Sentences with phrase «not endless demand»

Consider that many teachers expect kids to also use the bathroom during the lunch / recess break, so that there is not endless demand for the bathroom pass and a steady parade back and forth during instructional time.

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It's not easy to handle challenges that feel endless, with each demand as important as the last.
Unlike a loan, internet consulting factoring does not require a time - consuming application with endless demands for documents that can take valuable time away from running your business.
The laws, the demands, the endless fight against those who do not believe as you, all these things lead toward the downfall of the church.
And in truth just this demand for complete obedience which involves the whole man takes a heavy burden from man, however paradoxical this sounds; for he is now set free from the endless and useless task of searching for commands and prohibitions which he must know in order to act rightly; from the fear of having failed here and there because he did not know the scriptural precept or its right interpretation; from the contempt which was felt for the people who did not know the Law.
After all, who doesn't want a body that can generate endless amounts of explosive power on demand, right?
Rose and Adams (2014) discussed the pedagogy of care for online instructors and argued that the obligations of the online teachers include not only care for the students, but also for the course itself: the technological artifact, with its seemingly endless demands for their attention.
Not only are you demanding we read endless mountains of rancid slush, you're also demanding we buy your crap even as you insult us.
On the flip side, mutual fund units can have an endless supply and are not impacted by demand.
At other times the pacing becomes just a bit odd with around five battles in a row demanding you use the Rage meter, which sees you pummeling endless enemies until you can charge it up, and then after that you won't get to use it for a few hours again.
I could give endless examples of how media production companies in North America, Europe, and Japan have responded to fan demands for more female representation in video games, but I'd like to emphasize that the active and creative fans who thrive in social mediascapes do have voices that are heard not just by their peers but also by the senior producers whose positions they will one day inherit.
We didn't want to set a precedent that would allow those looking to smear scientists, to go down this endless road of subjecting scientists to vexatious demands that would basically tie us up — we wouldn't have any time to even do research any more.
Ultimately, The Circle is a riff on George Orwell's 1984 where Big Brother is the online world at large — the internet's endless demand for validation and response, the fear of missing out, the fear of not having a presence.
This can be particularly useful when you're sick of an game demanding that you come back and play, or any other app that continues to send endless streams of notifications through which you don't want.
The demand for houses will continue to be driven by what should be an endless supply of new buyers coming into the market, not annually, not even monthly but daily.
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