Sentences with phrase «not encourage thinking»

We are filmmakers and not educators, but what we've learned over the course of making this film is that in this country, a traditional education does not encourage thinking, instead it encourages conforming to a system that doesn't value the individual child and completely misses the point when it comes to learning.
Our analysis also suggests two characteristics of religious involvement that do not encourage thinking about responsibilities to the poor.

Not exact matches

But people are being encouraged to save for retirement and save as well outside of their pensions and RRSPs, so I don't think it would make sense to change the rates.»
Employees are encouraged to regularly dissect each other's thinking to determine the root of decision - making, to rate each other's performance using a proprietary iPad app called «Dots,» and to send an audio file to any person mentioned in a meeting — which isn't an outlandish practice internally, since all meetings, with few exceptions, are either digitally recorded for audio or video.
«A lot of us joined this administration thinking we could bring to it the experience and expertise that the president didn't have an opportunity to gain in his business career, and to encourage some restraint in what he says publicly and to our allies,» said one senior official who is contemplating whether to resign.
But, if I could slip into inner indignant old fogey mode for a moment, do we really want to encourage a generation of kids into thinking they can sing, when they really can't?
«While I think all vendors that work with Amazon Whole Foods are encouraged by what's possible, longtime partners of Whole Foods are certainly looking at it with trepidation because of what we don't know,» says Michael Palmer, who runs the ice cream brand McConnell's.
Offering your team unlimited vacation days — and taking them yourself — encourages not just staycations or a lazy beach break but also more experiential travel to faraway places that can open up a person to new ways of thinking.
«I'm trying to encourage people to not think about the gig economy like driving for Uber or working part - time because they need to.»
«We're encouraging employees to ask them less and less,» he says, «because we don't think it gets to the meat of what we're trying to find out about the candidate.»
In the example of Thacker's client who frequently told himself «That's not going to work,» Thacker encouraged him to challenge the thought, asking, «How do I know that?»
Teams are encouraged to focus on passion related projects and think of Microsoft not as a 42 - year - old company but as a challenger organization with Day 1 in its DNA.
Cannon encourages his people to think differently: «I try to instill in my teams that they are leaders, not managers,» he explains.
But for the billion kids under the age of 15 around the world who didn't get this opportunity, I chatted with Herjavec about what families and parents could do to encourage entrepreneurial thinking in their children.
But he encouraged the team to think of deployment as a starting point, not an end goal.
When it comes to money, John cautioned business owners against blowing large sums on things they don't need — like expensive websites when a Facebook page would be more strategic — and encouraged them to be just as cautious when thinking about accepting funding.
«Besides looking at a top - down strategy to recognize the power of design in organizations, the other side is to encourage a bottom - up look by promoting educational and traditional design craft, and introducing design thinking into engineering or MBA programs, where people don't think of themselves as designers in the traditional sense of the word,» said Hayes.
The thinking is that, as the bond buying has not worked, then the best way to keep business flowing (and markets steady) would be to keep rates low, which encourages, at least theoretically, companies to borrow, expand and grow the economy.
While some of the recent data have been encouraging — I am thinking in particular of the latest data on exports, employment and business sentiment in our BOS — they do not support a forecast of above - potential growth by themselves.
Recreational areas — areas that aren't typically found in a traditional office space can encourage creative thinking.
And if not why and whenever you can kind of come to that analysis and you think well why am I hanging out with this person who makes fun of me every time I'm with them and who encourages me to do these habits that are not good habits.
In fact, she intended to take some time off but was encouraged by former investors and mentors to jump straight into Pearachute, an idea she says «couldn't stop thinking about.»
And they don't encourage you to think beyond passing the exams... I wanted to quit college.
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I don't think that is the answer, because a cap on wages would only encourage the development of a more opaque and complex system.
USDA loan advantages should encourage home buyers to check with their lender, even if they think they are not eligible due to geographic or income restrictions.
While not the same, does anyone not think that the U.S. government doesn't follow, influence, encourage and support the activities of its multinationals in areas considered of economic and strategic importance to the United States?
This not only increases our potential reach, but also helps enhance our employees» (and therefore our company's) statuses as industry thought leaders and helps create transparency, by allowing and encouraging interaction with our company's staff as individuals.
I think countries within the eurozone also should lift some of their controls to allow their economies to be freer, which would encourage growth, because Europe doesn't have a high - growth potential at the moment.
However, I see nothing wrong with encouraging women to carry to term then put the child up for adoption, just like I don't think it is bad to encourage them to use condoms, as well as other forms of birth control.
Allowing gay marriage is not encouraging it — do you actually think that straight people will decide to become gay?
If rational thought, the scientific method and observation disprove a deeply held belief I am not displeased, but in fact encouraged.
A religion that is not proactive in prosletizing / evangelising is a worthless religion in my view... at the very least it has no love for neighbor... it is a religion its holders apparently think not worthy to encourage others to follow.
He encourages us to not fall into the trap of following our first overwhelmed response to a problem and give up, but to think again and work for a solution to the challenge.
wasn't so wisely thought afterall and it's far from promoting, encouraging acceptance of people around us as Jesus so much had tried to teach to His Disciples and spread true gospels..
It was Christ who encouraged the fair treatment of women... God who commands us not to neglect the poor and to feed orphans and widows... God who insisted that field owners leave part of the crop behind to be picked up by hungry gleaners... God who said men should not take advantage of one another by charging interest... Christ who attacked the Pharisees for their rigid thinking and superiority complex toward Samaritans... How are my values inconsistent with the teachings and actions of God?
But being very tolerant, they also encouraged us constantly to think for ourselves and not to blindly follow everything.
He said: «I think they'll be encouraged that they're not a forgotten army.
I think the billboards intent was to encourage those folks who already are atheists but don't feel comfortable with the label.
While I don't consider it «obviously stupid» for anyone to wear clothing which expresses his commitment to his religion and encourages morality, I do think it's pretty stupid to write a post with your ignorance blatantly pasted all over it.
I could give you other examples, but I think these are enough to demonstrate that in practice Christianity encourages good behavior with promises of rewards and discourages bad behavior with threats of punishments, whether you're willing to admit it or not.
For the most part, the churches I have come across, do not encourage free thinking.
Religious people use a lot of jargon to encourage people to think in sound bites and not spend too much time thinking about they're saying.
Julie - I was especially encouraged and thought of you while reading a particular passage because it is about the story of a woman who was assaulted and not believed... and then about the way that it was necessary for there to be a public forum where she could claim and own her experience.
The college I was at encouraged free thinking and did not prescribe what one shoulf conclude on this.
We don't encourage people to use their own minds and find their own connection to God, we instruct them in the proper ways to think and make them say or sign oaths indicating their conformity.
Assuming the reading material was not that which encourages violations of Exodus 34:16, and related material, then that cause for being fired is even worse than being fired for daring to think that perhaps what he was doing, was not what Jesus taught.
If understanding, the thought is that the bible authors were encouraged to write these things about God but that they're not true.
I watched the show, and am a American caucasin female from a very rural, but not southern area.I found the show interesting and thought provoking.Just as in our own Judio - Christian religions, women are expected to be somewhat subserviant and makes our American Islam citizens seem pretty much like any other citizens.I found this to be a good and humanizing feature.If you love U.S.A., and are a citizen you are the same as anyone else.Just encourage each other and us, too.
It is not easy... Thank you David for encouraging us to think and to search and to dare to question...
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