctrinal differences with other Christian groups of today.
I realize that people often paint Christians with a broad brush and I don't complain much about it because I assume they don't understand all of the doctrinal details.
Maybe there are some who believe that but it is not based in their doctrinal beliefs.
At the Houston convention, the insistence was that these are differences in practice, not in doctrine, thereby allowing the LCMS to be free of doctrinal disputes.
But even if it were true, it wouldn't change the fact that apostolic exhortations these days are used to support doctrinal and pastoral errors.
While he allows that doctrinal debates about Christ and the Trinity are of only antiquarian interest, he comes out for what he calls a «redemptive process» in which good people do not give up on the goal of establishing the kingdom of God on earth.
Christianity doesn't allow any deviation from strict doctrinal Christianity either, and many are the heretics who've been burned or crushed or drowned or beheaded for their apostasy.
doctrinal statement is the root to denominationalism, as Jon pointed out and if I don't want to be something, it's to be «just an other» denomination.
And while it might be tempting to believe that any serious doctrinal disagreement can be resolved if both sides simply listen to one another, sadly, that isn't always the case.
Add to that the variety of doctrines / Theologies within orthodox Christianity... with Consensus on a very small Core of Truths: God Is, We are not God, Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Salvation is Through Faith / Belief in Him... there is much that lacks Consensus and there are mountains of arguments and counter-arguments for each doctrinal / Theological position.
I don't like pointing out other Christians doctrinal errors as I know that this side of eternity I will never be completely right and it is not our duty to point out Christ's servants faults.
I want to mention that, when speaking to pastors and others about the Calvinism debate, they will often say that it really doesn't matter, because these doctrinal issues are not «essential.»
We aren't told what Thompson believes now» and his art does not require us to place him in any doctrinal camp» but by the end of Habibi he seems to have least worked his way to a beautiful observation: «God's followers worship not out of the hope for reward nor fear of punishment but out of love.»
But this is not solely in this Doctrinal division but I see it also in Pre-Trib vs Post-Trib as well.
With doctrinal statement, we don't need God anymore to tell us the truth: we got it!
Furthermore, the two most notorious pedophiles, Boston priests John Geoghan and Paul Shanley, trained at the same pre-Vatican II seminary and began their abuse before 1968, and many of the bishops at the center of the scandals — Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston and Cardinal Edward Egan of New York come to mind — are not known for doctrinal or disciplinary laxity.
Full disclosure: I'm starting another website, and while it is not a church, it is built for churches, and I am trying to decided whether I should have a doctrinal statement or not.
I bear witness that we can believe in the «right» things, that have all our doctrinal ducks in a row, but if our lives aren't icons of the incredible abundant and hospitable extravagance of our God, if we aren't bearing good fruit, if our roots aren't going down into the artesian wells of renewal and redemption and restoration, well, then, that is something but it is not grace and it isn't a tree of life.
Lutheran theology's antinomian tendency makes it perhaps more vulnerable than the other Reformation traditions in spite of the countervailing forces of its sociology and its doctrinal tradition, although here and there an older methodology, which understands that the Gospel does not negate the commandments, lives side by side with neo-Lutheranism and makes possible at least a tentative no to the likes of the task force.
We do not aim in preaching at mere information transfer or persuasion of doctrinal truths.
I do not lean towards the left hand view, that Biblical Christianity is primarily Doctrine, and when needed, should have doctrinal enforcement.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
Whilst Pierre Teilhard de Chardin may not have been renowned for his doctrinal orthodoxy few would deny his perceptiveness in grasping modern scientific trends.
I trust the Spirit to lead me as I go back to scripture, not to doctrinal creeds or catechisms recognizing that I will probably never understand it all fully.
This formula does not appear in the Doctrinal Decree of the Council (a profession of faith called the Lateran Creed), but in a second section devoted to the errors of Abbott Joachim.
It would be easy for a campus ministry group to wink and nod toward their evangelical ancestors, pointing to a doctrinal statement that doesn't exactly say the right things but doesn't contradict them either, while buying political protection and cultural shelter through equivocation and virtue signaling.
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